Batilda Bagshot (character) - Photo, "Harry Potter", Hasel Douglas, actress, film


Character History

Batilda Bagshot is a secondary character of Romans Joan Rowling. In the cycle, the heroine appears only in the book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" book, and after death - being already a bodily shell for Nagayna Wolan de Mort.

History of character creation

This character was mentioned in the first part of the series of novels of the English writer. The childhood of the director of Hogwarts is connected with it, as well as the scandalous story about the publication of the reporter Rita Skiter called "Life and Deceptions of Albus Dumbledore".

In the film "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 1 "The role of the wizard-historian played Hasel Douglas. The actress perfectly demonstrated the character of old age, and the fans of Sagi noted the similarity in the appearance of a literary heroine with a film chip.

Despite the fact that the character is an episodic, in the work it gives important information about the formation of Dumbledore as a great wizard. The information about which becomes known from the memories of Batilda, really shocking. Therefore, there are assumptions that the old woman is simply suffering from dementia.

In addition, Batilda was the author of many books, including the "Magic History", which was used to teach on the same name in Hogwarts. Hermione Granger even wore their own copy of the textbook in a handbag, from which magical knowledge was drawn.

Image and biography of Batilda Bagshot

About young years in the biography of this character, nothing is known. A wizard was born in the middle of the XIX century. The narrative is underway from the moment when the family of Albus Dumbledore moves in Godrikov.

According to tradition, Batilda decides to visit new neighbors and with his own baked buns appears in front of their threshold. However, Mother - Kendra - for an incomprehensible reason, does not allow a friendly confused woman and literally closes the door in front of it.

The entire next year Miss BagsHot sees only two boys - Albus and Aberfoot. The fact that the family is still a girl Ariana, the wizard will know much later. Once she noticed Kendra with his daughter in the winter night, they walked around the lawn a couple of times around and hid in the house.

After that, the episode of Kendra became close to Batilda. And a little later, Dumbledore's mother died. According to the magician, the cause of the death of a young woman became an incorrectly successful spell.

At the same time, a nephew is coming to Batilda for the summer holidays - Gellert Green de Wald. The sorcerer introduces a relative with Dumbledore, who grieved after the loss of mother and suffered from a lack of communication with peers.

It is worth saying that the sudden visit of Green de Wald was not called by desire to visit the relative. The fact is that the wizard-historian lived in the same village, where they betrayed the land of Ignotus Peverell. He, according to legend, received the deathly hallows. But about this, the fans of Pecterians will only recognize in Spin-off "Fantastic creatures and where they live" Joan Rowling.

Surprisingly, these boys immediately come together. For all day, they disappeared for conversations, and at night they sent each other owls with notes. Batilda rejoiced to the friendship arising, because she simpatized Albus and was happy that the gellert was distracted by a neighbor-siroto from sad thoughts.

But Miss Bagos did not know that she brought his friends the idea to take possession of the world with the help of death gifts. Gellert convinces Albus to leave his brother and sister and followed the Great Goal. But Dumbledore such an idea seemed wild, which was due to the conflict.

Aberfour interferes with the conversation, and Gellert, having counted the younger brother of Albus an obstacle, thrown on him. Flames the fight between the three young wizards, as a result of which the spell comes into the younger sister Ariana.

The girl dies, and the gellert hurries to the aunt and asks her to open the portal to return home. More than Batilda of the grandchildren did not see. However, the book has the quotes of the heroine that "he was a wonderful boy," no matter what.

Further mention in the book about Miss Bags is coming from the letter of Mother Harry Potter. Lily reported that this "charming old woman" visited their family almost every day. She did not want a soul in a little Harry, often played with him, helping parents.

Also, Lily Potter wrote that Batilda told about the friendship of Albus with the gellert. Harry's mother could not believe that Dumbledore was once friends with such a powerful villain. And all the words of the cute neighbor perceived as a manifestation of senile dementia.

Before death, Batilda took an interview to the scandalous Rita Skiter. By this time, few people believed that the mind of the author of the "history of magic" was so stuffed that she would talk with the reporters and would go to betrayal. A little later, Rita admitted that she used serum truth. It also becomes clear that she stole photographs from the house of the old woman.

The result of this interview was the book, which turned upside down information about the life of Dumbledore. Probably Rita has long planned to compromise the late director of Hogwarts, since the released edition was ready 4 weeks after communicating with Bagshot.

About how Batilda died, Joan Rowling did not indicate. Probably killed by Wolan de Mort by a spell, and after used the Bagshot body for his goals. So, after death, the wizard turned into a snake Nagaine and served the main villain.

In the guise of Batilda, the creature was set up Harry Potter. The task was to detain the young wizard before the arrival of Volan de Mort. But this time, not without the help of Hermione, Harry managed to escape. During the contraction of the snake, one of the walls in the house, which is found to be a cozy children's room. Probably, the future villain gellert once lived in it.

Externally, the heroine was described like this: it was an old height of low growth, bent from old age, with gray-haired, liquid hair. We saw in front of Luma, and the whole body was wrinkled, covered with red vessel vessels and waspressed by pigment stains.

Interesting Facts

  • Harry Potter found the name for owls in the "history of magic". The book is such a surname of one wizard mentioned in the textbook.
  • The "History of Magic" was published 2 times.
  • Green de Wald "survived" his relative for the year and died also from the hands of Volan de Morta.


  • 2010 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 1"

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