Alexander Shapiro - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Chanson 2021



Singer Alexander Shapiro, acting in the genre of Chanson, during the years of staying on stage managed to collect his own army of listeners, who gratefully meets his every new album. He is the author of his songs and independently writes music for them, as a rule, the compositions are impregnated with romantics and are superimposed on "Blutty" music.

Childhood and youth

Alexandra biography began in the capital of Russia, Moscow, where he was born in the spring of 1966. Since childhood, the boy was vaccinated by love for music: his parents were creative people. Grandmother sang perfectly, no holiday did without her songs. And the father professionally studied the game on the accordion and led the orchestra. Shapiro's first songs recorded, while still a 4-year-old child, helped him in this father. Sasha sang under the accordion, the entry was made to a regular tape recorder. This film is still kept at home to this day.

Alexander Shapiro in childhood with mom

Alexander began to perform songs under his own guitar, when he received a cherished six-string tool from his parents. His comrade Alexander Averyanov helped with the adjustment of the guitar, at that time he professionally engaged in music, and therefore two Sasha quickly found a common language. Over time, their friendship led to joint work, afterwards Averyanov actively helped Shapiro, for some time he worked as an administrator by his director, created a site and was co-author of texts for songs.

Despite the love of music, Alexander chose the Moscow technique of electronic devices to obtain the future profession. As part of the institution, he became a participant in the vocal instrumental ensemble, from which his new musical life began.

Personal life

Alexander's personal life has developed successfully. He married and spent a lot of happy years with his wife, who gave him four daughters, Elizabeth, Olga, Anna and Catherine.

Artist has no pages in "Instagram", but he is greatly sharing with subscribers with new photos in Vkontakte, the musician lays out new songs in the same place and talks about the upcoming and past events. Although his height and weight are unknown, it can be seen in the pictures that Alexander has a dense physique.

To the 50th anniversary of the Father in 2016, Shapiro's daughter made a surprise for him, creating a group in honor of the artist's creativity, which the man now behaves independently and regularly pleases the listeners of the laid out compositions.


While still a student of the metropolitan technical school, Shapiro traveled many cities with Via, performed on competitions, festivals and concerts. Frequent foundation on the stage inspired Alexander to spelling her own songs, which he initially sang only in a circle of friends or at the Solvechumian evenings. Having received a diploma of education, he decided to enter Mati them. Tsiolkovsky, where he began the interesting life of the student again.

In the new university, Alexander first participated in ordinary cabins, then began to perform the KVN team, on his shoulders, the creation of musical design and writing scenarios. By the nature of the activity, he more than once had to write parody compositions, but at the same time the artist found the time and creating his songs. And when the synthesizer acquired for Kaavencers, Sasha got the opportunity to enjoy the arrangement of its own compositions.

The first albums created at home appeared in Shapiro's discography in 1985, then they were mostly heard of the musician's friends and friends. For the first time in the collections of Chanson, his tracks were hit only after acquaintance with Yuri Sevostyanov, who worked at that time in the Master Sound Music Company. For this, the man rewritten them in a professional studio.

The debut "Studio" Alexander "Play, my guitar" saw the light in 1996 and began to quickly disperse with the shelves of music stores. This was followed by shooting, concerts and performances on radio stations. In 1997, Shapiro presented the second plate "My Road", which received an equally high assessment of listeners. Studio "Master Sound" took over the promotion of a promising artist, produced his songs in the collections, promoted on television (in the chance of chance) and radio.

Alexander Shapiro with his wife and children

The third solo album "Random Meeting" Shapiro recorded in 1999. The tracks created for him were very different from the previous works, since this time they were attracted to the records of professional violinists, keyboard players, as well as vocalists Oksana Gulianskaya and Angela Babich. This followed by another collection of Hit on Blatu and participate in concerts dedicated to the Day of Militia and the Day of the City.

In 2001, Shapiro presented the Album "Witch Fate", another year later - "Merry Life". His songs have increasingly began to appear in the ether of the Moscow radio "Chanson" and St. Petersburg "Radio - Petrograd Russian Chanson". As the listeners began to celebrate, they acquired a new sound, the texts became more beautiful, and new sounds were added in music. At the same time, the man did not change his romantic chanson style.

Since 2005, and over the next 10 years, Shapiro conducted extensive work on recording and promoting songs. During this period, he managed to release the album "Interdestochka", the words for him composed Averyanov. This was followed by a three-year break, after which Alexander returned to the scene with a new material. In 2008, it was a disk "Female Female", in a year - "Solnik" "from dawn to sunset" and in the 2010-M - anniversary record "Eternal love". He then recorded another 2 online album, and in 2012 introduced a new solo album "Black Mag".

In 2015, his anniversary collection "Thin fingers on the White Key" went on sale in Ukraine. The artist does not stop on the achieved and regularly records new compositions on relations, love, separation and other similar topics for fans. He also removes the clips that lay out on "Yutube" and on its official website.

Alexander Shapiro now

Now Alexander is not so active as a musician, and although in recent years the frequency of his concerts and speeches at the festivals has significantly decreased, he still remains love with the public. Communication with listeners The man supports through his group and personal page in Vkontakte. Information about new solo albums and songs, as well as the speeches of Shapiro in 2020, did not appear in the network, the artist fans follow the news of the chanson on his official website.


  • 1996 - "Play, my guitar"
  • 1997 - "My Road"
  • 1999 - "Random Meeting"
  • 2001 - "Witch Fate"
  • 2002 - "Merry Life"
  • 2003 - "Lolita"
  • 2005 - "Interdestochka"
  • 2008 - "Favorite Woman"
  • 2009 - "From dawn to sunset"
  • 2010 - "Eternal Love"
  • 2013 - "Seventeen Moments of Love"
  • 2015 - "Thin fingers on the white keys"

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