Fathers of performers: Russian, 2020, how they look like they do


Dad - a child's support in life. It helps to install borders with the world around and gives a sense of protection. It is believed that it is paternity that affects the success in adulthood. Whats look and what the fathers of the performers of popular music are engaged in - in material 24cm.

Ildar Yunusov

Timati with Father Ildar Yunusov

Only accidentally managed to find out what Ildar Vakhitovich was doing, Father Raper Timura Yunusov. It turned out that in the past, Timati's Pope was a translator in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and then led the eastern sector.

And recently, Timati's father represented the Swiss investment company, whose co-owner he is. The name of Ildar Yunusova does not flash on the pages of large financial publications, and therefore it is impossible to estimate the size of the state for 2020.

Ashot Manukyan

David Manukyan with parents

A blogger and artist from Novosibirsk David Manukyan is more famous as beloved Olga Buzova. The young man has Armenian roots and respect for family traditions. Father Dava, Ashot Manukyan, by profession the builder.

In 2013, Ashot Manukyan was accused of deceiving shareholders. A man bought a plot in the private sector and housed at him at home, and after the sale of the apartments it turned out that it was impossible to register in the new building.

The head of the family was raised a criminal case under the article on the causing damage and abuse of confidence. Later Ashot Manukyan fell under the amnesty. In 2020, the Manyukian family continues to engage in construction business.

Mikhail Topalov

Fathers performers are often associated with the world show business. Pope Vlad Topalova, Mikhail Henrikhovich, played in the Fourth Measurement group.

Later, with the participation of Mikhail Topalov, satellite TV "NTV-Plus" and "Tricolor" was created. Since 2014, the Father Stars headed the Institute for Cosmonautics Problems.

Producer of the Russian project SMASH !! Now I am known as a businessman and owner of a law firm. Vlad Heat responds about Dad and believes that he has suffered hard upbringing in childhood. And the main life term from his father calls the principle "not to give up".

Pasha Mgowan.

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In 2019, in Instagram-Account, Mgoyan Zariff, known as Zara, appeared a photo with an impressive boys man, whom fans accepted for the chosen. And only then it turned out that this is a celebrity dad, Pasha Binbashievich.

Dad vocalist, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, determined the daughter of the fate associated with accurate disciplines. But after the first success on stage did not prevent the happiness of the hear.

In Soviet times, Pasha Binbashiyevich worked as an engineer at a shipbuilding plant in the Leningrad region, and later took place as a businessman in the direction of mechanical engineering. What the father's father is doing now, unknown.

Ilya Iona

To understand why Natalia Ionov is always in shape, it is enough to appreciate what the celebrity dad Ilya Efimovich looks like.

A daily man used to worked as a programmer and Doros to a constructor engineer. In an interview with the singer admits that she is father's daughter, although both parents are experiencing warm feelings.

Igor Buzov

Dad Russian performerator Olga Buzova, Igor Dmitrievich, in "Instagram" positions itself as "father of two beautiful daughters" and is the most passionate fan of the work of the star heiress.

The father of a successful girl dedicated his life to the military case, after tried forces in construction and worked as a manager. Now Igor Buzov does not flash in a secular chronicle, he lives with another family and starring does not brag.

Nikolay Belang

Fathers performers do not like publicity and even against the photo to appear on the network. But sometimes still make an exception. Papa Dima Bilan, Nikolai Mikhailovich Bellan, graduated from a seaworthy school, and later as a designer engineer worked at the Kama Plant and created the famous KAMAZ Bolsters.

Nikolai Mikhailovich is characterized by a sense of humor. But the musical career of the Russian winner of the Eurovision-2008 competition is a man with a mathematical warehouse of the mind considers a frivolous occupation.

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