Scandals in "What? Where? When? ": Loud, conflicts, reasons, askerners, friends


On July 22, 2020, a provocative information about sexual harassment of schoolgirls mentor of the intellectual games and the owner of the "Crystal owl" Mikhail Skipsky appeared in the press. Fans remembered that earlier scandals in "What? Where? When?" Also took a dubious shade.

On loud conflicts at the TV show - in the material 24cm.

1. Conflict Ruszan Askerov

There was a period when scandals in "What? Where? When?" They were associated with the name of Rovshan Askherov. In March 2016, the team gave an inaccurate answer to the question, but the ball was awarded in favor of experts. Alexander Druz sharply commented on the situation, for which the hot captain of the team sent a master "FIG.".

In the same year, the explosive participant noticed the prompt from Andrei Kozlov and tried to bring the unscrupulous viewer to clean water. However, then the proceedings did not follow, and Askerov was discharged in a red card.

And a year earlier, the verbal quarrel of Rolushan and Maxim Potashev on social networks also touched on game moments. Restricted Rovshan began to tear over the colleague, and he, by going to obscene vocabulary, answered the warhead captain. However, the last word still remained for Askerov, who in ironic form stressed that the answers to questions in the social networks Potashev gives better than behind the game table.

2. Druz and "Who wants to become a millionaire?"

In the dirty scandal associated with the proposal of a bribe for answering questions, Alexander was noticed. In the "unsportsmen" behavior of the connoisseur, the editor of the transfer "Who wants to become a millionaire?" Ilya Ber, who made public the dubious offer of the player.

The loud scandal turned into unpleasant clarification of the details and liabilities for the offer of money in exchange for the service. Bera was accused of discrediting a master's master's time. Mac "What? Where? When?" He recognized that the scam inflicted the reputation of the game, and Alexander Abramovich had to apologize.

3. Alain Evidence and BDSM decoration

2016 in general turned out to be rich in scandals in "What? Where? When?". The captain of the team of connoisseurs Alena Raissess appeared on the program of a program with an unusual decoration on the neck in the form of a ring.

Internet users catchy accessory brought on reflections on a gag-ring for bdsm. There were suspicions that the participant simply forgot to remove the suspension before the game. The history of the appearance of the decoration on the neck of the intellectuals remained a mystery, but clearly rooted the interest of the audience to the game team.

4. Georgiy Zharkov and accusations of violence

In the middle of "zero", a criminal case was initiated against the connoisseur George Zharkova under an article on violent actions of a sexual nature. Then there was a lot of ambiguities. The expert argued that he simply helped a young man in a difficult life situation, and political motives were the cause of a fabricated business.

5. Ilya Novikov and politics

By the way, the scandals in "What? Where? When?" Not once affected political topics. Alena Mukhina team player, Ilya Novikov - lawyer of hope Savchenko, - offered to choose between game in the club and political career. Leading Boris Hook stressed that the game is out of politics.

6. Boris Burda and Nudist Beach

Unexpectedly, Boris Burda was also for experts in the center of the scandal with sexual subtext. The reason was the frames from a nudist beach. The expert explained that the fans of Eastern teachings and the creative elite were gathered in such a place, and to behave "like everyone" demanded the rules of decency. And after the celebrity "stuck."

And everything would be fine, but the specific beach is visited by provincials that intentionally search for star personalities among the participants of the candid rest.

7. Boris Hook and Quarrel with Mom

Personal sewers and rank participants "What? Where? When". The leading Boris Hook did not come down in views on the response of players with the mother of Natalia Stetsenko, who is also the general director of the game of the game. As a result, the scandal in "What? Where? When?" was brought from the speaker on the air.

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