Ekaterina Zinchenko: 2020, biography, personal life, matchmakers, fate


Now she is no longer removed, and in the 90s and early 2000s, her face was perfectly familiar to Russian television viewers thanks to the comedies "Mistress from Moscow", "the third is not superfluous", the "fiance of Miami", "my sailor" and many Other. The actress managed to "light up" and in the series "Shatta", however, only in the episode. On July 7, 2020, Ekaterina Zinchenko celebrated anniversary - she turned 60 years old.

On curious facts from the personal life and the creative biography of the artist - in the material 24cmi.

1. Lental

Ekaterina Zinchenko is the fifth and at the same time the only child in the family. All the children who appeared at her before her died: the mother gave birth twice twins, but doctors did not work out - in both cases, the birth was premature.

2. Motherland - under the ban!

At the entrance exams in Gitis, Catherine read the fables and at the same time showed a pantomime. With his characteristic Odessa talking, in no way binding with the content of the text, but by adding the flavor and originality of the work, launched members of the admission committee and paid attention. True, in the first year, a footman's student was banned from riding home even on vacation - corrected pronunciation.

Ekaterina Zinchenko

3. Photos and horses

The role of Miss Mary Morsten in the "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson" studied at the 2nd course of guitis actress went randomly. The candidate was selected in the photo and called to Leningrad - to try. The young student was approved, despite the fact that on the samples of Catherine Zinchenko terribly nervous and was confused, because of what the text was forgotten and confused.

And on its first day on the set of Sherlock Holmes, the beginner artist almost did not land under the hoofs of the horse. Fortunately, Vasily Livanov turned out to be near, who managed to push the girl from the path of the animal.

4. "Your" director

Zinchenko for a long time worked closely with Anatoly Eilamjan, removing almost every way of his film. The director was often reproached for the negative impact on the domestic film industry and an abundance in the films of the base humor and the frank scenes. However, it was noted that in that difficult for the Russian film period, he managed to make pictures, which were in demand from the audience, as they were designed for ordinary people.

When Eirandjan in the early 2000s moved to the United States, the film director of the artist went to the decline.

5. Dusty youth

The first love of Catherine has become a sad experience and for a while - the truth, a short-term - discouraged Zinchenko a desire to trust the opposite sex. At 15 years old, the girl fell in love with an adult man - a 30-year-old brother of the school friend, an artist who had arrived at his own. And, overwriting his mother, escaped to the beloved in the capital.

When the circumstances revealed, the parents threatened the Great Prison Lovers. However, he turned out to be smart and swore, which will certainly be married to the young passion - as soon as it is 18 years old. But when Catherine reached the age of majority, the worker ripped relations with her than brought the girl to nervous exhaustion.

6. Family "misfortune"

Fate did not want to give the artist of family happiness. Marriage Ekaterina Zinchenko seemed to repeat the experience of the first romantic relationships. Her chosen was Vladimir Mishin - the former 42-year-old professor of mathematics in Moscow State University for 20 years older than whose actress would soon give birth to the girl. The baby gave the name of Ksenia.

However, the fleet - just 2 years - the marriage showed that the husband is absolutely not ready for family relations - they were not needed. Much more than Vladimir attracted communication with friends from "Elite Tusovka" - among his acquaintances there were many artists of cinema, theater and ballet. Yes, and loyalty to the wife was stored for myshin too difficult. Having learned about the treasures, Ekaterina Zinchenko with a 1.5-year-old daughter left Vladimir.

In principle, similar to and should be expected, because the wedding was forced - the artist was waiting for the child's rapid birth. The marriage eventually registered the tricks, out of turn - in the room where divorces usually pass. But the witnesses on the marriage spoke Leonid Eidlin, who gave his own wedding ring for the ceremony (the newlyweds themselves were forgotten), and Irina Muravyeva.

The next elect Zinchenko was married and from the spouse as a result refused to leave. However, Catherine still decided to give birth to a child from him - the son of Felix appeared on the world, he later turned out to be in a psychiatric hospital because of drugs.

7. Happiness is ...

With the daughter of attitudes from the artist did not work out - Ksenia argues that her mother was in his childhood in childhood, and refuses to communicate. Catherine claims that at the time when the daughter grown up, the actress itself was hard: I had to fight for each penny and even at the same time to grow a child to grow and care for the mother - that paralyzed after the stroke.

After the emergence of the second child, the actress had to pret the actress - it was necessary to put children on their feet, as well as take care of old and sick parents. However, this period of Ekaterina Zinchenko calls the happiest in his life. Because with my daughter there was no problems, the son was small and did not suffer from drug addiction, and mom and dad were still alive.

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