The cost of the interviews of the stars: Russian, 2020, price, revelations


Celebrities reveal only those details of personal life who are willing to discuss. Only separate facts of biography, exciting presses and fans, media persons disclose the fee. What is the cost of interviewing stars - in the material 24cm.

Alla Pugacheva

The life of the Primateonna Russian pop is always surrounded by the attention of curious eyes. Melomanans are known not only by the discography of celebrities, but also the details of personal life. However, judging by the instagram account of Maxim, Maxim Galkin, to reproach Alla Borisovna in secrecy.

But it was not always so. In the 90s, they say, the publication of AIDS info for questions about unsuccessful pregnancy paid $ 50 thousand and the details of the appearance of children in the star family of the NTV channel rated, by rumors, several million rubles.

Diana Shurygin

The cost of interviewing the stars can grow over the years. So, the little-known girl Diana Shurygin after a resonant statement about rape in 2016 became a star of television. For the piquant details of the victim, 200 thousand rubles paid first.

Later, a short remark of a public person was worth 100 thousand rubles, and for a public speech, a girl received up to 400 thousand rubles. For comparison: the cost of participation in the shooting on the television of a person from the street is about 50 thousand rubles.

And after the young man recognized by the guilty was at freedom, Diana for participating in the transfer with the detector lies received half a million rubles.

Monica Levinsky

It is expensive not only the revelation of Russian girls. About the Avulter American Ex-President Bill Clinton became known thanks to the Monique Levinsky travelers, which gave a television interview for £ 400 thousand .. his act later, an offended woman explained to the hard financial situation and accounts from lawyers.

Marat Basharov

Marat Basharov distinguished himself. Charges in domestic violence from the beloved women became a reason for the Obid. It is concerned that the details of the marriage process with the wife of Elizabeth, a chevrkova actually agreed to reveal to journalists for 20 thousand euros. But then the price was not on the pocket of publications.

And in 2020, the actor appeared in the talk show "Secret by Million", where he told about how he raised his hand on women. According to the actor Nikolai Sakharov, the cost of revelations of Basharov could translated for 1 million rubles.

Nikita Dzhigurda

Pottazable, loud-friendly Nikita Dzhigurda frequent guest on television screens. His answers to questions in the talk show are ready to listen for 600 thousand rubles. Therefore, intimate details and intimate arguments in the celebrity interviews appear often.

The maximum income the star brought a divorce with Marina Anisina and a scandal around the testament Lyudmila Bartosh. It is rumored that for the sake of the ratings of Jigurd even comes up with news and thus makes a living.

Ekaterina Didenko

The tragedy in the bath complex, where the three people died, caused interest in the details of the History with dry ice. The pressure of the press was so strong that the lawyer asked widow to comments. According to Ekaterina Didenko in an interview with Peopletalk, she received a proposal from the first channel with a fee of 500 thousand rubles.

And the "interlocutor" published the price of 1.4 million rubles for exclusive for "let them say." For comparison: the show of the first channel paid 1.8 million Emmanuil Vitorgana for the news of the birth of her daughter. There are no accurate data on the fee of the widow.

Dmitry Kharatyan.

In the price of the interviews of the stars sometimes enters disappointment. Actor Dmitry Kharatyan does not hide that he takes money for an interview. However, he does it not to earn it from thirst, but from chagrin.

Once journalists interviewed a woman who allegedly gave birth to Gardemarina. The hype brought a lot of trouble to the actor, after which his comments and interviews were exclusive.

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