Film "Siberian Barber" (1998): Actors, Fate, Roles, then


On October 30, 1998, in Moscow, the audience saw the film "Siberian Bulb" director Nikita Mikhalkov. Large budget setting of $ 40 million was shot 10 years. International film crew, unusual perspective and location, music Eduard Andreeva, reinforcing the experiences of heroes, - All this allowed everyone to see his own interpretation of the plot.

In the center of the plot - two lines that merge into one to the final. The inventor of Douglas McCrequin attracts his invention to Russia, and Jane Callahan takes assistance, which was required to achieve the location of General Radlov. By coincidence, the sincere feelings of the intrigue saw in the eyes of the young Junker Andrei Tolstoy.

As the fate of actors who have performed key roles in the film changed, in the material 24cm.

Oleg Menshikov (1960)

Full Oleg Menshikov during filming in the film and now

In the lead role of Junker Andrei Tolstoy - Oleg Menshikov. The actor, which turned 38 years, was to play a young man. Then that the Contractor is easier to get into the image, helped the director's experiment, who settled the artist to the barrack for 3.5 months and forced his studies on the charter of 1885.

The creative career of the artist has developed successfully. From the latest filmmakes, the roles in the projects "Tired by the Sun 2: Citadel", "Legend No. 17", "Invasion" were noticeable. From 2012, Menshikova was approved as the Hermolova Theater. And since 2018, Oleg Evgenievich shares experience at the acting faculty of Gitis and launched the Yutiub-channel "Ohm".

Julia Ormond (1965)

Actress Julia Ormond during filming in the film and now

The role of Inrigan Jane Callakhan performed Julia Ormond. The Russian history turned out to be close to the performer, who debuted in the image of Empress Catherine Great in the film "Young Catherine", and later played the hope of Alolilyev in foreign epic "Stalin".

The film "Siberian Barber" influenced the creative fate of the actress. The year in Russia forced to revise priorities and the star switched to a personal life, working in film projects in secondary roles. It does not run from age and retains natural data, refusing radical interventions. In 2019, the film "By calculating", where the actress performed the role of 60-year-old ladies.

Alexey Petrenko (1938-2017)

Actor Alexey Petrenko during filming in the film and in recent years

General Radlova, who dreams of marrying Jane, performed Alexey Petrenko. The actor was considered a reincarnation master. The power of the talent made it possible to create such impressive images on the screen as Grigory Rasputin in "Agony", Mokia Knurova in the "cruel romance", Joseph Stalin in "Toward a storm".

Successively died on February 22, 2017. The cause of death was called the broken thromb. He was buried at the Nikolsky cemetery of Balashikha.

Vladimir Ilyin (1947)

Full Vladimir Ilyin during filming in the film and now

Wardrite for Junkers Captain Mokina performed Vladimir Ilyin. The representative of the acting dynasty presented the audience more than 130 filmmakers, among which the roles in the projects "Time of the First" and "Podubny" were noticeable in the last decade.

In the artist's creative environment, they consider a devout person who does not agree to shoot without blessing the confessor. In 2020, the actor filmography will become richer on 4 roles in cinema.

Nikita Mikhalkov (1945)

Actor Nikita Mikhalkov during filming in the film and now

In the role of Emperor Alexander III - the director of the melodrama Nikita Mikhalkov. Nikita Sergeevich is now focused on a senior position in the center of theater and cinema. And in the frame as an artist, the celebrity pleased with the audience in the premiere of the film "After school" 2012.

Marina Neelova (1947)

Actress Marina Neelova during filming in the film and now

Andrei Tolstoy's mother performed Marina Neelova. Her heroines rose from the fabulous princess in the "old, old fairy tale" to a curious lady revealing the crime in the series "Proposed circumstances". In 2017, the performer starred in the comedy "CARP frozen" where he played a pensioner.

Now Marina Mstislavovna is rarely removed, but continues to work in the "Contemporary" troupe.

Marat Basharov (1974)

Actor Marat Basharov during filming in the film and now

The film "Siberian Barber" became the first noticeable work of Marat Basharov, who played the Junker of Paliyevsky. Prior to that, there was an episode in the picture "Burnt by the Sun", where the artist performed a tanker.

Now the diverse performer will learn about Bright Charism and complicated spiritual experiences in the frame. Among the works of recent years, the project "Movement Up" and the social drama "I will give you a victory" did not go unbightened.

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