TV series "Andreevsky Flag" (2020): Release date, actors, roles, on the first


In the middle of summer, the TV series "Andreevsky Flag" started on the first channel, dedicated to weekdays of military sailors and timed to the Day of the Navy. The release date of the picture took place on July 13, 2020. Actors and roles, as well as interesting details from the set - in the material 24cm.


In the center of the plot - the story of the retired Vice Admiral of Chernobaevsky, who went ashore to sort out his personal life. The land life turned out to be confusing: the daughter is going to marry the first oncoming, the son admits behind the teachings on the combat ship, and the grandson cannot choose a life path.

The main character, not wanting to put up with the life of a pensioner, is arranged by the director of the educational institution, where with the characteristic military directness is trying to clean up. However, it is only the beginning of life difficulties in the family, which was drawn into detective events with arms smuggling.

Actors and roles

The series "Andreevsky flag" boasts a star cast. Starring starred:

  • Anatoly Vasilyev - Grigory Chernobayevsky, who resigned and tries to help children establish a personal life. The actor is known according to the main roles in the serials "Shatta" and "Family Detective". In 2020, two premiere will be held at once with Vasilyev after a 6-year break in the shooting.
  • Elena Probleova - Valentina Chernobayevskaya, the wife of Admiral. Recently, the actress is rarely removed. Among the works of the decade, the films "Ghosts of Zamoskvorechye" and "And Mom is better!".
  • Dmitry Miller - the son of Admiral Sergey, who was removed from the command by the ship. The actor is known for work in the series "Iznikka", where Petra Inozetseva played. In the career of the artist, this is the first experience in the role of a military sailor.
  • Semen Shemses - grandson Admiral Chernobaevsky, Valera, who cannot choose a lifemark. The artist is known for roles in the films "T-34" and "Togol-Robot", where he created the image of chok.
  • Irina Techieva - Daughter Admiral Catherine, tired of mother's guardianship and in search of independence decided to marry. The actress is known for the role in the TV series "Kitchen", and also remembered the audience with work in the project "Photo for memory".

Spectators will also see in secondary roles: Boris Shcherbakova, Anatoly Kotheneva, Dmitry Astrakhan, Anna Sherling, Alexander Magnik and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. The director of the project was Vitaly Vorobyev, known for the drams "Desanstera" and "Black Bustlands". This is the first modern military kinocartine in the director's career. Early projects have affected the events of past years and were with a retrouclon.

2. The locations of the series became the city of Kaliningrad, Svetlogorsk and the Baltic Navy. A German mansion was used as the admiral giving.

3. Spectators will see military ammunition from the Valentine Yudashkin collection in the frame.

4. The "sea" episodes were filmed on ships and submarines. The creators of the film promise that military personnel will be present in the frame. In addition, the consultants of some scenes were submarines commanders who corrected the inaccuracy of the script.

5. Dmitry Miller was preparing for the role of the Military: Communicated with submariners and read special literature. The Contractor managed to be born into the image, so so what was clarified whether the actor served on the submarine.

6. It became known that the series will be present in the series, which was filmed in CGCB Kaliningrad. The creators opened the secret and told that the shooting was conducted on several floors of the hospital. This is done so that the audience has an impression that the action takes place in various medical institutions.

7. The series "Andreevsky Flag" will surprise with scaligence. The sealing of the family saga participated the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which approved the showing of exercises on warships and submarines.

Series "Andreevsky Flag" - Trailer:

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