Star Fathers: Russian, Hollywood, changed after the birth of a child


It turns out that Pope is also ready to change diapers, help with mathematics in the first grade and accompany the heirs to the graduation. And a few months before the advent of the baby, they change the habits and lifestyle to become an example for imitation. Star fathers in this regard are no exception.

About the famous dads that have changed with the advent of the child - in the material 24cmi.

Justin Timberlake

Loves of the public Justin Timberlake has already received the nickname "snake in the pants" for a stormy personal life. In parallel with the conquest of Creative Olympus, Justin "worked out" for Hollywood beauty, including Cameron Diaz, Alice Milano and Scarlett Johansson.

The singer was even caught on the boy's stamps such as disrupting details of clothes from the partner, which he called the random "wardrobe malfunction."

In April 2015, Timberlake had a firstborn, for whom the Star Father postponed the output of the album and went on maternity leave. Now a noble lifting exemplary family man and a loving father.

Ivan Okhlobystin

Russian actor, screenwriter, director and tattoo biker with tattoos Ivan Okhlobystin was distinguished by addiction to sturdy drinks and bold trips, which opened him the road to a big cinema and helped win the heart of Oksana Watermelon.

However, after the birth of the firstborn, a sense of responsibility came to Okhlobystin. He changed the worldview, brought the compromising tattoo and turned into a caring dad. Now in the family of a celebrity 6 children. The upbringing of Oshlobystin builds on mutual respect and notes that it will be happy if his kids will appear.

Orlando Bloom

British actor Orlando Bloom considers himself a man prone to injury. His love for extreme sports turned to the star with a broken nose, ribs, a fracture of legs, hands, spine after riding a motorcycle, skiing and falling from a tree.

In 2011, Orlando had a son, and the star father refused roles to devote time to the heir. And in the extreme sensations that help sharper feel a reality, the performer has become more careful and periodically changes them on the pleasure of works of art.

Philip Kirkorov

At the beginning of the zero behavior of Philip Kirkorov, it became a reason for jokes for the end of the stars in relation to a journalist in a pink blouse. Then followed the scandals with the press and even the episode of the manual appeal.

The Pop Scene Pop Scene Pop Scene is noticeably changed after the child's birth. With the advent of Alla Victoria, and then the son of Martin Singer became balanced and shows discontent with the organization of a rehearsal or concert essentially.

Pavel Volya

The "glamorous tiller" Pavel Will became famous for the sharpness of celebrities and jokes "on the edge of the foul." At the knuckle of the comedian, the audience sometimes was offended and even boycotted concerts of the gainment of the Showman.

However, with the appearance in the life of humorist Layisan, the fucking humor became tactful. And with the birth of the son and daughter, he moved into the discharge of anecdotal and situably understandable to all Russians.

Robert Downey Jr

Acquaintance with drugs from Robert Downey Jr. occurred in childhood. Then, arrests and forced treatment appeared in the actor's biography, which turned out to be ineffective.

Do not let yourself be buried alive by the meeting with the producer of Susan Levin, who put forward by Robert Ultimatum in love with the demand to quit drugs. Now the couple is happy and raising two children. Fatherhood helps to stick to the sober lifestyle "Iron Man".

Konstantin Khabensky

Konstantin Khabensky was a little-known actor before exploring the future wife Anastasia. The long-awaited pregnancy came after 8 years of marriage and was immediately overshadowed by the news about the oncological disease of the spouse.

Because of the concerns to harm the child, the wife of Habensky refused chemotherapy and decided to wait until childbirth. And Konstantin began to disappear at work to ensure full-fledged spouse treatment.

The current situation prompted the actor to create a charity fund assistance to children. When the spouses did not, he found the strength to continue charity in memory of his wife and mother of the firstborn. After the tragedy in his life, the Star Father became wiser, established relations with relatives and pays more attention to loved people.

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