"Dancing with stars" - photo, history of creation, news, TV show 2021



"Dancing with the stars" is a popular show in which famous actors, singers, musicians participate together with professional dancers. Each season becomes a bright event, new issues are preparing unexpected and pleasant surprises for the audience. Some participants turn out to be partners not only on the floor, but also in life.

History of creation and rules

The history of the creation of a transfer that started on the air "Russia" channel is based on a similar British Schow Strictly Come Dancing. The program mainly represents the format of ballroom dancing, but sometimes in the rooms submitted by the participants, there are elements of other styles and directions of choreography.

The concept of the project is that one partner of the couple is a professional, and the other is a media driver who has no dance experience. During the issues, "lovers" learned the dance related to the European or Latin American program.

For the number of choreographers, together with the directories, come up with the plot, story, which makes performances more spectacular and fascinating. After the contestants demonstrate their abilities, the jury exposes estimates, commenting on a pair errors or dignity. At the end of the issue to the vote for the participants, the viewers join the participants.

They send SMS messages or call the program to operator. The data obtained are summed up with the estimates of judges. Dancers who scored the smallest number of points leave the transfer. Gradually remain only finalists.

The winner of the show is defined in the last program. The less the contestants becomes, the greater the number of dances they can show during the release. Each program begins with a traditional song (musical screensaver).

Leading and jury

The three first seasons of the project Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Yuri Nikolaev were conducted. The public came to the soul of this charming couple. Then, Maxim Galkin came to replace them, he was in transmission from the 4th to the 9th seasons. The co-host popular parodist was Daria Zlatopol. She also stayed in the show in 2016, when Martirosyan Garika was invited to support the contestants with it.

The judging includes professional dancers, choreographers, coaches. For a long time, Stanislav Popov, President of the Russian Dance Union, was opposed to his permanent chairman. In 2012, his place of judge occupied Elena Tchaikovskaya, the Soviet and Russian coach in figure skating.

In 2013, the jury was headed by actor theater and cinema Oleg Menshikov, in 2015 - the Russian ballet dancer Sergey Filin. In 2016, Stanislav Popov returned to the program. In several seasons, the stars of the Russian show business were visited as invited members of the jury.


Each of the seasons had characteristic features. In the first started in 2006, 8 pairs participated. According to the results of the struggle, Maria Sith and Vladislav Borodinov became the winners of the project. The second in the Russian version of the STRICTLY Come Dancing was the actor and singer Anton Makarsky with a charming partner Anastasia Sidor. And the third (with a slight margin) began to be a pop artifier Natasha Queen and Charismatic, temperamental Evgeny Papunaishvili.

The season was successful, scored high ratings, so in the same year the creators decided to do a continuation. This time the number of steam increased to 10. According to the results of the voting, Anna Snatkina and Evgeny Grigorov were chosen by the best dancers of the project.

In 2008, the 3rd cycle of the program began, and again the number of participants increased. Now the audience were able to observe the competition 12 dance duets. The peculiarity of issues was that from the unprofessional contestants made exclusively ladies. Among them are the singers Irina Saltykova, Alika Storkov, Gymnast Svetlana Gorcina and others.

The prizes were distributed as follows: At the top of the pedestal was the actress Daria Sagalov, known for the TV series "Happy together", and Anton Kovalev. The second stage was taken by TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva and Alexey Mazurin, and the third - the artist Natalia Gromushkin and Peter Shigin.

A year later, the public saw a continuation of a loved show. The program returned to the initial format: Neprofessional men appeared among the participants. However, any of them could not take a prize place: beautiful ladies were the winners. Julia Savicheva became the first to become the first (paired with Evgenia Papunaishvili), the second - Anna Kovalchuk (with German Magic), the third - Natalia Bochkarev (with Alexander Litvinenko).

In the 5th season, which was broadcast in 2010, amateur participants were divided into two "teams", male and female. 18 Duets fought for entering the final. And in the final part, non-professionals were united in new duets. The winners chose the singer Anastasia Stotskaya and Judo Champion and Sambo Alexey Ledneyev, and the silver winners - Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Schegolev.

The idea of ​​creating couples from the "Star" participants was the original and interesting viewers. Therefore, in 2011, only "lovers" were involved in the transfer. Trainers and members of the jury were engaged with contestants. As a result, the best among those who mastered ballroom dancing from scratch were performer Tatyana Bulanova and Skier Dmitry Lyashenko.

A year later, professional dancers returned to the new season. 12 pairs entered the number of contestants. The feature of this cycle is the presence in the program of invited guests, among the director Karen Shahnazarov, Pavel Chukhray, Valery Todorovsky, Pavel Lungin and others.

The second time for the history of the project, Evgeny Papunaishvili became the winner of experienced dancers. Passionate and brutal pets of the public amounted to a harmonious duet with singer Natalia Ionova (glitch'oza).

Invited guests remained in 2013, when the 8th season of the project began. Among the new celebrities, the audience saw the actors of Alexander Shirvindt, Choreographer Andris Liepow, directories of Timur Bekmambetov and Vladimir Menshov.

Parquet in the first issue of this year 13 pairs came out. Among them were those who caused the ambiguous attitude of the jury and the audience. For example, an outstanding and unpredictable Danilla Poles, a guy-model shines on Western podiums, and his partner Alla Anastasyeva, who had to be not easy in such an extravagant duet. Elena Podikynskaya and Andrei Karpov received the first place.

The next cycle of the show began in 2015. Among the 14 star participants were again the ladies. Money received as a result of SMS voting went to Russian charitable funds. In a decent competitive struggle, the charming Irina Pegov and Andrei Kozlovsky became the best.

The second place and the prize of audience sympathies got the figure skater Adeline Sotnikova and Gleb Savchenko. In 2016, Alexander Ursulak and Denis Tagintsev rose to the first step of the pedestal. And a couple with Evgeny Papunaishvili amounted to Glafira Tarkhanov.

Dancing with stars now

In 2020, the 11th season of the popular show started. The leading program was Andrei Malakhov. Also in the project in the role of the coppings remained Daria Zlatopol. The feature of the issues was the fact that they were held in the studio without viewers (in connection with the coronavirus pandemic that covered the world). The winners of the season became a couple of Ivan Stebunov and Inna with candle.

The year later, the shooting of the long-awaited 12th season began. This time Sergey Lazarev fought for first place, David Manukyan, Ekaterina Spitz and other stars. Andrei Malakhov remained the leading chair, and the judicial chairs were taken by Egor Druzhinin, Daria Zlatopolskaya, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Igor Rudnik.

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