Pavel Leste - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Accident



Pavel Lestels - a bright and outstanding blogger who did not cease to amaze and admire fans of bold and frank images, scandalous photos, charismaticness and a sense of humor. On the "Yutiuba", a young man led the channel, where it was shared with the audience with advice on the choice of cosmetics, departures and a lot of other.

Childhood and youth

About children's and youth years in the biography of a blogger, a designer and a musician knows little. The date of birth, Paul hid from the public, but judging by social networks, he was born in 1982 in the city of Dnepropetrovsk in a low-income family. Parents did not pour a child with attention: the elder brother of the future showman often sick, and the family was forced to give him all his strength. This led to the fact that the loops grew closed and sought to solitude.

In an interview, the blogger said that, being small, dreamed of becoming a prince or a trucker driver. In school, the teenager became interested in electronic music, tried herself as a DJ on small parties. After graduating from secondary school, the young man continued to the musical direction and began working in the entertainment business.

Personal life

Personal life of Paul is interested in the public no less than booty creativity. According to the artist himself, he clearly divides the stage and real images. The audience was accustomed to seeing the loot in provocative onions, in which women's dresses, swimsuits, on heels, as well as in Latex's clothes are dominated. This allows the public to take a man to representatives of alternative orientation.

Many believe that the beloved DJ is a colleague on the creative project Sergey Ostrikov. Young people do not deny that they are peculiar to them, they love to provoke and surprise the audience. However, at the same time, the musicians are not interested in men, the Society of Ladies prefer. Some sources argue that Paul was married and even managed to become a father, but the designer himself did not comment on it.

Career and creativity

Realizing that in their hometown for creative implementations there are no opportunities, the guy decided to move to Moscow. In the capital, the loops radically changes the lifestyle. Of the unremarkable provincial blogger turns into this "Apollo" - enhanced bodybuilding classes soon give the result.

A man makes a cult from his body, on the basis of which the Naked Dj's musical project appears. Together with the Ukrainian, the participant was the designer Sergey Ostrikov. Guys began to tour in Russia and abroad, giving concerts mainly in local gay bars. Sergey, being a talented artist, schedule, drawing covers for duet discs.

What represented root on the scene is difficult to call the usual performance of DJs. Sergey and Paul thought out bright costume programs for which they ordered clothes from states. In addition, the team of choreographers and makeup artists worked with them. As a result, the audience was obtained entertaining spectacular shows, each of which became unforgettable.

In addition to work in the project, the loops engaged in "solo" creativity. On the Yutiub-Channel, a man appeared before the public in the form of a spectacular richness telling subscribers about current trends in fashion and beauty. The channel quickly found fans. The main audience of the blogger was women and gays.

In addition to the Internet space, the musician bodybuilder actively won and television. So, in 2011, the Popular show "Fashion sentence" passed the transfer on the topic of the hostage of Lady Gaga. And in September 2013, a man appeared as a friend of the participants in the transfer "Let's get married."

Pavel Leste in the show

In the studio, the audience saw a puffed man in brightly pink tight clothes, with a mass of jewelry and wig with long white hair. Then the appearance of a "bearded blonde" produced a real extension. After the Eurovision contest, which took place in 2014 in Denmark, many began to call Paul to the Russian graduation campaign, because at that time the appearance of the blogger was gathering with the winner of the song contest.

In this image, a man appeared in the studio of the Comedy Club project. There, communicating with the residents of "Comedy Club", Showman showed that he has a sense of humor and can calmly respond to provocative questions about appearance, creativity, orientation and many other things.


The loops died on April 4, 2020 in the car accident. The accident occurred at about 13:00 Moscow time. At the 38th kilometer of the M2 "Crimea" route, the Mercedes car, in which there was a blogger and three of his companions, flew under the wagon. According to preliminary information, a teenager of 2004 was at the time of the tragedy was driving.

The cause of the death of bodybuilder in an accident was injured incompatible with life. It is known that before death, a man traveled to a migration center located in Sakharov. The showman had to submit documents for the design of a patent for work as a foreign citizen who stays in Russia. After completing the procedures, Paul wrote Ostrovka about what was going to go back to Moscow.

Since then, the loops stopped contacting. Sergey applied for help in the search squad "Liza Alert". It was suspicious, because in the apartment of DJ was a cat whom Bodybuilder could not leave unattended. After it became known that DJ crashed, the aspides reported this in "Instagram".

In addition, the guy noted that due to the coronavirus pandemic, the closed borders are not able to bury a friend. The designer also spoke about the instances that need to go through to get the body, and offered those who wish to take a deceased friend's domestic pet.

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