Public Cornelius Tacit - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Histor



Publists Cornelius Tacit made a brilliant career in politics, but known to contemporaries as a great ancient Roman historian. Part of his work was not preserved, but was immortalized in quotes.

Childhood and youth

Cornelius Tacit appeared in the mid-50s of our era. The first name of the man remains exactly not known, as some researchers mention him as Guy. But the handwritten options for the written writers made in the Middle Ages are signed as public. As for the place of birth, Rome, transpansion or Narbon Gallium are most often mentioned.

In the early years, the boy studied rhetoric, among teachers, presumably, Julius Seconds, Mark Apr and Quintilian. But in the formation of the future, the policy was a gap in the study of the philosophical sciences, which was the reason for the cold attitude towards this area of ​​knowledge. Already in the youthful years, the Cornelies were famous for eloquence, he could conquer the attention of the crowd during public speeches.

The political career of Tacitis developed during the reign of such emperors as Vespasian, Tit and Domitian. According to one of the versions of the researchers, he managed to conquer the confidence of the rulers and early to get to the Senate, the other states that the public received a position only after passing to the questura.

In 88, a man was among the pretors. This brought him membership in the Kwindecevirov College, in which only trustees of the ruling emperor were allowed. During this period, Cornelies participated in the organization of terrentin games, including sacrifice and theatrical representation.

After the arrival of the nerve, Tacitus came to the number of suffect consuls, the list of which was introduced during Domician. The historian witnessed the rebellion of Pretorians, during which the emperor chose the heir to Mark Ulping Trajan and sent him a letter with a line from Iliad, calling for revenge.

Personal life

At the initiative, Julia Agrikoli public was married to the daughter of the commander. Information about other details of personal life policy has not been preserved.


In time, the publication historiography was considered a subspecies of oratory and revered by Romans. Nevertheless, among the writers there were few people who wish to lead the events of the events of the past or present. It was associated with fear to get into the disfavor of the acting emperor or spoil the reputation of the Senate. But Tacit took over the obligation to describe the milestones of history, remaining as an observer.

According to the biographers, the desire to lead the chronicle came to the public soon after the overthrow of the domician. In the works of the researcher, the effect of predecessors and rhetorical skills are traced. A man uses "New Style" techniques, which spread among speakers in the first century of our era - brief accurate phrases, antithesis and paradoxes.

Among the first works of the historian was the biography of the commander Gneja Julia Agrikola. It briefly describes the early years of the man's life, and the focus is on military campaigns with an emphasis on campaigns held on the British Islands. Thanks to the geographical and ethnographic references, the essay is considered a source of knowledge about the history of the archipelago during the Roman Board.

The following work was Germany, which describes the state of the state, its inhabitants and individual tribes. Cornelius scrupulously prescribed facts that were later used by researchers. There also contains brief information about the Slavs. After completing this essay, Tacit began work on the "dialogue about speakers", which refers to his intended teachers Julius seconds and Mark Apr.

Later, a man took up the creation of his most large-scale work, which was called "History". The cycle includes from 12 to 14 books, the narration in which it begins with the description of the period of the reign of four emperors and ends at the time of arrival at the nerves.

Annals are considered to be "Annals", including about 16-18 books. They made an attempt to describe events since 14 years to our era. Tacitis closely treated the selection of sources, trying to identify contradictory and unreliable information. He studied memoirs of prominent Romans, the works of researchers of antiquity and writers, used the archives of the Senate and legislative acts.

Despite the careful selection of information and the desire to remain neutral, its own point of view is often visible in the works of Cornelia. Describing the era of the rules of Emperor Nero, the historian expressed the opinion of Christians. He considered those who believe in the sectarians and believed in the stories that they were conducting secret meetings and terrible rituals. And in the XIII part of the Annals, the researcher negatively spoke about Armenians, called them "double and non-permanent".


The exact date and cause of the death of a man are unknown. It is assumed that he died about 120 N. NS. Until the end of his days, Tacit was friends with Pole, whose works are considered a source of facts about his biography.


The closer the state to the fall, the more numerous laws of the laws are despised even those whom they served the service. Highlights are most of all those who are less grieving. On rare happy time when you can think what you want, and say what you think .


  • 98 - "Agrikola"
  • 98 - "Germany"
  • 102 - "Dialogue about speakers"
  • 105 - "History"
  • 117 - "Annals"

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