Splinter (character) - pictures, "ninja turtles", rat, teacher, was a man


Character History

Splinter - a wise mentor and a mutant rat, who became the adopted father of the ninja turtle. He is charged to the merit of learning wards of martial arts. But the story of his life in various media modes varies.

History of character creation

The character debuted in May 1985 in American black and white comics Mirage Studios publishing house. The authors of the ideas were two self-taught artists - Peter Lard and Kiveman Eastman. Evenings, sitting in front of the TV, Eastman drew caricatures. These were the first sketches to the full-fledged ninja turtle comic.

The commercial success of the project was expressed in popularizing the plot in animated series and full-length films. Brand and today is in demand - toys, glasses in the style of turtles-ninja, applying pictures for children's goods, computer games and much more.

The name of Splinter means in the translation of the "shard", "zanoz" or "pinch". The meaning of these options is one - fragment. That is, the name of the mutated rat shows that this character, in fact, turns out to be part of something. In the context of "Ninja Turtles", Sensei was, and remains inextricably linked with the main characters.

But the character's own biography can be traced in several interpretations. For example, a series protagonist in some media embodiments was a person who under the influence of mutation becomes rat. At the first appearance in comics, the spinner appears pet. But his image as a spiritual mentor, teachers and masters of eastern martial arts do not change for more than 30 years.

Image and History of the Splinter

Character creators detailed portrait of a spiner. Thus, in the comics of the rat mutant is described with an increase of 149 cm and weighing 72 kg. In addition to martial arts, the teacher is fond of cooking, meditation and reading. Contrary to stereotypes, Sensei not only eats cheese, but also adores tea and sushi.

The mutant appears as a guardian of four teenagers-turtles. The following describes events that anticipating the transformation of the hero into a humanoid rat. Initially, the pet lived in the cell of Master Hamato Yoshi. An animal with interest repeated the techniques and movements of the owner, when he trained.

Hamato Yoshi also led the clan of the greatest ninja killers fighting on the side of good. The masters had a friend - Oroka Nagi. It so happened that both of them fell in love with the same woman. Because of the jealousy, the fight was struggling between them, from which the winner of Joshi was released.

But the story received a continuation - the nephew of the murdered, orok Saki, began to pursue the masters to take revenge on Uncle. At first he became a student, and then, when he mastered the skill of martial arts, attacked the coach.

The sprore managed to get out of the cage, and the animal pounced on Orchok, leaving the scar on his face. However, the rat forces did not have enough to save Hamato Yoshi. From the feeling of one's own worthlessness, the pet hid in the sewage. There, a comic character, because of contact with Mutagen, turned into a human-like rat.

The same participation did not escape four turtles, which for the same reason mutated. The adoptive father began to teach their eastern martial arts, giving each unique name - Rafael, Leonardo, Donatello and Michelangelo.

There is another, no less exciting version of the character's biography. According to the cartoon history, the Splinter is Hamato Yoshi himself. Achievements of the head of the murderer clan did not please his enemy Schirdra (Orok Saki). The treacherous man sought to shift the leader.

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To do this, he at the meeting with the elders disgraced the master. When Hamato had to worship and express respect, the shredder nailed his kimono to the wall. The elders perceived it as a disrespectful attitude. And seeing the knife, who pulled out Yoshi, and accused the masters at the murder attempt. After the former leader was expelled, his place was taken by Schirdder.

And Hamato was in the sewerage, where his reincarnation took place. In order to resist the Ninja Turtle Team, Schröder created a group of mutants - roksti and bibopa - a rhinoceros and man-kaban man.

The change of biographical information comes with the appearance of the character. At the very beginning, the master splitter looks like an ordinary rat, only gigantic growth. Later he had more human traits, and the protagonist himself becomes more powerful. More often, the hero goes to kimono, they use everything as a weapon, and applies a stick to punish his pupils "in feeling".

Another distinctive feature of the Splinter is a love for wise thoughts and aphorism. He loves to read and meditate and seeks to convey his knowledge to sons. The mentor wishes them to not know the betrayal and treachery of friends, since he himself came across this repeatedly.

Splinter in films

In 1987, the first cartoon series about the adventures of the Splinter and Ninja Turtles was released on the screens. It was in this cartoon that the home rat stopped being such, and found a new biography in the face of Hamato Yoshi. The series lasted until 1996, and Viktor Petrov and Vyacheslav Bogachev voiced Mutoving Teacher.

The character in the Cartoon of 2012, sprinkled by Nickelodeon Animation Studio, was different from the original life story. So, this hero initially bought turtles in the store. After being mutated with them, I was forced to try on the role of the spiritual mentor. In this series, the Splinter is repeatedly dying and in the image of the spirit helps adopted children.

In 1990, the first feature film based on the 1987 animated series came out in the United States. The script is replayed in the picture - a flask filled with radioactive substances falls into the sewer. Already after mutation, the bugs find Sensei and fight against the main villain - Schirdra. This film is deprived of computer animation, and the actors depicting mutants were changed into costumes. Kevin Klash played in the role of a manoid rat.

In 2014, a superhero-ninja turtle fighter was released on the screens. The role of Eypril in the fate of the Splinter in this picture is high. It turns out that the father of the girl, when the daughter was small, put the experiments on her pet pets - turtles and rat. Becoming an adult, the journalist learns that they survived and turned into defenders of the city.

Despite the fact that the film paid off at the box office, filming reviews were not rainbow. The audience did not like the realistic appearance of mutants, and the situation did not save even sparkling character jokes.

Sicvel 2016 was perceived loyal. Sprinkled quotes, a much more lively plot, acting - were taken into account and corrected minuses of the previous picture.

Interesting Facts

  • The description of the legend in comics says that the spinner found turtles in the cheese of garbage, among which the paintings of artists were lying. Therefore, he decided to call them the names of them.
  • The 1990 Film Budget was $ 13 million. During the rental, the picture collected more than $ 200 million, which made it the most successful commercial project of that time.
  • The spinner loved to read, and the "desktop" book for him was the work of "Chrysanthemum and Sword: the model of Japanese culture" of the American anthropologist Ruth Benedict.


For the leader there is no excuse. You have to let go of your pain. Forget the feeling of guilt. The true warrior accepts what cannot be changed. The maintenance is the key to success. The day where your hat hangs.


  • 1987-1996 - "Ninja Turtles" (USA)
  • 2003-2010 - "Ninja Turtles" (USA)
  • 2012-2017 - "Ninja Turtles" (USA)
  • 1990 - "Ninja Turtles" (USA)
  • 2014 - "Ninja Turtles" (USA)
  • 2016 - "Ninja Turtles 2" (USA)

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