Servia Tully - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, Roman king



The sixth king of the ancient Rome of Services Tully introduced the reforms, which became a political revolution, which subsequently inflicted the decisive blow to the remnal and communal resellers in Rome. The ancient Greek writer and philosopher Plutarch admired his reforms to establish order in the government, as well as his military and public morality, calling serving the wiser of all the kings of this state.

Childhood and youth

Serviy was born in the VI century BC. e., in the sources of historians there is not one version of its origin. In some, it is described that the father belonged to the royal genus Tully and lived in the city of Kornevil, and the mother was a woman named Okrismia. After the capture of the city, the man was killed by the Roman troops, and the boy's mother captured, at that time she was already pregnant. The woman became a slave from the ruler of the ruler Tanquille, but when the origin of the Occolia became known, she was released. The boy was born when his mother was still serving the queen.

The history of origin in other sources is not much different. According to Tita Libya, after the death of Tully, a woman was recognized as his wife and did not turn into slavery, so the child was grew as the royal son. The biography of the service is enveloped by legends and myths, according to some, wonders took place in childhood. For example, one day after sleeping around the boy's head caught fire, the servants rushed to glue it, but Tanquille stopped them and began to wait for the flame itself. The fire has gone, but there is no single stain on the skin of the future king. It was perceived as a sign of over that Tully will become an excellent ruler and benefit Rome. After that, he began to raise as a real royal son.

Personal life

Personal life Tully decided on his young years when he lived in Tanqualail's royal family. The wife of the young man became one of the daughters of the king, during the years of his own life, she gave a spouse of two children, both girls.

My daughters serving were the descendants of his predecessor of Tarquinia Prsk. Girls had different characters. The eldest, modest and calm, became the wife of a proud layout, while the youngest who seemed to admit to recognition chose himself into her husbands of indecisive and calm Arround.

Governing body

After conducting all the youth years in the royal family Tanquille, he became native. For serving, the daughter was given the daughter of the king then, so as the son-in-law he had all the rights to the rule of Rome after the death of the test. But the sons of the former ruler of Anca Marcia decided to bring this moment to bring up, without being suspected. They did not kill the serving, as they understood that the king would find another son-in-law, and therefore they planned to kill the Tarquinity of Prsk. Partially they managed to implement a plan, but further events began to unfold in a different way. The spouse of King Tanquille ordered to locate all the doors and declared the people that her husband was wounded and while he recovers, his place would take Tully.

When it became clear that the service perfectly copes with the responsibilities assigned to him, the widow of Tarquinia announced the death of her husband and stated that now Tully became the full king of ancient Rome. At the same time, many still continued to relate to him as a former slave and did not recognize his authority. To judge the foreign policy, which Tully led, in the "Roman antiquities" written by Dionisia Galicarnassky. Those tribes that still depended on Rome did not want to obey the person who had such low origin, and therefore the war began between them. She lasted decades and ended with the victory of Rome, and the land tribes received from the expulsion were distributed between the Romans.

In the sources of those years, the numerous merit of Tully was described, the glory of the king was entrusted to bring the transformation to Rome. According to them, the ruler expanded the rights of ordinary Romans and weakened Patrician. The poor were endowed with the lands, and those who had debts were forbidden to have in the shackles. Also, the poor received the right to get rich and navigate to the top classes of society. Burned or released slaves now received Roman citizenship. He did a lot in the religious plan - built the temples of Diana and Fortune and installed the cult of Diana in Rome.

Also, the Tullia was created by the service of the Constitution and the reform was adopted, according to which the rights and obligations to participate in state affairs (military service, paying taxes and the other) were assigned not only to Patriches, but also on the plebeian. Regardless of the origin and prosperity, the population was divided into classes, which, if necessary, put their own warriors. The law made their quantity and armament, which depended on the consistency of citizens. The rich provided a greater number of warriors.

For considerations of Tully, such a step was to make them carry special burden in the desire to protect their own wealth. At the same time, the poor population was completely removed from military service and were released from paying taxes, but also deprived of the right to vote and take other important decisions regarding the state.


Soon after the marriage of the daughters, the service was waiting for the tragedy: His father-in-law was killed and eldest daughter. Two reasons were voiced in the sources - natural death (due to illness) and poisoning, which set up the younger daughter Tully. Then, despite the ban, serving, she married a widrowed laying. Subsequently, on the baptism of the new spouse, he stood at the head of the conspiracy to overthrow Tully from the throne. By that time, the Senate no longer supported Tsar Rome, since the patricians have increasingly expressed dissatisfaction with the reforms adopted by him. Taking advantage of this, Lucius became self-proclaimed king.

Serviy took an attempt to drive the impostor, by that time he was already an old man, and therefore, who was in the Senate, he received a hard rebuff. Lutions pushed Tully, and he fell into stone steps, barely holding his feet, he went home. But the man was doomed to death: people sent by Lutsee caught up and killed the old king. The exact cause of the death of the service in the sources is not reported.

Junior Tully, having learned about the coup, the first arrived in the Senate to congratulate the spouse with a new position. Fearing for the safety of the spouse, he ordered to return her home. Driving the streets of the city on the chariot, the camps stopped the crew, because the newly dead serve lay on the road. Looking at him, the woman ordered to continue the way, at the height on the body from under the wheels, the blood of Tully splashed, blurred her dress. Leaving the house of the king's daughter, she returned with the title of Queen.

Lucius forbade Horon Test, but his wife, waiting for the night, took the body of the dead spouse in the cemetery and betrayed him.

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