TV series "Love without unnecessary words" (2013): Release date, actors, director, Russia-1


On December 21, 2013, the audience TV channel "Russia-1" saw the premiere of the series "Love without unnecessary words", telling about the difficult fate of the beautiful girl Anna, whose dreams crashed about the rocks of reality to smithereens. Fuad Shabanov, famous for the documentary work on the life of love of polishchuk, Faina Ranevskaya and others, became the film director of the picture.

The editorial office of 24cmi has prepared the material on how they filmed the series "Love without unnecessary words" and what artists decorated the cast.


Anya - a hairdresser with Golden Hands, who loves his work and knows how to find an approach even to the most demanding customer. Charming in his vitality, the young bride of the investigator Vadim is Prankin Mightwall preparing for the most important event in the life of any woman - the wedding.

However, one of its customers becomes a local oligarch Pavel Pillars. A man wants to marry Anna by anything to marry Anna, so thanks to the relationships get rid of the opponent in the face of Vadim, arranging the flag. In exchange for freedom of groom Pavel Arkadyevich asks Anna to marry him. The girl agrees, but does not know that fate prepares her unpleasant surprises.

Having survived the betrayal of the girlfriend, indifference to loved ones, insistenceing the pillars on abortion, the threat of a prison sentence, Anna is close to the loss of mind, and it was at that moment the providence cleared and filed a hand of help.


Main roles performed:

  • Lyudmila Svitova - Anna. The girl works in a beauty salon with a hairdresser. She is happy, because going to marry a beloved man - Vadim;
  • Boris Pokrovsky - Vadim Borisovich Prikyin, Anna's Groom. A man works in the prosecutor's office;
  • Emmanuel Vitorgan - Pavel Arkadyevich Pillars. The man is oligarch, therefore, using the main weapon - money, - trying to conquer the heart of beauties Anna.

Secondary roles were distributed as follows.:

  • Ekaterina Andreychenko - Tatyana Pillars;
  • Artem Anchukov - Anton, the driver of the pillar;
  • Irina Konopatskaya - Nadezhda Petrovna Pryanin, Vadim's mother;
  • Anatoly Rudakov - Boris Anatolyevich Prikyin, Father Vadim;
  • Alexander Alekseev - Gennady Sergeevich Panin, Father Anna;
  • Mikhail Karpenko - Igor, former military. A man is silent and notice;
  • Oksana Skakun - Zhanna, Colleague Anna. Girls together work in the beauty salon. Jeanne is offended that, having an attractive figure, so can not find the groom;
  • Julia Rudina - Galya, beauty salon administrator;
  • Vadim Burlakov - Andrey, Colleague Vadim;
  • Andrei Minaev - Security Guard;
  • Alexander Orlov - Pilisher's bodyguard;
  • Andrei Lyowin - lawyer;
  • Sergey Losev - Oleg Yuryevich, Prosecutor, Head of Vadim Prankina;
  • Vladimir Black - Ivan Semenovich Zhurchenko, director of department store.

Interesting Facts

1. The series "Love without unnecessary words" again showed on the air "Russia-1" TV channel. For convenience of viewing the 4 series, they combined into a television film, the release date of which was scheduled for July 5, 2020.

2. On October 24, 2016, it became known that in Ukraine they banned the demonstration of a melodramatic picture of "Love without unnecessary words" and another dozen series. This is due to the violation of the article "Dissemination and demonstration of films that contain popularization of state-aggressor authorities, the Soviet bodies of state security."

3. In the reviewers, the audiences note that thanks to the beautiful game of actors, the series "Love without unnecessary words" looks in one breath, and the main heroine Anna causes a feeling of compassion. Also, the connoisseurs mentioned a lich, swirling plot, which keeps in suspense to the end of the story, but at the same time could have happened in ordinary life: "A life story showing that we often do the rapid acts!"

The series "Love without unnecessary words" - Trailer:

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