Alex Rousseau (character) - photo, "Wizards from Waverly Place", Selena Gomez, actress, Justin Rousseau


Character History

Alex Rousseau (the full name of Alexandra Margarita Rousseau) is the main heroine of the American comedy series "Wizards from Waverly Place", as well as two full-length feature films. The wizard, played by the actress Selenaya Gomez, is trying to live as an ordinary teenager, constantly getting into comic situations because of his abilities.

History of character creation

Executive producer of Project Todd J. Grivald was going to call the main heroine of Julia in honor of his daughter. According to the idea, the girl grew in the family together with the twin Brother Jordan.

However, later the creators of the series thought that such names would call confusion from the show "Just Jordan", broadcasting on the Nickelodeon channel. Also decided to add an even younger brother to the family, and to remove the idea with twins to uniqueize each character film.

Therefore, Alex, Justin and Max have become the main characters in the film. For Selena Gomez Invitation to this project meant the first major role in her biography. The picture used their own songs actresses, including one composition became the official soundtrack for the TV series. In Russian, Elvira Ishmuratova voiced the role.

The showing of the pilot series took place on October 12, 2007, the final episode was shown in 2012. The series in the genre of Sitkom, filled with sarcastic quotes, was calculated for a teenage audience. Relations between classmates, conflicts with parents, first relations - all this is exacerbated if it comes to wizards.

Two full-length films of IT's A Laugh Productions, a subsidiary of Walt Disney, in which the same actors were starred as in the series. Family fantastic comedy "Wizards from Waverly Place in the Cinema" received the Emmy Prize in the "Best Children's Program" nomination.

Image and biography Alex Rousseau

The main storyline in the series is a Russian family, consisting of five people. The father of the main character, Jerry, lost his magic force due to love for a woman. According to tradition, in the family there can be only one magician. Who will be to them - solves some competition. Jerry won him, but preferred the usual life, conveying the right to conjure his native brother.

But the man with Italian roots did not stop loved by magic. On Tuesday and Thursday, Jerry suits classes with children, teaching them spells. Teresa is an ordinary woman without superposses. She is Spanish, which manifests itself in her explosive character. Together with her husband, Teresa holds the eaterial "Waverly Place".

The elder brother of the Main Heroine - Justin Rousseau is a very capable wizard who diligently learn and tries to please the Father. Alex is the opposite to him. She sees only a way to get some benefit in magic.

So, for example, in the pilot series, the girl sought to get on a 10-minute sale, which, to her regret, was carried out during her father's classes. Jerry forbade the daughter to donate from the lessons of magic, so it with the help of a magic wand and spell created her clone. True, the deception quickly revealed, because of which the girl received a double punishment.

Almost no one knows that the Russian family is wizards. However, in the middle of the series, the schoolgirl tells the truth with his best friend - Harper Finn.

Description of the first season - completely magical failures of the main character. At some point, Alex discovers talent to drawing and decides that it does not want to compete with the brothers for the title of the only wizard in the family.

The girl visits high school where he is constantly faced with the main opponent - Ji Ji. Ji Ji considers himself the most popular and beautiful, she puts glamorous outfits, bright makeup and demonstrates her superiority in front of Harper and a wizard.

Alex is the complete opposite of Ji Ji. Her image of the "harmful congestion" causes sympathy, although the first impression of the character is twofold. Bunkarka girl, unlike Justin Rousseau, is not interested in becoming a "pride" family sincerely. Rather, this goal is caused only by the desire to pump his brother.

It can easily be loaded, fool and do the way it is profitable for her. But in the soul of the heroine of the comedy television series is very good and compassionate. A case-sowed egoism and arrogant behavior - like a protective mask. The audacity and explosive character and are not normal for adolescents in transition. Therefore, Alex and looks against the background of a diligent and hardworking brother not in the best light.

Such competition with Justin does not affect the sincere love between them. And even though the wizard often argues and quarrels with him, secretly she dreams of at least a bit like him. Parents, demonstrating the location to the eldest son, only add oil into the fire. As a result, hostility and jealousy of the girl are broken in the form of a scandal and mockery.

So, for example, in the series "The Werewolf", Justin turns into a dog because of a kiss with a girl-clutch. At the end of the episode, Alex still called the Father, to argue his brother, although before that he gave the will of sarcastic ridicule towards a confused guy.

With Max Rousseau, the younger brother, the heroine has mutually beneficial relationships. The boy often covers the sister, for which he gets some gifts.

The girl over the series is a romantic relationship with ordinary guys and representatives of the Magic World. In the first season, she meets with another student named Riley, but for a long time this connection has not lasts.

Serious love experiences from Alex summoned Dean Moriarty - a new student who recently entered the middle school. Not too pleasant history happened to him - the wizard wrote about his feelings in the diary, which stole and read Ji Ji. Rousseau had to confess Dina's sympathy earlier than her main enemy would have done.

Relations prevented another wizard - Ronald Longkeyp Jr.. He turned into Dina and broke with Rousseau to meet her himself. The girl agreed, but after he found out the truth about the deception. In the 3-4 seasons, the main character is in relationship with Mason - a man-worn.

Style Alex Rousseau

Alex Rousseau performed by Selena Gomez brightened in a comedy show from 2007 to 2012. It is not surprising that during this time the kinochoroid changed more and style more than once.

In the first season, the audience saw the present Torch. This is a teenager with long hair and bright clothes. The girl begins to experiment with hairstyles - she has long curls, then a short haircut, then a charming tail.

Mini skirts and shabby shirts are replaced by feminine blouses and even dresses. But most often the heroine wears jeans and t-shirts. Such a youth style is close to both actresses playing this character. And both prefer natural makeup and laying. In the photo, for example, it is difficult to understand - there is Selena Gomez in the image of his kinherogeni or not.

In recent seasons, the girl "grows up" to the feminine wardrobe. She puts on beautiful dresses, walks in high boots on heels.

Interesting Facts

  • Alex was born in the rear seat of a taxi with number 804.
  • Wearing tight boots not only feminine, but also convenient. Rousseau hides in the right boogle magic wand.
  • The authors of Sitkoma when creating the main character were inspired by another magician from the American series "Sabrina - a small witch."


I'm not lazy! I just love to relax. This is my hobby! If it is purposefully to go to my dream, it will come true. The press loves the sofa and TV.


  • 2007-2012 - "Wizards from Waverly Place"
  • 2009 - "Wizards from Waverly Place in Cinema"
  • 2013 - "Return of Wizards: Alex against Alex"

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