Stars with the authorized century: Russian, Hollywood


Competently executed makeup is able to transform face and hide small disadvantages. A common problem becomes the so-called hanging (or lowered) eyelid. The owner of a peculiar skin "hood" often look tired, and their gaze becomes heavy. Of course, some seek to make blepharoplasty, but annoying trouble can be corrected using tricks in Maikapa.

The editorial office of 24cmi prepared material on how the stars with the hungry make their face flawless.

1. Vera Brezhnev

The first in the list of stars with such a structure of the top of the face is Vera Brezhnev. The secret of the makeup of the Russian star with the authorities - the lack of bright, bold shadows and graphic shooters. In addition, the eyebrows at the faith of Brezhneva are located high, and their middle of their delicate seems to be glad. As the plastic surgeon Artashes Arapetyan noted in an interview with the publication, Blephatheralla, in this case, will not give the expected effect.

2. Ekaterina Klimova

A wide view of the eyes makes a view of the Russian actress penetrating and easy, despite the feature of the structure of the eyelids. The oval face framed by chestnut strands of the hair requires a soft makeup and designation of eyelash with a pencil, as well as a slightly shaded outdoor corner of the eyes. How to hide the hidden eyelid, Ekaterina Klimova does not tell fans, but demonstrates different tricks in the angles: in many photos in Instagram, a woman sends a look up and sideways, which visually makes her eyes wider.

3. Christina Orbakayte

An unpleasant feature of aging in the form of a lowered century worries Christina Orbakayte. It is worth noting that the Russian singer, which celebrated the 49th anniversary in 2020, looks well maintained and does not neglect the bright colors in Maikapa. However, the hanging eyelids have to hide the chin raising up in the photos. Such an angle allows you to focus on the bottom of the face, giving a glance with a light chance.

4. Blake Lively

The Hollywood Star of the TV series "Gossip" is not hesitating to share with fans with photos without retouching and makeup, but the features had to fight with the help of "enclosures of beauty" and plastics. So, Blake Lively made rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty. As the actress noted, the second procedure was not a whim, and the need: because of the authorized century, the girl had a rapidly impaired vision.

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5. Emma Stone

The Hollywood actress is the owner of almond-shaped eyes, however, the subtle connoisseurs noted that the Winner of the Oscar and Golden Globe premiums looks unfair and tired. Such a feature does not diminish the beauty of Emma Stone, but earlier the girl loved to distinguish her eyeliner, which was even stronger than the look. Now the cunning stars with the hungry is lightweight, relaxed makeup with soft arrows and a bright emphasis on the lips.

6. Jennifer Lawrence

Previously, Jennifer Lawrence did not try to hide lowered eyelids, however, with the acquisition of popularity, the girl began to use small tricks. Thus, the star of the film "Hungry Games" changed the eye of the eyebrows, began to increase eyelashes, and also abandoned the arrow directed upwards. Jennifer Lawrence often uses the dairy brown version of Smokey-Aiz with a neat adhesion and throughout dark matte shadows of the hanging eyelids.

7. Taylor Swift.

The American singer is the owner of small eyes, and therefore the feature in the form of an impending upper century becomes an unpleasant drawback that Taylor Swift seeks to remove with blepharoplasty. However, micro-thaws have a temporary effect, after which the glance becomes heavy again. A reasonable way out of the current situation is the branded arrows of the performer and the cold blond, which makes it focus on blue eyes and scarlet lips.

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