Photo Rita Dakota from "Instagram": How the star looks in ordinary life


Rita Dakota is a mansion among the stars of show business, surprising fans and colleagues not only with their work, but also cautious comments on the most burning topics. Despite the fact that the performer and the author of the texts for the compositions of the top singers do not have producer and investors, the popularity of Dakota Rita is only increasing. This is partly due to a loud divorce with Vlad Sokolovsky, and partly with active charity and bold statements in a personal instagram account.

The editorial office of 24cmi prepared material on how the Rita Dakota looks like in ordinary life.

As the Rita Dakota itself notes, the divorce with Vlad Sokolovsky gave a powerful impetus for self-development and self-education. The singer studied the works of such speakers as: John Kekho, Joe Dispens, Anthony Robbins, Elena Blinovskaya, Michael Roach and others. Now every morning, the star of show business does not work out without planning, meditations, breathing practices, sound therapy.

Harmony in thoughts leads to harmony in the style of clothing. Pop punk-outfits (for which Rita Dakota more than once compared with Avril Avalani) changed more concise images in the style of Casual, which are easily combined with each other. But the favorites in the wardrobe performer still remain massive black shoes and leather jacket Oversiz.

Dakota Rita Rita Color Gamma is an abundance of natural shades: khaki, beige, cream, white, black and blue. The basic wardrobe of the artist makes the crop-tops of different models, free sweatshirts with inscriptions and baggy pants-cargo. Also, the actress often puts jeans and jeans from denim, giving preference to light shades.

Rita Dakota often spends polls in "Instagram", trying to find out what kind of fans see it. Part of the subscribers pay attention to the tattoos, believing that without them the actress would look more attractive. However, in annotations to one of the photos, the performer replied that behind each tattoos is a story that complements its image. In addition, in honor of the release of the album "Freacies of whales" Rita Dakota and her beloved Fedor Belogai (as well as the army of fans) made tattoos with images of whales.

About how Rita Dakota looks like in ordinary life without cosmetics, it does not have to talk - the author of the songs is not shy to appear in the Storsith "Instagram" without makeup. The girl is confident that natural beauty, face care and healthy hair attracts attention more than tons of "plaster". In the photo in the microblog, the artist looks naturally due to everyday make-up, which includes: light sculpture, application of the Rumen, lipstick of nude shades and black carcasses on the eyelashes.

With the color of hair Rita Dakota prefers not to experiment, so fans are accustomed to long light curls. In 2019, the artist admitted that he found her "perfect surfership blond". Looking attractive and maintain the figure of Rita Dakota help permanent workouts and nutrition. The singer does not eat dairy products and meat.

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Free time, Rita Dakota devotes to communicating with the daughter of Mia and reading books. Like other caring mothers, the artist is engaged in the study of pedagogical literature. In one of the publications in Instagram, the singer admitted that it was not indifferent to the work of such writers as: Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Bernard Verber, Daniel Kiz, Fedor Dostoevsky, Georges Sand and others.

The Isle of Bali, who presented the girl not only endless energy, but also happiness in his personal life, believes its "place of power". Fyodor Belogai, the current chief of the artist, is actively involved in the work of the beloved, being the director of the Clips "Electricity" and "New Lines".

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