Alina Shutyryeva - Photo, biography, personal life, news, "voice. Children »2021.



In 2020, the 7th season of the show "Voice" came out on the first channel. Children ", which means, a talented, bright and naked younger generation does not dry. Someone from the participants of the new season was only born when the first program went on the air, and someone followed the transfer from year to year and worked on his own skill, dreaming to enter the scene of the country's main vocal project and declare himself. Among them, Alina Shutyryeva, who, after convincing execution of the song in English, passed to the Basta team.


Alina was born on August 25, 2005 in the city of Zarechny, which is 6 km from Penza. Here, the girl lives with his parents and elder brother Sergey and studying in Lyceum No. 230. The study does not deliver the girl of great worries, but with mathematics there are certain difficulties. But the Russian language and literature problems do not deliver problems: Shtyrynaeva loves to read, and among the favorite books calls the "rider without head" Main Reed.

There is little free time at the young singer: after studying, she visits a music school for the piano and vocal-pop studio "Dessert", where he made the first steps towards the dream to become a singer. About the life and details of the biography of Shutyryeva talks in "Instagram", where he regularly lays out photos from rest, performances and sketches of everyday life.


Music classes have already ceased to be an ordinary hobby for Alina. The girl puts a lot of time and effort in order to achieve heights in creativity. The teachers of the studio "Dessert" and her head Anna Bulik helps in this. Together with the team of Shtyrynaev, repeatedly performed on the scenes of the hometown and beyond, participated in international competitions. Among them, "The Road of Stars", held in 2019 in Kazan. From there, Alina brought the Grand Prix in the nomination "Vocal-Solo".

In December 2019, the young singer decided to try the forces in Casting on the show "Voice. Children". Of the 30,000 applications submitted for the competition, only 800 people were invited to the full-time stage, and Zarechanka got into the number of lucky. Having performed three songs to the commission, Shtyrynaeva was admitted to "blind listening", which took place in the spring of 2020.

Alina Shtyrynaeva now

Going to "blind listening" in the show "Voice. Children, "Alina fought with excitement. The girl understood that he had to speak as much as possible, to reveal himself and show everything that was capable of. But the excitement of the participant multiplied multiple times when she learned before going to the scene that only one vacant place was left in the commands of the mentors. However, the young singer coped with severe moral pressure and did not flour.

This cannot be said about the numerous support group that could not cope with the nerves. Parents, grandparents, grandfather Anna Bulik almost smashed the studio with hot emotions. His impulses were tried to unfold the chair Basta, who had long thought to decide before deciding.

No less pressure on the mentor also provided Polina Gagarin, who, having admiring the girl's singing, literally begged Vasily Vakulento more likely to say yes. Unanimous with her was Valery Meladze, highly appreciated the vocal skill of the contestant.

For the speech, Alina chose the song ONE DAY from the repertoire of the Ukrainian singer Zlata Ognevich. The composition allowed the 14-year performer to demonstrate the wealth of vocal technology - the Opera Chorus, Observation, Mixed Notes, which ultimately convinced the mentor to take the girl to his team. The auditorium supported the girl with unsuccessful ovations. Now Shtyrynaeva passes the rehearsal stage, preparing for "fights" to continue the struggle in the competition and prove that it is worthy to be called the best voice of the country.

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