Sergey Dolkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Lost Hand, left from ChBD 2021



Sergey Dolkov - Ukrainian humorist and Standap-comic, who gained fame in Russia thanks to speeches on the show "Open Microphone" and "Comedy Battle". Despite the physical disadvantage in the form of a lack of hand, the young man turned out to be in demand on television and now pleases fans of improvised humor performances.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Dolkov was born in Kiev. Since childhood, he has no left hand, but this did not prevent the guy successfully obtain the average, and then the Higher Education. I studied at the university, he became the owner of a diploma in the specialty "Electric Engineer". True, he was not useful to Sergey.

Children did not decide to tie a biography with humor or creativity. It happened by itself. Being a student, Sergey began playing in KVN, where he tried to write jokes and monologues to independently. Becoming a member of the Zaporozhye team, the guy felt the talent of the artist. At first, he liked to work in a team, but then he decided to take responsibility for solo performances and began training.

Debut Standap author wrote on the subway on the way home. This material was autobiographical and helped Sergey sort out his own thoughts and complexes. He realized that the presentation to the public was not always a failure, and also the chance of studying their own flaws.

Personal life

Sergey was accustomed to questions about what circumstances he lost his hand. The charter telling about the real state of affairs, he is laughing, responding to a stranger that she bit off Shark, or his hand was tired, and he got rid of her. Childkov is difficult to suspect in the absence of ability to respond to unceremonious questions.

Sergey's personal life easily comments in monologues. Periodically, he speaks of the absence of a girl and easily argues about his loneliness. Comic has a personal account in "Instagram", where he publishes photos from speeches, news about the shows organized together with colleagues, travels and interesting events.

Not all information about the humor is in public domain. Some things he prefers not to discuss, but others are not curious to the target audience. For example, the growth and weight of the artist is unknown.

Humor and creativity

The first show in which the comedian participated solo, became the 11th season of the "comedian laugh". Sergey won a humorous competition and became the owner of the main prize - the amount of $ 2 thousand. The first victory instilled confidence in ornament. He made sure that between Standap and KVN to choose the first to choose the right decision. The author was confident that the material written by him would be in demand, so he gradually began to participate in a variety of contests.

Understanding that in Ukraine, the comedy genre is not very in demand, Sergei paid attention to Western trends and Russian examples of the show. He did not see himself as an artist, who was invited to the corporate parties to meritor the public, which means that one suitable vector of development remained - to break into the scene.

Having become a member of the "Open Microphone" contest, children became one of the promising beginners of humorists, ready to voice the material in the eyes of the audience in the studio and the public on the other side of the screen. He was remembered by the lack of arms and courage to joke on himself, his injury and life. The project's mentors noted the irony, with which Sergey approaches the coverage of a variety of situations.

For the Ukrainian comic, there are no forbidden topics. He does not avoid talk about intimate moments, about religion, about the attitude towards death, about politics and other directions. Featuring acute thoughts, turning and ability to catch funny moments, Sergey easily bypass dangerous nuances. His jokes are appropriate, they are distinguished by a subtle sense of humor and loyalty.

Understanding that the physiological feature will be the main theme for his monologues, Sergey Kids is not shy and does not feel experiences, as this issue has worked for himself. Contrary to the expectations of the public, its standards are successful. He chose a non-trivial theme for a conversation with an audience and won attention. Gradually conquering the public, the comedian proved that his horse is not a physical disadvantage, but the penetration skill of the word and a sense of humor.

These qualities allowed the comic to have great prospects on Russian television. In 2020, together with partners by Nurlan Saburov, Alexey Shcherbakov, Rustam Reptiloid and Tamby Masayev, he was developing and promoting the show "What was next?". In the fall of 2020, Sergey left the project.

Drug addict

Children's care from ChBD has repeatedly discussed in the network. Some bloggers approximate to the humorous sphere were confident: comic simply could not stand the show format. And the place where the shortcomings of people were carried out in the first place and the cause of Heita, did not have to do a humorist.

In March 2021, Sergey appeared on the draft ChBD in a new role for himself - as a guest. And completely unexpectedly for the audience, it was discounted about the reasons for his departure to Ukraine. The young man told that he suffered from narcotic dependence.

Children understood how such recognition would affect his personal life, since close artists did not know about the hobbies of psychoactive substances. However, the native of Kiev considered: His story can be an example for other people who, perhaps, just got on a shaky path.


Now Sergey is trying to spend more time with close, struggling with depression and other consequences of cancellation syndrome. But this does not mean that the comedian decided to complete the commander's career. Ahead of the young man is scheduled for new tour and projects.

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