Vladimir Kunin - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Writer and Writer Vladimir Kunin became a religious literary personality, since the events of the decades were reflected in its outstanding works. A man born in the Soviet Union, and then emigrated to Germany, knew how no one else to accurately characterize the Russian mentality.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Kunin, who truly called Vladimir Vladimirovich Feynberg, was born in the Northern Capital of the Union in 1927. Information about the early biography, ambiguous and contradictory, still raise doubts and are exposed to human court.

In later interview, the writer told about the mother who did not survive the blockade of Leningrad, and on evacuation in Central Asia among other Soviet children. Due to the lack of an identity card, he became a pupil of the orphanage, from where, because of the cruelty, the educators ran away in a few days.

Once on the street without a means of existence, Volodya joined the group of streets, which organized armed raids on food shops and warehouses. According to unconfirmed papers and photographs of the boy's information, the boy was arrested for killing, performed during the extraction of money, clothes, shoes, water and food.

In 1943, the boy was taken from custody and sent young saboteurs to school at the People's Commissariat of the Interior. The writer argued that together with the comrades, a special training course was held, but no other biographers managed to confirm this information.

The only half-ending fact was studying in a military aviation school, and then service in the Soviet Army after the Great Patriotic War. It was assumed that before 1951, Vladimir Vladimirovich was a pilot guarding the northern borders of the native country from potential aggressors.

Journalists who are interested in the writer, conducted a thorough investigation and in the archives of the Ministry of Defense found a curious material. It turned out that the cadun-fainberg cadet due to failure to change a number of schools and, without receiving education, did not defend anyone.

His data emerged in the archives of the Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, but from there it soon was excluded because they did not find a genuine certificate. According to rumors, by this time, the young man received a discharge on acrobatics, and one of the Soviet circuses without documents received it to the staff.

Personal life

The personal life of Vladimir Cunin, as well as childhood, is shrouded in secret, and nothing is known about it, with the exception of the name of the wife. With an Irina writer in the early 1990s, he went to voluntary emigration and exchanged the unnecessary expanses of the native country to United Germany.

By registering as a contingent refugee, a native of Leningrad settled in Munich at the insistence of a legitimate spouse that a dangerous illness worked. There is information that a couple of couples remained on the territory of Russia, who did not welcomed the decision of the parents, in the soul of loved by St. Petersburg.

The feeling of nostalgia was reflected in the late works of Vladimir Cunin "Ivanov and Rabinovich, or" Ai Gow Tu Haifa! "," Emigration "and" Kyya 3 ". In them, the author described the life of compatriots in an unusual atmosphere for them, stressing that a foreign game rules are not suitable for Russian.


The reason for the beginning of the literary activity was the injury received at the representation, which for a long time knocked Cunin from the professional gauge. From nothing to do the young acrobat wrote 2 short stories, where it was narrated about happiness, faith, hope and love.

The popular magazine "Soviet Circus" published these works, and the staff of the metropolitan newspapers learned about the existence of a young author. Vladimir did a specialist in the publisher dedicated to culture, and, since 1961, he worked for several years.

During this period, Vladimir began to replenish his own bibliography by the titles of the "Chronicle of the Picking Bomber" and "I work in a taxi." They entered the debut book called "Real Men", highly rated by literary critics and ordinary people.

One of these works was later transformed into a filmcenery, and the lazy to reading citizens recognized the exciting story about the war. Then the same glorious fate suffered another book of Cunin, a 1983 film called "Troy on the highway".

But the real glory came to the former artist after the publication of Interdevelops, which appeared in the Aurora monthly in the form of fragmented parts. Connoisseurs of fiction waited for the continuation of the history of confused, which eventually recognized the best of modern leaders.

When Vladimir again presented a chance to work as a screenwriter, he liked this occupation so much that he adapts a number of his own books. So the domestic filmography was replenished with paintings "treasure" and "knotted", which showed that the author also achieved something in the cinema.

In the 1990s, after moving to Germany, Cunin's creative views switched to a non-completely loose foreign world. He created a story about the intercorm "Road to" Stars "and" Return from Paradise ", performing as a connoisseur of life and a humorous jeweler.

In the same period, the military-biographical history of the "bastards" was written, which caused conflicting opinions in Russian literary circles. For the statements by Critikov, Vladimir replied that the plot is a fiction and does not claim to be an accurate description of the events that took place in the 40s.

In 2000, the writer tried to turn to the genre of the novel and published abroad the book "Night with Angel" and "On the basis of the article ...", unlike the age following, stories, dramaturgical texts and scenarios, this and other major works were destined to stay in forgetting .


In recent years, Cunin fought fruitful life with a number of diseases that caused death in 2011. At the funeral on the Munich cemetery, fans of writer's creativity noted the presence of natural talent and love for literary work.


  • 1962 - "I work in a taxi"
  • 1966 - "Chronicle of the Picking Bomber"
  • 1971 - "Pilot of the first class"
  • 1977 - "You sometimes remember"
  • 1981 - "under the same sky"
  • 1983 - "Three on the highway"
  • 1988 - "Interdestochka"
  • 1994 - "Emigration"
  • 1998 - "Interc. Road to "Stars"
  • 1998 - "Kyya 3: Kyya in America"
  • 1999 - "Interc. Return from Paradise
  • 2003 - "Night with angel"
  • 2003 - "bastards"
  • 2005 - "Travel to the Light"

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