Konstantin Raykin: 2020, biography, personal life, wife, children, performances


He became an artist not in the desire to repeat the path of his father. Just aware - this is the best of everything that can. He came to the main university of Leningrad, and graduated from the metropolitan theater university - the stage, the scenes and performances were attractive than science. However, this fate was read from childhood. On July 8, 2020, Konstantin Rikin noted the anniversary 70th birthday. On the entertaining details from the personal life and the creative biography of the artist - in the material 24cmi.

1. Children's nightmare

Konstantin Raykin recalls that his father preferred to raise his son first of all with his own example, and not with any convictions. And the voice did not improve at all. Although the artist claims that Arkady Isaakovich could also say quietly so that the soul had a shower in his heels.

According to Konstantin's personal feelings, he would prefer at such moments to receive a landfast from his parent than to listen to the notation of the Rykin-senior. These quiet intonations and a closer look from the seaside age junior representative of the acting dynasty calls the most frightening moments of their own childhood.

2. Pet zoologist

According to the memoirs of the sister of artist Catherine Raykin, Konstantin Parents often took with them to rest or on speeches in the capital, and she was left under the grandmother's supervision. Because of the "injustice", by the way, brother actually studied immediately in 2 schools, in Moscow and Leningrad.

But long-distance moving was not for a child. During the tour of Little Constantine, parents left with a nanny - the Leningrad Zoo became a favorite platform of their joint walk. Watch the animals so much like a young coste that the boy did not dream of an acting career in school years, and seriously thought to flow to the biological faculty of LSU.

3. "Bodyness of the Spirit, Grace and Plastic"

In school, Konstantin Rykin was engaged in sports gymnastics. The plasticity acquired in those classes was useful in the future in the future on the scene. Although it was not in the training process and without injury. Among other troubles - broken when performing an exercise on bars nose.

4. Electric Spacer "2 in 1"

During his studies at the Schukinsky school, a student who was first perceived solely through the prism of the great father, soon proved his own independence, discipline and - that the most important is talent. Having hit Raykin junior teachers not only by these qualities, but also a striking ability everywhere and always time.

Konstantin himself made up, sewed costumes and even helped with the preparation of decorations to others - and all had time to do, without neglecting the full rehearsal and scrupulous overlap of roles. Already in those years, not only the acting gift, but also the ability of an outstanding organizer, who was useful to the artist subsequently as the head of the Satirikon theater was blooming.

5. On poetry and poets

According to the memoirs of Arkady Rykin, he often visited Kostora Chukovsky, which the famous writer organized for children at his own country in Peredelkino. The artist there, especially for the event, was recalled his own pre-war children's repertoire, came with his son, whom Ivanovich had always brought the roots, giving himself due to the talent of the young friend of a friend.

The poet loved to look at how the boy stands with various scenes and dancing. He arranged an exhibition of paintings of a small bone when he learned that he draws. And he hardly praised when a collection of poems written by children was released under the editors of V. Glozer "Early Sun", which entered the works of Raykin Jr..

By the way, the poems and stories of the young author, for the most part, were devoted so hotly by their beloved animals - the texts of Constantine supplied at a decent level to the illustrations.

6. Cleansing

The artist is convinced that the actor is useful to play the role of negative characters. According to Raikina, the stronger the guide to the villain embodied on stage or screen, the more comes from the risk to become someone like in reality, through the art of pulling out all sorts of dirt and soul.

7. Favorite

See you with the current spouse, Elena Butenko, who decided to leave the acting career for the family, Konstantin Raykin was married twice. But only the last wife could finally gain real happiness. In this union, the daughter of Polina appeared on the world, which decided to follow the example of the parents and became the actress, the previous spouses of children did not give artist.

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