Momovogur (character) - Photo, "Witcher", actor, killed, series, Angey Sapkovsky, actor


Character History

Mormovira is a secondary character of the Sagi Witcher of the Polish Writer Andrzej Sapkovsky. Druid, Counselor of King Brahn, a friend of Geralta from Rivia and Mentor Princess Cyri is also present in the game "Witcher 3" and in the screening from Netflix.

History of character creation

The character appears in the fourth story of the collection "Last desire" - "Question of the price". His together with the delegation from the islands of Skeliga is invited to the birthday of the princess of the grave, the daughter of Queen Calanthe.

During the banquet, the following events occur. It is an unknown knight in the helmet and seems to be yaw from Erlenwald. A man requires the right of surprise to give him a grave.

A stir is happening, during which there is a dormant natural power of grave. It was possible to curb it heralert and Magu. Subsequently, the Druid falls the honor of becoming a mentor of the daughter of Calanthe in magic, so that she curbed her strength and learn how to manage them correctly.

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The Polish television series, filmed based on the collection of stories "Last desire" and "purpose of the destination" at the first attempt to film the novels cycle. In this project, the role of an adviser to Brana played actor Alexander Bednaja. In general, the picture received negative feedback from critics due to technical aspects, as well as due to the unsuccessful scenario and a small budget.

What can not be said about the computer game "Witcher 3". In it, the muscular heads the circle of druids on the island of Skeliga. The first meeting with Heralt, unlike the literary version, occurs at the funeral of King Brah. Druid helps the Witcher and Jennipher in the fight against wild hunting. He voiced the elder in the game Actor Vasily Bochkarev.

Image and biography of a lot

The biography of the character is revealed in comics created based on the work of the Polish writer. So, according to him, the son of Manisa was the son of Manisa - the Witch in the service of Frengeenal.

Father Druid left the family early, so he did not know him hero. However, he soon lost his mother in the fault of Corin. After the boy remained orphan, he was taken into a circle of druids in Mayen.

When the circle was destroyed by wizards, the future mentor of Cirins, along with other druids, was invited to the Witcher tournament. So, he helped Geralt escape, because the competition turned into a slaughterhouse.

In the book, the author introduces readers with the character directly at the time of the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Charity. After 6 years after these events, the queen of Cultra Cilanta calls him. She orders Maga to kill Geral, so as not to give him the granddaughter of Cirill.

However, later Calanta cancels such an order, and the musician leads the Witcher to her. After 4 years, the character again appears in the plot. So, he tries to convince the Witcher in the fact that, according to the purpose of the purpose of the Cirin, should remain with him. However, heralt does not make any arguments and send the ravis.

Mormogur - a colorful character, very different from the druids and in appearance, and in nature. Thus, images of classic magicians who worship trees are inextricably linked with white clothes and long, fluttering beards. However, this druid varietyly differed from stereotypical representations.

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King Brahn adviser was a high and thin man with a dark beard in the form of a broom. In addition to directly magical affairs, this person performed other duties, deliberate into politics and was interested in everyone except "Mahania Kulak".

In addition, the hero featured enviable perseverance and the ability to foresee the situation. Those who communicated with him personally noticed that the Druid thoroughly thinks out every step. Act a measured, not in a hurry and giving yourself a report in every word and action, - this is how this crafted man preferred.

Mormogur in films

In 2019, Netflix showed the first season of the US-Polish TV series "Witcher". The screen version caused conflicting emotions from the fans of the Sagi Angea Sapkovsky not only by the selection of actors, but also interesting interpretations of the storylines.

The musualist in the picture played the British actor Adam Levi. If we talk about appearance, then the kinoger is close enough to the image of a literary character. The only thing the audience noted was - on the screens of Druid there was too rich clothes, which clearly contradicts the descriptions of the Sapkovsky.

But the main surprise of viewers expected in the fifth series "Witcher". In search of Cirins, Kagyr hires Doppler. This is a reasonable creature, which has a number of names - willxling, poor, Mimik.

The main feature of the Doppler lies in the ability to change its appearance in accordance with the desired manner. The only thing that is not able to mimicry willxling is the weight, so the copied person should be about the same set.

Otherwise, the Doppler perfectly repeats the recognizable features - hair, eye color, facialy. And the most important thing is that changing your flesh, it also achieves internal similarity - in character, habits and even desires.

In the film, the story of Doppler appeared a new storyline in the narration. Kagyre hired such a creature to find a princess of cursions. After the fall of the cyutra, the alarm is in captivity, but not able to predict that the Knight of Nilfgard was conceived.

The awareness comes at the moment when the Doppler sits on it on top and begins the transformation right in front of his face. Interestingly, Netflix, as a facial expaning, took the actor Callum Cautus, so the Doppler was only like a lot of music, but it is not necessary to speak about full reincarnation.

After the Cotes character mimicried, he slowly began to shove the sword in the chest of the mother's chest. "You do not know what it is," here is the last words of a dying Druid, who even thought about more important things before his death than his own destiny.

So, the magician died in the first season. However, Sagi fans suggest that he will still appear in the continuation of the painting. And it has its own prerequisites. First, it is a key hero, without which further plot lines will suffer greatly.

Secondly, until this point, the promise of Lauren Hissrich about the care for book details was not broken. And any changes did not wear a fatal character, which is accurately impossible to say about the death of the Druid.

But how will the one who is unequivocally killed on the screen will rise - it remains only to guess. Nevertheless, the creators of the "Witcher" project said that the audience is waiting for an action. Perhaps the death of a lot of people will entail even more incredible events.

Interesting Facts

  • On one of the collectible coins, which became a payment tool on the island of Niue, is depicted a lot of gravestone together and yaw.
  • In "Gwint Witcher: CAPTER GAME "Citation of a lot of people sounds like this:" Only ignorant is the meaning of the myths. "
  • Druid adhered to the opinion that the woman is able to reveal its magical abilities only after the virginity is lost.


Listen to your instincts, even if you do shit, then you will do it in agreement with you. Suppose to me closer, be evil and the system is sacred - here you should not know who you are. Himself people only for and live to Help young.


  • 1986 - "Last desire"
  • 1992 - "Sword of purpose"


  • 2002 - "Witcher"
  • 2019 - "Witcher"

Computer games

  • 2015 - "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt"
  • 2018 - "Gwint: Witcher. Card game"

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