"Soldier" - photo, history of creation, news, reality shows, participants 2021



In March 2020, a premiere of the realistic series "Soldier", an unprecedented project, the production of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was held on the TNT TV channel. The focus was 12 girls who are accustomed to attention and compliments. But now their life is the unquestioning fulfillment of military charter, building preparation and men who do not touched tears.

History of creation and rules

For the first time about the realistic show "Soldier" spoke in February 2019. It was then that GOOD STORY MEDIA, known for the TV series "Fizruk", "Philfak", Olga and others, announced a set of participants.

Casting passed several thousand girls. And none of them probably did not assume that the immersion in army life would be so complete. A few hours daily on the set in the Moscow region in the surroundings of actors - this is what participants were expected. But the elected of them were in the Crimea in the current military unit.

"Soldier" is the only realistic show in Russia, in which the rules replaces the military charter, and the leader is the commander. The ability to unquestionably execute orders, physical and psychological stability, cohesion - this is what you need to participate in order to reach the final. Or, as the servicemen say, "demob."

The creators of the realistic series "Soldier" argue that the shooting is conducted "without bills, with many cameras." And thanks to the fact that participants do not make concerns even on the basis of gender signs, the audience see life in a barracks that it is. The rise at 06:00, from the post at 22:00, breakfast, lunch and dinner on schedule, harsh, but fair punishments and exhausting physical exertion in full combat uniforms.

"The magic" Soldier "is that participants want to reach the end, despite the difficulties," notes the creative director of the TNT TV channel Gabriel Gordeyev.

Get off the project girl can at any time at their own request. And the main prize is a precious brooch "Star of reality" Soldier "" - after two months in the barracks, the participant's most resistant and change will receive.

Leading and participants

Of the several thousand people who wish in the 1st season of the realistic series "Soldier" passed 12 girls - Alina Bosch, Anna Demoshkina, Alina Klapteva, Veronika Borisova, Anastasia Zaitseva, Claudia Leveling, Elizabeth Sergeeva, Daria Kondratieva, Daria Razumovskaya, Yevgeny Moiseeva, Yana Zaichenko and Alexander Chitrichenko.

Most of the participants are creative nature. So, put on the vests and caps had to be several actresses, singer, dancer, blogger, florist, bartender, and a cosmetologist. There are also representatives of the "workers" of professions - the personnelist and economist.

Each girl pursues its goals on the project. Alina Bosch and Daria Razumovskaya, for example, run from unsuccessful relationships. Alexandra Chitrichenko and Yana Zaichenko want to become famous, and Evgeny Moiseeva dreams of returning to the "Cituit" and to say to an ex-husband: "Even I served!"

The challenge to turn gentle creatures in exemplary servicemen in the 1st season of the "Soldier" was stood before the guard of the Captain Ivan Cossack. At first, the participants did not take it seriously, they wanted to lure to their side with the help of charm, but the officer clearly made it clear: he was subordinate more than 200 people, so he will cope with 12 women.


The pilot season of the realistic series "Soldier" started on TV channel TNT on March 29, 2020. In front of the audience, 12 participants were confident that their entertainment show awaits, and not a serious test for strength. The first test did not make himself wait: the girls were waiting for a 3-hour flight on a fleet of IL-76.

Seeing the sea from the porthole, the girls revived. They still did not understand what they expect a severe army regime, and not a vacation on the beach. After a few workouts in full outfit "Soldier" realized that the sun, on the contrary, their enemy: it is hard to carry 30-degree heat in a 20-kilogram body armor.

On the day of arrival in the military unit "Soldat" accepted officers for actors. Their disobedience and attempts of Flirta led to the first sentence. Under the scorching sun in short skirts and at high heels, the girls had to study the team "Diva!".

Only worse. In the barracks, the captain of the Cossacks demanded from girls to pass all the things brought from the citizen, even underwear. Also get rid of it was necessary from long nails, jewelry and piercing. Under the threat of departing from the Darya Razumovskaya and Anastasia, Zaitseva had to get rid of microdermals.

And more participants of the realistic show "Soldier" lost phones. They could not call their chosenses and friends, to enter social networks, listen to music. But, since the series was recorded in advance, now the girls' accounts in "Instagram" are abounding with photos in shape.

Despite the habits, age and physical characteristics, "Soldiers" had to study a bed together together, as a military charter requires, to wear gas masks and a combination kit, marching and keeping, digging the trenches, led armored personnel carrier, etc.

Physical fatigue and psychological pressure from Captain Cossacks affected the "soldiers" on the first day. At first they complained and lean, entered into conflicts with officers and each other, but then they realized that their strength in unity.

Realistic show "Soldier" now

The first pilot season of the realistic series "Soldier" left Claudius Lesse. It was broken by the hypocrisy of other participants and their own aggression. Capant Cossacks did not support the care of the girl, but did not prevent it. One way or another, only one will win.

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In what part of the participants will reach the final and who will get a precious brooch "Star reality" Soldier "will show time. New series go on Sundays at 19:00 on TV channel TNT.

On March 9, 2020, the Good Story Media website started receiving applications from the participants of the 2nd season of the realistic show "Soldier". Applicants needed to fill out the questionnaire and attach a video with a story about why the army is needed to them.

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