Nursultan Nazarbayev: 2020, Biography, President of Kazakhstan, Children, Personal Life


For the attempt on his life in the Criminal Code of the country, at the steering wheel of which the politician was perhaps 3 decades, the punishment was provided in the form of a death penalty. The fellowship is called his "father and leader of the nation" and annually celebrate a holiday established in honor of the statesman. On July 6, 2020, Nursultan Nazarbayev noted the anniversary - the ex-president of Kazakhstan turned 80 years old.

About curious details of the labor biography and personal life policy - in material 24cm.

1. Children's dreams

Little Nursultan dreamed of becoming a pilot and conquer the heavenly expanses behind the aircraft steering wheel. However, soon the schoolboy revised his own plans - the future chapter of Kazakhstan seriously and the chemistry was seriously carried away.

2. Thank you to Grandma

Namsultan Nazarbayev received the name through her grandmother's father - a woman seemed to foresee the future of his own grandson and his involvement towards the top of the political elite of the republic. By the way, the future of the Kazakh president appeared weighing 5 kg.

3. Hobbies

Nazarbayev has been engaged in sports from young years. Among his hobbies - boxing and struggle, both free and Greco-Roman, as well as the National Kazakh - Kres. In the youth, the future president of the Republic of Kazakhstan became even a master of sports. Already after 40 years to sports disciplines, Nursultan Abishevich added tennis, golf, as well as equestrian and skiing.

Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that Coronavirus, with which Nazarbayev got infected in June 2020, was powerless to strong health policies and in the end retreated.

Also, young Nursultan Nazarbayev sang perfectly well and played musical instruments, among whom was the Kazakh domra. His love for music politician carried through the years - became the author of 3 songs and helped create the national anthem of the country. And even established a new holiday in Kazakhstan in Kazakhstan - Domra Day.

4. Path up

Nazarbayev began his way to the tops of the Political Olympus from the very bottom - the first work of the future of the President became the position of an ordinary employee "KazMetalurgist" in the city of Temirtau. Then the State Worker worked as a cast-iron and Gornov - already on the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant. Political career began for Nursultan Abishevich in 1973. And the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee of the Kazakh SSR was only in 1989.

Nursultan Nazarbayev: 2020, Biography, President of Kazakhstan, Children, Personal Life 7334_1

Chui Valley, "La Scala" and other facts from the life of Darigi Nazarbayeva

The presidential post of Nazarbayev continuously held from 1990 to 2019, which makes him a record holder on the duration of being at the highest state position in the post-Soviet space.

Also Nursultan Abishevich is the most age among the heads of the countries formed after the collapse of the USSR. Only Islam Karimov could compete with the competition, who ranked in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2016 in 2016. He was 2 years older Nazarbayeva, who won the presidential elections 5 times.

5. Repetition - the mother of the teaching!

Native language Nursultan Nazarbayev had to learn twice. For 20 years, the future president was exclusively in the Russian-speaking environment. And when he returned in the 1980s, I had to study the Kazakh renovo - Nazarbayev completely forgotten him.

6. In memory

The name of the retired leader of Kazakhstan has been named various facilities not only in the territory of the republic, but also in other countries and regions. So, named after the street policy is in Jordan, Russia and Turkey. By the way, in Chechnya Nursultan Nazarbayev is a face

7. Family

All his life, Nursultan Nazarbayev lived with one wife, which in the 60s was Sarah Konakaeva. Ex-president of Kazakhstan - Happy Father 3 children. And all the girls: Dariga, Dinara and Alia. Also among grandchildren and 6 grandsons.

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