Edith Unbeats - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Edith sobrates British writer, author of poems, stories and works for children. As a writer, she developed the direction of literature for the 19th century youth audience. By this period, interesting writings designed for the young public were just beginning to appear. Large-format works began to show fairy tales, and it turned out to be among the pioneers of the genre. Some author's novels were fused.

Childhood and youth

Edith sobfully was born in London on August 15, 1858. The girl became the youngest of six children in the family of the agriculture. Father died when the daughter was three years old. Having remained widow, the mother Edith was focused on the treatment of eldest daughter Mary, sick tuberculosis. Because of her, the family often moved in search of a suitable climate. Sobita brought up in boarding schools. Memories acquired in childhood, she later repelled in his work.

After the death of the sister, the girl together with his family settled in the County of Kent. To this period, its biography includes the creation of the first poems. The countryside inspired Edith, but a peaceful life lasted long. Soon the financial difficulties appeared, which forced the family to move to London.

Personal life

In the big city, young poetess started acquaintance with the banking Clerk Stuart Smith. Young people were engaged, but the engagement broke up after acquaintance unbiantly with a colleague of the Bridegroom Hubert Boland. Their passionate novel led to the wedding held in 1880. Edith was pregnant, and it turned out to be a breeding with the mother, which refused to attend the celebration.

Personal life will unbearable unsuccessfully: the husband did not live with her. Leaving a spouse with a newborn son in a small removable house, he spent all the time from the mother, in the apartment of which another bride was waiting for him. Maggie's companion Duran brought up a child from his friend's son, and Hubert supported the connection with her.

The second birth Edith helped put point in the relationship. The spouse returned to the Lono of the family, but not long. Already in 1882, he twisted the novel with the secretary and other family of Alice Hatson, who later gave birth to him. Sorry brought up daughter and two sons. One of the boys died at the age of 15. The cause of death was an operation on almonds. Despite the vital difficulties, Edith has kept good relationship with her husband. Couple lived under one roof. His Union BLANDA was called "consolidated marriage."

The house unbailed was hospitable and welcoming. Here were often guests. Entertainment was organized for them. As an active woman, Edith played Badminton, happily met visitors. Among her bad habits were the addiction to smoking.

In 1914, the spouse Edith missed himself, and three years later, the woman married Thomas Taper, a ship engineer, with whom there was a long-time acquaintance.


Creative activity The writer began in the status of married lady. Her youth hobbies turned into a profession and work that allowed to receive income. At first, it sobbed for any orders associated with creating texts. She signed illustrations for books, composed congratulations for postcards, retells the works of William Shakespeare and the biographies of Kings.

Success overtook the writer after forty years. The author's books became bestsellers and brought a worthy earnings. True, Edith and the family lacked money.

Together with his spouse, it was not interested in journalism and politics. Fasciating socialism, the spouses were among the organizers of the Fabian society. The writer performed a lecturer, was the editor of the magazine, the author of the articles and the creator of leaflets. Her essays were published by the publishing "Today."

The first large-format works by Edith published under the pseudonym Fabian Bland. But by choosing the direction of children's literature, returned to his own name. The most popular novel would unbeat the "treasurers". He was published in 1898 and laid the beginning of the "Basteblakh cycle". In the bibliography of the writer, two other series appeared - the Psammymid trilogy and the Arden House cycle. Peru Edith Unbeats more than 40 works for children and about 10 adult novels.

Creating copyright tales and adventure stories for the youth audience, Edith also came up with "terrible stories" for adults. The heroine of its writings are in fantastic worlds, where the real intertwine with fiction. This technique, as well as irony, characterized the creative style of the writer.

The creativity of Edith sobfully inspired Clive Steilza Lewis, Pamela Travers and Joan Rowling. Among the most sought-after works of the author for children include "enchanted castle", "Children of the Railway", "Five Children and Crank", "The History of Amuleta", "Phoenix and Carpet".


Sorry spent the last years of life in the town of Frexton, located in Sussex. She lived in his own cottage. In 1924, the writer died from lung cancer. Her grave is located in a march cemetery, not far from the Church of St. Mary. Now the photo of writing fairy tales is placed in textbooks in English literature.

Works of the writer went on the basis of films. For the adaptation, the director chose the books "Children of the Railway", "Phoenix and Carpet", "Five Children and Crank".


  • 1899 - "Treasure Findors"
  • 1901 - "Society" will be obedient "
  • 1902 - "Five children and a monster"
  • 1904 - "Phoenix and Carpet"
  • 1905 - Osvald Bastabin and others
  • 1906 - "The History of Amulta"
  • 1906 - "Children of the Railway"
  • 1908 - "House Arden"
  • 1907 - "Enchanted Castle"
  • 1913 - "Wet Magic"

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