Billy Krupp - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



American actor Billy Kruppo became a multiple nominee of the film, and also received Tony's awards for roles in a number of classic plays. Movies with the participation of an attractive man who shot by talented directors are now caused by numerous audiences genuine interest.

Childhood and youth

William Gaiter (Billy) Kruppi was born on July 8, 1968 in the picturesque corner of Long Island in a famous American family. He is a descendant of congressman and a lawyer from the northern and southeastern states, as well as Bishop James Duncan, who benefited a multinational country.

Father and mother divorced when the actor was quite small, and then played the wedding again and healed happily with three children. The time when they were in the separation, reflected on the biographies of the future actor, and he with the brothers Thomas and Brooks held a year and a half spent in forgetting.

The conscious period came after the family went from New York and the boy began to study in one of the Catholic Florida schools. In the elementary grades, he became interested in cinema and with the filing of his father and her older brother loved American football.

In adolescence, the interests of Krudpa moved to the region of dramatic art, because in the gymnasium of St. Thomas Aquinas opened the theatrical circle. The teachers trusted the wards of complex academic roles and immediately realized that in the near future, a lot of young New New York was will be released.

Participation in amateur school performances helped Krudpa to decide on the career, and after graduating from a secondary school he entered the university. Then there was a creative studio who was preparing the actors for Hollywood, where the young man studied for several years.

Combining this with the development of objects necessary for each American, Billy became a member of the Deke student society, or Delta Kappa Epsilon. When a popular and gifted guy joined the troupe of the junior theater, none of the relatives and acquaintances were truly surprised.

Participation in the rating television show called General College coincided with the end of the university and obtaining a master of the Master of Arts. Thanks to colleagues and teachers from Lab! Theatre Billy completely liberated and became a master in the expression of feigned feelings.

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In the mid-1990th, a pretty guy with an increase of 174 cm acquired a physically developed figure and in the weight reached 73 kg. Starting to work in the theater on Broadway as an actor of the second plan, the Krupp in a short period won the hearts of men and ladies.

In the debut formulation of the play "Arkady" British playwright Toma Stodparda Young man for the first time in his career received an honorary prestigious prize. In an interview with journalists, he admitted that the award added unrest at the time when, in anticipation of the exit to the stage, he was hiding in the subsoil of the scenes.

In the 2000s, the American was awarded three nominations for Tony for the performances of the "Utopia", "man-pillow" and "Elephant Man". After that, it was rated by famous cinematographers, and interesting scenarios of meloders and adventures fell on it from all sides.

Personal life

In his youth in the personal life of Billy, there were many attractive women, he preferred to meet with actresses from movies and theatrical troupe. But after a series of stormy novels, a practical man came to the conclusion that relations with beautiful women are embarrassed and hard work.

Despite this, Rudp spent a lot of time with Mary-Louise Parker, from which 2 months after the gap was born from the American son. Billy did not marry the Laureate of the Golden Globe and Emmy, explaining such a difficult decision next to incomprehensible causes.

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Claire Danes, famous for the films "Saleswoman", "Evening" and "Beauty in English", became the second love of the actor. Judging by the photos in "Instagram", a couple, not burdened with rings, lived a shower in the soul a large amount of time.

True, in the mid-2000th, the relationship suddenly ended, and the attention of the popular American focused on the cinema. Then he met Naomi Watts, the star of the famous remake of King Cong, but to turn into something serious to this novel was not destined.

Now, according to official information, the actor leads a bachelor's lifestyle and is engaged in the upbringing of the Son from the first of the numerous girlfriends. In an interview with journalists, he declares that all the time dedicates career and is waiting for a curious male essence to amaze another love disease.


In the 1990s, Billy Debit in Cinema took place. He starred in the iconic drama "Sleeping" and comedy "everyone says that I love you." The appearance in small episodes revealed the natural potential of the actor, his deserved successes approved relatives and friends.

Then there was a melodrama of Peta O'Connor "The fictional life of Abbot" with Liv Tyler and Hoakin Phoenix, as well as Western "Country of Hills and Valley". An American, similar to Matt Dillon, in the past, who became a star of Hollywood, harmoniously looked in the images of brutal and severe men.

In the 2000s, the main roles in the paintings "false temptation" appeared in his career, "Trust the Man", "Johnny D" and "almost famous." At this stage, he also starred in the film "Charlotte Gray" with Kate Blanchett, managed to give a mediocre plot brightness, dynamics and color.

Thanks to this and other projects, Billy noted the director Tim Burton, who worked on the project "Large fish" in 2002-2003. The image of a pragmatic clerk Will Bloom, who does not believe in fantastic stories, in the blink of an eye glorified a man in selected spectator circles.

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Dr. Manhattan from the film "Keepers" replenished the American portfolio along with a character named Stefan from kinobiography "Eat, pray, love." The actor liked to reincarnate in unlike each other. Heroes after the execution of the random role in the tape "Mission is impossible - 3".

The ability to adapt to the character allowed Billy to be successfully removed in melodramas, adventures, comedies, comics and militants. He played Flash Falshe Henry Allen in a blockbuster "League of Justice", who enjoyed the viewers in the 2010th.

Unlike the Stars of American Cinema Cinema, Krupp rarely appeared on television, but in his filmography there are serials called "Tsygana" and "Morning Show". These rating work, broadcast on satellite channels, critics and numerous public accepted quite well.

Billy Krupp now

A good news for Krudap fans was the continuation of one television film, as well as the shooting of the "Trust" painting, started in 2020. This means that the star of cinema will soon appear on the big screen, and the audience will be able to climb its outstanding work.


  • 1996 - "Sleeping"
  • 1997 - "The fictional life of Abbot"
  • 1998 - "Country of Hills and Valleys"
  • 2000 - "Almost famous"
  • 2001 - Charlotte Gray
  • 2003 - "Large fish"
  • 2006 - "False Temptation"
  • 2006 - "Mission Impossible - 3"
  • 2009 - "Johnny D"
  • 2009 - "Keepers"
  • 2010 - "Eat, pray, love"
  • 2014 - "Unguided"
  • 2017 - "League of Justice"
  • 2019 - "After the Wedding"
  • 2019 - N.V. - "Morning Show"

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