Josip Broz Tito - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, President of Yugoslavia



Josip Broz Tito for residents of the Balkans, like Joseph Stalin for Russians, is an ambiguous politician, whose reign years of the reign of significant achievements and tragic events. Most residents, however, were respected (and continue to respect) for hard decisions, called benevolent tyrant, the liberator of Yugoslavia.

Childhood and youth

PRESENT NAME Politics - Josip Broz. He was born on May 7, 1892 in Kumrovice, a village in Croatian Zagorne, which was then part of Austria-Hungary. He is the seventh or eighth child Fano Broza and Mary Zaverca. It is difficult to determine the exact order because the dead kids were born in the family.

Tito is a pseudonym that politician subscribed under communist articles. Presumably, Tito called all men from Croatian Zagrani. As the story shows, the pseudonym is so attached that he became a full-fledged name.

Closer Josip Broza was the side of Mother Sloveniki. By the time of arrival in school, the boy better owned the Slovenian language, but, despite the mixed nationality, he considered himself a Croat for his father.

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In 1900, Tito went to the school of Kumrovtsz. Even in the elementary class, knowledge was given to him hard. This imposed aprint: until the death of politician wrote with errors.

After release in 1905 (in the 2nd grade I had to learn twice) Tito worked on a family farm. Fano Broz, who wanted the future for his son in a less poor and unstable edge, saved money for emigration in the United States. As a result, in 1907, Tito really left, but to the Croatian Sisak district (97 km from Native Kumrovitsy), where his cousin served.

Tito's work is saturated: he served food in restaurants, revenge on the bikes, then he studied a locksmith and specialty on the automotive plants Škoda and Benz. The young man traveled around the world, learned German and Czech languages.

The First World War found Sergeant Major Tito in the Austro-Hungarian Army. He showed himself in intelligence.

March 25, 1915 Tito wounded. As a prisoner of war he spent in the hospital under Kazan, the village of Sviyazhsk, 13 months. The young man was tormented by the attacks of pneumonia and typhus. At the moments of Enlightenment, Tito taught Russian and acquainted with the classics - the creativity of Ivan Turgenev and Lion Tolstoy. Only in June 1917 he managed to escape.

Personal life

The most famous is the last wife Tito - Yovanka, but in the personal life of the policy there were other major ties.

Tito's first elected was Pelagia Denisovna Belousov. The fate brought them in Omsk: the girl hid a runaway prisoner of war. The wedding took place in January 1920. Then Tito was 27 years old, and Belousova - only 15. Five children were born in marriage, but only the son was survived.

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Tito and Pelageya divorced in April 1936, since the politician fell in love with the Communist Anna Köning (she also Elsa Lucia Bauer). The couple managed only to be married - in 1937, the girl was accused of espionage and shot. Later, the data on Tito's relationship with this woman erased.

In 1940, politician married heter Haas. In May 1941, they had a son Alexander. Being in marriage, Tito twisted Roman with Davaiangka Powanovich, who in 1946 died from tuberculosis.

Yovanka Broz - the most famous spouse Tito. They married in April 1952. The marriage was distinguished by public scandals, the politician even accused his wife in the preparation of the state version and treason of Yugoslavia. They say that they formally divorced in the late 1970s, shortly before Tito's death. There were no general children.

Tito growth - 170 cm.


The political activity of Josip BROZ Tito began in 1920 from joining the Communist Party of Yugoslavia. By 33 years he was considered a "professional revolutionary." Almost a weekly rebel was arrested, every day came to the house with searches. Tito, knowing the letter of the law, every time he went out dry out of the water.

In November 1928, the case was still to prison: Tito was condemned for 5 years for illegal communist activities. Politician issued freedom in March 1934, departing full time. He became so unwanted person that he immediately left Yugoslavia. In June 1935, Tito first met with Joseph Stalin.

In August 1937, Tito appointed the acting Secretary General of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, and on January 5, 1939 approved in office.

Heavy times came. Most of Tito comrades, as well as the former and future spouses Pelagia and Anna were suspicious of espionage, and Germany convinced Czechoslovakia "Share" territories. Tito urged Czechoslovakov to fight for himself. Thousands of volunteers came to the Embassy of Czechoslovakia in Belgrade to offer assistance.

The Second World War would kill the Balkans if Tito did not stand at the head of the resistance movement. The Soviet Union was actively helped in the fight. Germany, feeling power, declared her hunt for the actual leader in the region, but did not succeed. After 1945, the people called Tito liberator of Yugoslavia.

The post-war period required changes, especially in the form of the Board of Yugoslavia. Most spoke in favor of the republic. On March 7, 1945, Tito was elected by the Chairman of the Government of the New Geographical Unit of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia.

Under Tito Prime Minister, the Yugoslav People's Army was created - the fourth strength around the world, mass repressions were carried out against dissenters, church was suppressed. But the population trusted completely.

One of the few who did not like Tito's style was Joseph Stalin. They say he even organized several attempts to kill the Prime Minister, but none crowned with success. Tito responded to the threat to Stalin:

"Stop sending people to kill me. We have already caught five - one with a bomb, another with a rifle. If you do not stop sending murderers, I will also send one to Moscow one. I will not need to send the second. "

Friendship between the Balkans and the USSR resumed Nikita Khrushchev. In 1955, he came to Tito, which by that time was already President of Yugoslavia, and apologized for the hostile actions of Stalin.

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As president, Tito actively established foreign policy. Friendly souvenirs of heads of state leader Balkans are now making up the exposition of the Yugoslavia Museum in Belgrade. Tito was friends with Winston Churchill, Richard Nixon, Leonid Brezhnev. They say, from the traditional kiss of the latter, Tito once burst the lip.

In 1971, the population of Yugoslavia in the sixth time chose Tito with his ruler, and in 1974 he made changes to the Constitution, proclaiming himself with life president. From the same moment, the leader of the Balkan finally deepened into foreign policy.


Health began to bring Tito in 1979. Especially bothered blood circulation in the legs. The situation has become so dangerous that the doctors decided to amputate left legs. President Yugoslavia flatly refused, committed himself to death from gangrenous infection. When sons still persuaded Tito for the operation, it turned out late.

Josip Broz Tito died on May 4, 1980, 3 days before the 88th anniversary. The cause of death is gangrene. A record number of politicians came to his funeral, including 4 king, 31 President, 6 princes, 22 Prime Ministers and 47 foreign ministers.

In the house of flowers in Belgrade, where the Tito's body is resting under the marble slab, the whole hall is devoted to the sorrowful day. Walls decorate a panoramic photo of the participants of the funeral procession.

The biography of Tito served as the basis of many artistic and documentaries. Best of all the atmosphere of Yugoslavia, enthusiastic his ruler, reports the drama "Tito and I" (1992).

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