The film "72 meters": Interesting Facts about the shooting of the picture


In 2004, for the first time on the screens of domestic cinemas, the frames of the director Vladimir Khotinenko took pictures about sailors - submariners - the Russian viewer saw the film "72 meters". The impression on the jury of the "Golden Eagle" was impressed - in 2005, the filmmaker received two awards. About how and where they filmed a picture of Russians, as well as on interesting facts associated with the appearance of tape on the light, in the material 24cm.

Thunderstorms Moreley

When the film "72 meters" was shot, the role of "Slavyanki" was performed by the Russian submarine "Alrosa", for which it was no longer the first cinematic experience - before the submarine already "lit up" in the picture "First Street" with the participation of Jackie Chan. Also in the film was removed the submarine "Magnitogorsk" of the Northern Fleet.

Oh upright

When the film "72 meters" entered the screens, many viewers associated the picture with a recent tragedy of the Kursk submarine and believed that the tape was dedicated to those events. However, in reality, the paintings are based on the stories of the stories and the leads of Alexander Pokrovsky, written long before PE with a submarine.

But without misfortune as the original source did not cost. The events described in the picture are close to the case in 1983: the submarine at Kamchatka was sank - during the exercises during immersion through the ventilation system, water joined, there were practically no good respiratory vehicles on board, and two volunteers were sent to the shore. At that time, 104 people from 120 were saved.


The film crew on Alrosu was not allowed, so that all the internal "apartments" of the submarine was filmed in Mosfilm Pavilions. But the nature of the cinematographers captured in Polar, Sevomorsk, Gadzhiyevo and Sevastopol - on the bases of the Russian fleet.

Only good

Without Andrei Krasko, the film "72 meters" would lose his own charm in many ways - the artist frustrated many replicas in the picture, as well as the behavior of their character. So, the innovation from the actor was the moment when Michman's just reading Michman, the Terrible Jan., in the role of which Andrei Ivanovich was filmed, to the spouse in a half-bent legs.

According to the original design of the scriptwriters, the commander left the Pier, without showing the initiate captain of the first rank of the first rank and the officer of the Navy weakness. But the sailors themselves, the film looked, noted the amazing authenticity of the episode - strong men are sometimes surprisingly weak when it comes to their second halves.

Also, attentive spectators noticed that at the moment Andrei Krasko in the image of Yanychar reads the easier accessible on the pier, on the report of Michmana, who holds a stern commander in his hands, it is possible to notice the replicas-tips for the actor - in fact, the whole monologue is written there.

The rest will apply

Music for the project wrote Annio Morrison - director Vladimir Khotinenko personally wrote a letter to the musician, in which he noted that the Russian cinema, like a country, hope and beauty is required. And both of these qualities are present in the works of the composer. Thinking, Morrison agreed - it was the first experience of the author's cooperation with Russian cinematographers.

"Comrade Captain of the first rank!"

They say that during the rest of the actors "with a full parade" in the seaside cafe, which mass is found at the spa coast, the fleet officer approached Andrei Krasko and, having gone to the artist as Caperanga, asked that autograph, after admitting the love of the actor's work.


The film "72 meters" has several editions. A television version, which, as a rule, is demonstrated by the first channel, is deprived of the good part of flashbkers contained in the DVD version.

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