Perry-wall-building (character) - pictures, "Phineas and Ferb", cartoon, agent


Character History

Perry-Wkontos - Funny Pet of Consolidated Brothers, as well as the main character in the Cartoon "Phineas and Farb". And he is a spy that works under cover. However, the agent can manage to portray a stupid animal and hide his identity from the closest.

History of character creation

The animated series himself was conceived by Jeff Marshem and Dan Perenemyir with several storylines. One of them consisted in the idea of ​​including some consistent elements in the story - struggle, chase, victory. And embodied her on the screen two opposing heroes - Heinz Fufelshmerz and Perry-Wkontos.

The choice in favor of such an exotic animal as a domestic pet was justified. The creators of the cartoon wanted to put the animal in the plot, whom the children would not say from parents to buy in the pet store.

And the clockpoint was not previously used in the animation. Thus, march and povenemire, which is called, killed two hares. They went around the template representations of the audience about the internal qualities and the image of the character. And also saved the parents of small cartoon fans from requests to buy the same animal as those who loved the cartoon heroes.

And it gave the authors freedom in the choice of drawing and storyboards, because no one would have managed to justify the opinion that such a picture is wrong or does not correspond to a certain canon.

Agent Pi, another nickname character, does not know how to talk, and his voice resembles a rumbling. But he is the only one who performs in the picture in two images. The first is depicting a pet - a rectangle with short paws and tail.

When a secret agent is entering into business, it becomes vertically, his legs and hands appear. The spy, transforming, puts on a felt hat that is mythically fixed on the head. Such an equipment makes Perry completely unrecognizable, as if he is in glasses or in a raincoat. In fact, the secret of the transformation is not in appearance, but in the look of the wall, which changes from confused and stupid to the concentrated-serious.

The unique character found both fans and healthy criticism. To the image of an atypical Walt Disney Hero, such epithets as the "breakthrough star", "damn stunning" and even "almost perfect" were used.

Other opinions showed opposite reviews. Some found the image and character of the agent pi strange and frightening. Others expressed at all that Lockos only adds noise in, and so, the explosive story.

However, one thing is clear - Perry-Utonkos did not leave indifferent spectators and critics. Being something new in the animation and in the traditional perception of anthropomorphic animals, the special agent has made a lot of noise, without even saying a single phrase. And in this merit of artists who managed to pass through the drawing such a multifaceted personality.

The popularity of the Pi agent went beyond the animation. So, the appearance of the "real" Perry happened annually from 2010 to 2012 at the Mickey Festival in Disneyland. Pet Ferbo and Phineas also participated in San Diego Comic-Con and on other costume events.

In amateur essays based on the animated series Perry, "Girl-girlfriend" - Deerry-Utkonos was invented. The original story in such fan fiction is overgrown with unexpected facts in the biography - Perry begins to death to be afraid of ticking or becomes the strongest superhero.

Image and biography of Perry-Utonosos

The appearance of the main heroes of the series resembles the tradition of a geometric shape. Such a "chip" of the authors did not bypassed the pet and a pet. If Phinesa has a triangular head, in the farb - in the form of the letter F, then the clockpose appeared to the brick.

What was in the childhood of this character - remains behind the scenes. It is only known that it belongs to the Obra (Organizations without a steep abbreviation). This is a secret division in which animal spys work.

Perry-wall-building in glasses

The agent was placed in the shelter, where he bought the Flynn-Fletcher family. Phineas and Ferb went to choose a pet after their dog disappeared. Most of the boys attracted the fact that this animal looked at different directions, and therefore, at the same time on both brothers.

In the home atmosphere, Perry is masked under the brainless animal. Wrockpoint loves inseparable friends, and at night she sleeps with a farb, then with Phineas. Relations with Kendes Flinn do not add up. The girl does not burn a pet very much and often asks boys not to let him into her room.

During the 4 seasons of the series, Perry does not give a chance to households to suspect a secret spy in it. Meanwhile, the self-dedicated and brave waterproof repeatedly comes to the help of the owners in dangerous situations.

Attitude with the main villain of the cartoon - Heinz Fufelshmer - in the first series resembles a fierce struggle. Interestingly, the evil professor does not recognize in the agent of the Patoma himself, although he had repeatedly seen him and in such an image.

Constant Perry stops attempts by Heinz to take possession of the city, which leads a scientist in anger. A quote: "If you are cursed, Perry-Utkonos" - repeated almost in each series "Phineas and Ferba".

However, over time, the relationship between these cartoon characters begin to warm. And once violent confrontation begins to remind a competition or even the game. In one of the series, Fufelshmerz admits that Perry became the best friend for him.

Perry - domestic loves with a stupid facial expression, becomes a dangerous and endless fighter, who knows judo, if the situation requires. He quickly thinks, and also knows how to manage with appliances and drive any transport. Also, the hero is hidden under the fur gadgets that are necessary for the secret service.

But the most important thing is concentrated in a felt hat. This headdress, for example, is transformed into a saw, in it a lot of useful tools. There is still a built-in scanner that transmits information directly to the ob.

Perry-Lockos and Deary-Wkontos

The cartoon heroes will find out the truth about the pet only in the full-length film "Phineas and Ferb: conquering 2nd dimension." In the plot, Perry reveals his identity, although it automatically makes it impossible to further find the wall in the family. According to the instructions, the agent is now obliged to change the residence.

However, the consolidated brothers make a decision to erase such information from memory, and Perry is happy, which can continue to be a pet favorite Farba and Phineas.

Interesting Facts

  • Perry has its own song, which Povenemair and march wrote. This composition has become the first that the authors of the animated series gave to listen to Walt Disney studios.
  • At first, the boys called the Bartholoma cliff. But on the way home from the shelter changed his mind.
  • In 2014, Perry was nominated for the title of the most beloved animated character on the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Award.


  • 2007-2015 - "Phineas and Ferb"
  • 2011 - "Phineas and Farb: conquest of the 2nd dimension"

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