Viktor Yanukovych: 2020, biography, personal life, where now, wives, children


He managed to take the presidential chair only with the second attempt. But the head of the country was waiting for an unpleasant surprise - a coup. About where now is exactly and what is being done by Viktor Yanukovych, who he has been 70 years old on July 9, 2020, there is no reliable information - it is known that in Russia, in which politician received political asylum. On curious details from the personal life and the labor biography of the overthrown president of Ukraine - in the material 24cm.

1. Hobbies

In his youth, Viktor Yanukovych was fond of sports, including the automotive - rally, autocross. Later to hobby politics added hunting, breeding pigeons and tennis.

2. Big Talent

Viktor Yanukovych is the most deer among the Ukrainian chapters for all time. It is also characterized as the most creative. Among other achievements of the legitimate president of Ukraine, removed as a result of the state coup, are the earnings on the Niv literature. For their issued in Ukrainian, English and Russian languages, the work of Yanukovych received $ 2 million by the total circulation of 1.5 million copies.

3. "Professor" and wreath

With the name of Viktor Yanukovych, a mass of curious situations and confusion is connected. Among the most popular on the Internet - the fall of the wreath on the head of the Ukrainian state at the monument to an unknown soldier in Kiev during the May visit to Dmitry Medvedev in 2010. And the error made by a politician when filling in the 2004th questionnaire, which a candidate for the presidential post was supposed to be transferred to the CEC, - in the column "Academic degree" Yanukovych wrote "Profesor".

It is worth noting that the nickname subsequently stuck to the head of the country.

4. From the manor - in the museum

Viktor Yanukovych who was owned by Viktor Yanukovich Square in 140 hectares of Mezhigorye, located in the village of New Petrovtsy near Kiev, after the sentence of the president was converted to the museum with a zoo - there was a lot of animals from all over the world. Among other fauna representatives: Kangaroo, Emu, Nandu, Pheasants and Peacocks.

5. Family

Viktor Yanukovych is married - with the future wife, Lyudmila Nastnko politician met, still working at the Yenakiyevsky Metallurgical Plant, in 1969. In 1971, the pair issued official relations. The family union in strength is still - although the husband and his wife have not lived together for a long time, and in the press, there was no information about the divorce, official information about the termination current time is not.

In marriage, two children appeared to the world - the sons of Alexander, who became a prominent entrepreneur, and Victor, who came by the Father's example in politics. Yanukovych is also 3 grandson - Victor, Alexander and Ilya.

6. Loss

The death of Viktor Yanukovych Jr., who was behind the wheel of a minibus, having failed under the ice of Lake Baikal in March 2015, almost sent his father after his son. The overthrown President of Ukraine is running with an extensive infarction and was hospitalized and sent to the Sklifosovsky Institute, where further treatment was carried out.

7. Shelling

Among the most unpleasant events in the political life of the former head of Ukraine - "defeat" abandoned by a student egg during a visit to Ivano-Frankivsk.

By the way, "distinguished" Studiosus subsequently managed to build a successful career in Ukrainian politics - reached the post of deputy governor of Ivano-Frankivsk region. This fact, as well as information about Dmitry Romanyuk-held formerly high positions only reinforced the conviction of a number of journalists in connection between the young provocateur and the current political top of the country.

The Ukrainian press claims that Viktor Yanukovych after entering the "shell" lost consciousness from fright. Although the official version states that the president fell, fulfilling the requirements of the security officers, so that the bodyguards could perform their work.

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