Extrade (character) - Photo, "Witcher", actor, Royce Prazrone, TV series, Angey Sapkovsky


Character History

The erection is a powerful magician from the "Witcher" Sagkaya Sapkovsky. He had love relationships with Yennipher from Vengoberg, which was the cause of a collision with Heralt and even attempted suicide.

History of character creation

The history of ethno is described in the story of the "Shard of Ice", then the wizard is only mentioned in Saga. This minor character does not affect the overall story of the book. Nevertheless, the Polish writer is not easy to turn on this sorcerer into the cycle.

The love triangle between him, Jennipher and Heralt from Rivia demonstrates the ratio of the magician to the Witcher. She does not even try to resolve the brewing conflict, thereby showing indifference to the fate of close men.

And the only motive for which Yennipher still rushed from one to another, was that they had similar thoughts about further life. In this man, she saw stability, support, and also believed in his sincere love. While Heralt constantly disappeared and did not even think of family life.

Character Correction was used both in the Polish TV series and in the project from Netflix. The latter screening caused the audience in the audience due to the explicit difference in the appearance of the elap of the film and the book. In computer games, the lover of Jenna does not appear.

The image and biography of the ethno

The sorceress is the meaning of the life of this character. From early childhood, the ease spent behind manuscripts, comprehending magic art. Being learning from Soltilda, the hero was practically in conclusion, having missed all the stages of the youth.

Therefore, when the time came to go out into the real world, the wizard turned out to be black him. He was difficult for him to relate to others, the magician preferred loneliness, was fond of archeology, and from home made a laboratory, where he conducted experiments.

Everything has changed the meeting with Yennipher. In the book it becomes clear that before the events of the story of the "Shard of Ice", these heroes had been regularly seen for 5-6 years. Endbed understood that the sorceress was changing men like gloves. However, speaking ties did not cause the great magician of jealousy, since Jenna itself belonged to them without emotions.

But it was the mistress that became no less passion for a wizard than a magician. Therefore, when Endidded learned about the existence of the Witcher, he began to take active actions.

The age of the character, judging by his biography, is at least 90 years. Thanks to the magical abilities, the sorcerers can "freeze" themselves at any stage. So, the elaborate looked for 40 years. He has straight, gray hair long to shoulders. The man's face touched wrinkles that apparently attached an image of seriousness and presentability. And in deep gray eyes, a sharp mind, melting and experience read.

Rising a man about 180 cm, the physique is average. The eased did not experience weaknesses to rich Anctura, so simple linen shirts and canvas pants often put on. However, on the indicated finger, it was invariably wore a ring with emerald, which used for rituals.

The character of the hero, as was the charger, dodgy. The eased rarely gave free to emotions, preferring to rely on a sound reason. Trying to learn the thoughts of the magician - useless occupation. The wizard not only skillfully blocks the mind, but also puts on an impartial mask on his face, not giving a chance to the interlocutor to understand his emotions.

It is capable of bringing an opponent to white cation. Moreover, in conversations, it prefers to behave openly and straightly than disarming the enemy.

The ability of the essay as a magician does not need a presentation. A man perfectly owns spells associated with the opening of the portals, levitation. Created to create illusions, phantom reality. Despite the fact that the wizard is strong in fire spells and other combat skills, without an objective reason in the battle does not enter.

In addition to magic, owns a sword that once bought at the fair. In fact, the elaborate does not exist in weapons, and the level of skill would not allow him to become a decent opponent's Witcher.

Yennipher considered the lover a smart and strong magician, often brought his words as arguments regarding any question. These phrases invariably annoyed the Witcher. With the appearance of the opponent, Heralt could also calmly look like a woman rushes between them.

When the Witcher and Jenna went to the provincial city of Aadd Ginwael (translated from the Elven "Shard of Ice"), the sorceress in the morning ran into the arms of an old friend. Heralt found out about it and decided to figure out the relationship with her lover to the end.

In the conversation, the eased constantly reminded Geralt that the one was a mutant who was not capable of emotions. The magician even allowed himself the phrases that the Witcher does not have the right to interfere with their love, is obliged to retreat and give Jenna the chance to be happy.

This, of course, severely angry Geralta. The dialogue made to look deep into myself and think about the fact that in the words of the sorcerer there is a rational grain. The conversation with Yennipher after convinced the Witcher that everything was time to put an end.

The same thoughts came to the essay. Therefore, the magician appointed a duel to the opponent. At that moment, when men met, Yennipher sent a black dust with a message. Quote from the letter reading: "There are gifts that cannot be taken, but I have nothing, no, what could I thank."

Thus, Jenna reported the elap of it, which rejects the offer to be with him forever. As a result, a man decided to fight the witch on swords, which, in essence, equal to the right suicide. Heralt, having learned about the refusal of a woman, did not use the situation and left the place of the duel.

Finally, the magician shouted the Witcher that he would never retreat from Jenna and would find it everywhere. By the way, about such a message was received by Heralyt. The sorceress decided to throw and leave both men.

End in films

In the 2002 series "Witcher" of the Polish film studio, the role of the great magician of the city of AADD Ginwael played Bronislav Wroclawsky.

At the end of 2019, a new screen version of the novels of the Polish author was released at Netflix. Here the amplua of a 40-year-old gray man performed the actor Royce Preszon. The external description, of course, little corresponds to the literary character.

Dark-skinned actor looks much younger, and also plays an order of magnitude more than the book. According to the story of the series, this character acts as an agent strobor. The love line between him and Jennipher Peddit with bed scenes, but the fans express the opinions that the scenarios determined for this hero a ominous role in the fate of the sorcerer.

Accordingly, the collision between him and the witch in the second season will wear a dramatic color.

Interesting Facts

  • Preduction is a pseudonym. The present name of the literary hero is Val. But only Jennipher remembers this.
  • In Russian, the role of Correce voiced Oleg Novikov.
  • A few weeks before the premiere of the first season in the network merged photos from the film. And on one of them - the bedside scene between Yennipher and the essay, when the sorceress was still with the hump.


I was easier. Because I, for example, feel my last cretin. I never assumed that I would not fight with the witches not for life, but to death because of a woman. You bother me, I interfere with you. You will finish with this as a man. Nor, heralt, you are with her only because she wants, and so it will be while she wishes it. And what you feel is, only the reflection of her emotions, the interest that she exhibits you.


  • 1992 - "Sword of purpose"


  • 2002 - "Witcher"
  • 2019 - "Witcher"

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