Evgenia Grishechkin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Instagram" 2021



Evgenia Grishechkin could become an economist, but decided to try himself in a humorous genre. She became famous as a popular blogger and the star of the channel "Sour cream TV."

Childhood and youth

Evgenia Grishechkin was born on November 8, 1989. About her early biography and family knows little. After completing studies at school, the girl decided to receive economic education. She entered the St. Petersburg State Economic University, which graduated in 2011.

During his studies at the university, Zhenya led an active student life, participated in creative amateur. After the diploma was in her arms, the girl continued to perform on stage. Thanks to the excellent sense of humor, Grishechkin easily fit into the KVN team "5 Avenue". She performed at the Games of the Interregional Central League "Caspian", went to the festivals and helped in creating numbers, and then decided to leave.

In 2016, Eugene with a former colleague on the KVN team appeared in the Komik laugh project, where he showed parodies on the relationship between men and women. Participants managed to win 20 thousand hryvnias that they wanted to spend on "debts and parachute jumps." But the star of the screen in Grishechkina did not work out, and she decided to try happiness on the Internet.

Personal life

Personal life of Zhenya has always been considered a favorite topic for discussion among the spectators "sour cream TV", because the girl was in a relationship with another participant of Shakulin Shakulin.

The couple got acquainted long before the joint appearance on the channel and existed for almost 8 years. Eugene and Vasily led a joint life and exchanged romantic messages on the pages on the social network, but in the end they understood that they were not created for each other, and decided to part.


Network users have learned about his wife when she joined the Yutiub-Channel channel "Sourishman TV." Initially, the stars of the show were only representatives of strong gender, which created the popular heading "Guys try", where the audience could watch their pets experience extreme sports, try exotic food and try on women's things.

Shortly after the emergence of Evgeny, the blog began to create new categories. The girl became the decoration of the "sour cream of the TV" and the star of the gear "Girl", "Quizdes" and "Seduzni Tsypu". Like other participants of the show, Grishechkin starred in "Drunk retelling", "Battle of Translations", "Guess or Eat" and was often an assistant for the "guys try". The audience was remembered by a bright manner of behavior of the Mushchekina in the frame, her subtle humor and courage.

The channel was rapidly gained popular among users "Yutiuba", and soon Zhenya entered the top three most popular participants on a par with Vasily Shakulin and Yevgeny Kalinkin. The show joined the audience a variety of headings, the frequency of emergence and creativity of the guys. Among the transmissions viewed, the "Stream Standap" and "Voyage" were also "striking", in which bloggers talk about travels to different countries.

In 2019, Eugene decided to try himself as an actress. She starred in the video of Olga Buzova on the song "Egoist", which became a soundtrack for the film "Lovers". Grishechkin appeared in the image of a woman whose husband changes her with a singer. Actor Mark Bogatyrev became partner of Zhenya.

Evgenia Grishechkin now

In 2020, the girl continues to be filmed in the show "Sour cream TV." In parallel, Zhenya leads a page in "Instagram", where the staged photos and shots from everyday life is laying out. Subscribers note that Grishechkin could become a model, because it possesses ideal parameters and with a rise of about 170 cm weighs 55 kg. But the humorist is in no hurry to change the scope of activity and rarely please the subscribers with pictures in a swimsuit.

Now videos involving Eugene are gaining a huge number of views on Yutubeub. Together with colleagues from the "sour cream TV", it often becomes a guest of other bloggers, including Valery Lubar and Irina Chesnokov.

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