Frunzik Mkrtchyan: 2020, biography, personal life, cause of death, children, movies


He was called the sest comic comic of Soviet cinema. And he continued to play, with tweet, but bright images embodying on the screen and scene, bright images, which were in the soul to the numerous fans of the talent for a long time. On July 4, 2020, Frunzik Mkrtchyan would celebrate his 90th anniversary. Unfortunately, the artist left his life in the 1993rd - the cause of the death of the doctors called the heart attack.

On the entertaining details of the personal life and the creative biography of the actor - in the material 24cmi.

1. "Outstanding" personality

Despite the specific appearance, Frunzik Mkrtchyan never shunted his own nose. From the small years, the actor was not asked why this part of his face is so outstanding. He was more interested in another - why the rest of the noses are so small. Such an approach in the end allowed Mkrtchyan not to comprehensive and with humor to respond to frequently asked questions about his "main attraction".

According to the memoirs of colleagues, as soon as Frunzik appeared in the Yerevan theater, immediately began to joke and tell the jokes about his own nose. So soon on the peculiar profile of the artist, the troupe comrades at all ceased to pay attention.

2. not by the parent plan

As a child, Mkrtchyan loved to draw. So the father of the future celebrity Museg was sure that the Son expects the fate of the artist. And therefore for a long time did not want to take a new passion for our own offspring - the theater with which Frunzik "fell ill" from 10 years. Father considered a similar choice of Mkrtchyan juniorly frivolous.

Only personally making sure the talent from his children from his children - visited the speeches of the drama, which visited FRUNZIK, - Musheg gave "Good".

3. Marital tragedy

Frunzik Mkrtchyan was married three times. About the first spouse artist knows little. Only the name is Knar. Yes, that she was an actor's classmate at the Institute. Family life in young people did not work out, and they quickly fled.

Donara Ploshan became the second wife - her viewers could see in the Caucasian Captive Comedy. In the film Gaidai, she performed the role of spouses uncle Nina Jabrail, played by Mkrtchyan. From Donara Frunzik was crazy, but the family was waiting for the trouble - it turned out that the woman suffers from a hereditary mental disorder.

The disease, unfortunately, from the mother was transferred to the son - Vazgen. But the first daughter of Nune, in 1998, who died after surgery to remove a malignant tumor, managed to give the granddaughter of Gayane to the artist. Now she lives in Argentina, in Buenos Aires.

Tamara Oganesyan became the last wife Frunzik, the daughter of the chairman of the Armenian Union of Writers. However, this marriage did not. Yes, and the children had no children.

4. Love people

They say that Mkrtchyan in Armenia could calmly live without money and documents. He was so loved that they were ready in the markets and in stores to give goods for free. At the artist, the crowds went thirsty of his fans. And instead of a passport, his sad eyes could be combined and an outstanding profile.

5. "Music surname"

In the theater, the artist jigged the picker cellist - Frunzik when meeting the question about where he studied, a joke replied that he ended up "Music Technical School of Cello Class." When they asked to play, it was twisted - they say, why is it, because there is a document.

6. Heavy Nosa

Artist's friends remember that he seriously began to drink after the 2nd wife put a disappointing diagnosis. As a result, this disastrous habit was the cause of death in the 63-year-old age - the heart could not stand. Moreover, they celebrate acquaintances, even having got drunk at the wheel of Mkrtchyan remained sober, perfectly coping with the car control on the mountain roads.

7. Sunny Frunze

The younger brother of Artist Albert told that Frunzik Mkrtchyan had 2 passports. In one in the column "name", Frunze was recorded - parents called the Son in honor of the commander of the civil war. In another passport, the name "MER", which means "light", "sunny", which artist preferred to call himself, "said representatives of the Armenian diaspora in Beirut, where the artist came during the tour of the Yerevan Theater.

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