Lunar calendar for August 2020: haircuts, gardery, gardener, sowing, weddings


The lunar calendar for August 2020 will help plan the time so that with minimal efforts to achieve great results. Control your emotions in unfavorable days, take care of health and do not bother your kind things when the moon is favorable. Accurate forecast for the coming month - in the material 24cm.

Moon phases

From 1 to 2 and from 20 to 31 - phase Growing Moon . Work on relationships, correct errors in the business sphere, reflect on the balance of spiritual and material. However, it is still not worth making decisions about the cardinal change in life.

August 3rd - full moon . Moon at the peak of activity. On this day there will be difficulties in matters of mutual understanding. Nevertheless, the satellite calls to complete the started and put a logical point so that the situation in the future has stabilized, and things went uphill.

On the lunar days from 4 to 18 - Phase decrease . The moon gives women a special inner harmony. And for men, teamwork is important for the result.

August 19 - Phase New Moon . It's time to think about the foundation for the upcoming lunar cycle. Please make your loved ones and talk to the children in souls. In the business sector, it is important to plan cases for the coming month. The earthly satellite promises that success in the future will depend on your positive on this day.

Lunar calendar of health and beauty

The days of particular force when female beauty rituals will be effective, in August they are considered - 2, 9, 14, 16, 21, August 23. These days can safely go to the salon for changing the image, haircuts or radical transformations.

7 signs that it is time to treat hair

7 signs that it is time to treat hair

If you are ready to experiment with the color of the hair, then the color is planning for 2-3, 13-14, 17, 20-21, 26, 28. In these lunar days, the rod will restore faster, and the hair will be more likely to delight healthy shine.

For manicure and pedicure will be favorable days: 1, 4, 8, 11, 16, 20, 22, 25-30. Experimenting with a coating, do not forget about the leaving procedures for nails.

August 19, give up changes in appearance. The activity of the Moon these days is minimal and the body is susceptible to infections.

Planned operations appoint 1-2, 8, 10, 22-25, 30-31. But 3-4, 7, 11, 16, 19, 21, 27 astrologists recommend refusing planned interventions.

The moon will contribute to the healing of the well after removal of August 15 and 16. Seal, whiten or prosthet teeth is recommended 4, 10-18, 22-25. The lunar calendar in August recommends refuse to surgical interventions on the jaw and implantation 1-9, 19-31. These days, the heavenly satellite will not be on your side.

Gardener Calendar and Gardener

In the life of the gardeners there comes a period of harvesting and processing. However, do not forget about the care of fruit trees and shrubs. After fruiting they need help.

And the gardeners are time to take care of the landings for the next year. For those who collect two harvest in the summer, in the sowing calendar of August, there will also be favorable days.

Onions, Redish, greens, Potatoes Squeeze 5-7, 10-12, 15-16, 24-25. For brewing transplantation, 1-2, 5-7, 10-12, 15-16, 22-25, 28-29 will be useful.

Flowers can be attached annuals for the next year 5-7, 15, 21-25. And perennial flowers fit well if the seed falls into the ground 5-7, 21-25.

Do not disturb the earth 3, 18-20.

Cash calendar

Favorable for financial transactions are considered to be 11, 14, 20, August 25. The risk of allowing miscalculation and lose its invested money 3, 5, 12, 15, 29-30.

Refuse to take and give a debt on August 15. And in full moon, 3 numbers, be sure to recalculate money, then the bills will stick to what is already there.

Buy the wallet recommended on August 13. And be sure to put a large billing there, which will attract monetary well-being.

If you plan to buy on August 2020, then safely go for the updated 1, 23, 29.

But 4, 7, 19 it is better to stay at home and not to spend money.

The lunar calendar for August 2020 reminds that it is not necessary to take a loan 17 and 28. These days are favorable to get rid of unnecessary things, and therefore we will have a loan or installment.

Wedding calendar

Favorable lunar days for the creation of a family union are considered: 3, 26-27, 30-31. Marriage will be durable and will be built on mutual understanding. However, avoid apathy and disappointment, otherwise you risk a collaborative life on a depressive wave.

In general, the dates are good for the wedding will be: 1-2, 4, 6, 11, 16, 20-21, 25, 29. Days are also favorable for wedding.

It is better to abandon the ceremony and postpone the wedding from 8-9, 19, 22, 28. A joint life will be accompanied by reproach and scandals that will lead to the rupture of relations. To keep together, you will need patience and skill to forgive.

Favorable and unfavorable days

Favorable days in August will be: 2, 6-7, 8-11, 13-14, 17, 29. Continue start-up against obstacles, establish contacts, achieve the implementation of the plans. The moon will be favorable to persistent and generous.

Adverse days - 12, 15, 18-19, 25. The lunar calendar at August calls to beware of lies, restrain the emotions and cannot be sophisticated to shock the surrounding people. The moon contributes to the adaptation of the events.

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