Mephisto (character) - photo, actor, marvel, comics, villain, description


Character History

Mephisto - Superzlodein and the main antagonist of the silver century comic MARVEL. Magical abilities and comprehensive power of this character allows him to capture the souls of people, and after turning them into their servants.

History of character creation

The creators of this hero - Stan Lee and John Bushemi. The prototype of the villain was another literary hero - Mephistofel from the work of Goethe "Faust". The name of the name directly indicates the devil, or Satan. In part, this is true, although the personality of Mephisto cannot be identified with the biblical character.

The debut in the marvel comics took place in December 1968. In the third issue of "Silver Surfer", where it seemed on one page. But subsequently became the main villain in 8, 9, 16 and 17 issues.

After the series "Silver Surfer" Mephisto moves into other stories. So, he struggles with the torus in 1970 and 1972. And after the creators of comic, they developed the plot that became the basis of subsequent screenings. This story concerns the Ghost Racer - Johnny Blaise, who gave the soul Lord Hell.

In 1989, the artist John Romit tried to change the appearance of the antagonist. As a result, in the release of Dardevil # 266 Satan from Marvel appeared with short legs, a terrible demon and bloated body. Such an image did not appear to taste, so the villain was subsequently returned to the initial appearance.

Image and biography Mephisto

The origin of this character is as interesting as his further fate. So, long before the birth of the world lived elder gods. Despite their power, once they were shifted by conspirators.

Traitors created "new gods", the first of which was called Atum. He possessed the power of the Sun, so gradually destroyed the old gods, the rest were fled to other dimensions. But the energy that remained after them became the basis for creating a higher caste - the Lords of Hell.

Mephisto is one of the strongest lords. Specialized villain on the stealing of human souls. Moreover, in this area has proven itself as a skillful manipulator, sower of intrigue and discord. So, he agrees with people and concludes contracts by misleading them. Naturally, there is no benefit from such a transaction.

The ability of the demon allows you to identify it with Satan. However, he himself flashes the fact that deaths consider him a patron of hell. In fact, the role of this character has nothing to do with biblical legends.

The place where Mephisto dwells is called the underworld. There are flame clubs there, and the hungry demons devour the sinners sinners. In this dimension, Lord Hell is absolutely invulnerable, and according to its power, it is capable of competing even Galactus.

But nevertheless, the main weapon of this character is torture and the ability to achieve the desired. Once a powerful demon even became a servant of the insane Titan of Tanosa and the masterfully depicted submission. In fact, it was necessary to get a powerful artifact - the infinity glove.

Mephisto appears when a person falls into despair. Once he managed to make a deal even with a spider man. Peter Parker was in confusion, as Aunt May was mortally wounded by a mercenary. Lord Hell promised to cure a woman, but instead of the villain wanted to destroy the marriage between Mary Jay and Him.

Peter consulted with his wife and decided to accept the condition of the transaction. Only he did not know that Mary Jay also agreed with the demon. She promised to persuade her husband to agree on the proposal of the villain if he left Parker alone. As a result, Lord Ada returned to the past and did everything to be late for his own wedding. Upset bride broke the relationship with a spiderman.

The biography of the villain is saturated with narrower actions. It is curious that the demon gives pleasure to slowly play the game, skillfully manipulating pawns (people). After all, possessing such abilities, he could have arrange a real apocalypse in the universe. However, this is not interesting villain. If people disappear - you will not play with anyone.

The need to feel your own superiority is perhaps the main weakness of this antihero. Although there are still a number of moments that become an obstacle for its dark affairs. He is not able to subjugate his soul if a person voluntarily disagrees to that. And the villain cannot for a long time is outside Hell, so often uses fake faces on Earth.

Being an embodiment of pure evil, a demon invincible. However, he had weaknesses. His own son Blackhart reached almost the same strength and went against the father. The heir was able to shift the main Lord in hell. True, the younger Mephisto did not possess such a cunning, so the true villain soon returned his place.

Mephisto in films and games

Description of events with a ghostly rider, as well as the war with Blackhart switched from comics to large screens. In 2007, Mark Stephen Johnson presented the superhero film "Ghost Rider" with actor Nicholas Cage in the lead role.

Mephisto (Peter Fund) comes to Johnny Blaze, when he learned about the cancer of his stepfather. In exchange for a cure, the guy gives his soul. The villain makes it a ghostly rider and promises to return the soul if he finds and kill his son Blackhart.

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Johnny fulfills a promise, according to the terms of the transaction, his soul returns to him. However, the curse of the rider The main character decided not to give. He will make himself a "spirit of messenger" and decided to fight evil. Mephisto realizes that he himself remained deceived, and begins to threaten a man hellish retribution. In response, Johnny says one phrase: "You can not live in fear."

Main quotation of the film: "Anyone who can sell the soul in the name of love is able to change the world." Despite non-useful reviews of critics, the picture showed success in the box office. And the audience sympathies pushed the creators of the films on the shooting of the continuation. In 2010, work began, and after two years, Sikvel came out.

In it, the main enemies were collided - a ghost racer and Mephistofel. True here he appeared in the image of a person who is going to hold a mysterious ritual with his own son Danny. In his film, his name is Rhark, and played the role of Lord hell Kiaran Hinds.

Undoubtedly, such a colorful character was involved in games: Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Marvel Fighting: Contest of Champions.

Interesting Facts

  • Mephisto takes a 48th place in the superlodes list.
  • The character was supposed to appear in the second season "Silver Surfer". The creators planned to change the behavior of the villain, since the main audience of the cartoon is children.
  • Mephisto is able to take possession of only a soul of a person who will voluntarily agree to it, or if he commit a certain amount of sins.


Everything is simple! Wanted anything, and I will take your soul! I get satisfaction only when the deal is committed voluntarily when you think than sacrifice. I will assist you and I will be grateful, if I get a little satisfaction. Please, let me introduce it, I am "man" rich and tasteful ... no? Do not even smile? Do not be savoring? Wow, cruel and cynical public.


  • 1968 - Silver Surfer
  • 1970-1972 - Thor
  • 1971 - Astonishing Tales
  • 1972 - Marvel Spotlight
  • 1975 - Fantastic Four
  • 1981 - Thor
  • 1985-1986 - Vision And The Scarlet Witch (Vol. 2)
  • 1985-1986 - SECRET WARS II
  • 1987 - MEPHISTO.
  • 1989 - Daredevil.
  • 1989 - West Coast Avengers
  • 1989 - TRIUMPH AND TORMENT: DR. Strange and Dr. Doom
  • 2007-2008 - ONE MORE DAY
  • 2007-2008 - The Amazing Spider-Man
  • 2007-2008 - Friendly NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN
  • 2007-2008 - The Amazing Spider-Man


  • 2007 - "Ghost Rider"
  • 2012 - "Ghost Rider 2"

Computer games

  • 2014 - Marvel: Contest of Champions

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