Nikolai Sklifosovsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Surgeon



Russian Surgeon Nikolai Sklifosovsky contributed to modern medicine as the author of articles on the medical case and the creator of the clinical town. Work in a number of military hospitals, as well as at the institutes and universities perpetuated his name for many years and even the century.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Vasilyevich Sklifosovsky was Moldovan by nationality born in the territory of Transnistria in 1836. The large family of the Bessarabian aristocrat who has lost their welfare, by the time the next son has experienced and need.

Upgraded at the border station, called quarantine inhabitants, father worked in the office on the registration of food and visitors. Mother, brothers and sisters often hurt, picking up dangerous infections, and the Sklifosovsky house was always full of medicines and doctors.

This happened due to the proximity of the rear military hospital, the numerous guests of which brought a series of troubles. From there came the epidemic of cholera, having broken men and women and leaving the orphans of Nikolai, who had not reached school years.

Together with other disadvantaged peers, he got into the shelter in Odessa and there began to receive education, in parallel earning a living. The end of the gymnasium with a silver medal and income from private lessons determined the future of the young man and instimacy instimed it.

Without the participation of the Father and Mother who died during mass infection, Sklifosovsky ordered his own biography and entered Moscow University. He listened to the course of medicine and, having received a diploma with honors, decided to devote to the fight against illnesses next few decades.

At the end of the 1850s, the young man took the post of the ordinator, and there was a period when he performed the responsibilities of the head doctor. Being a car and pedant, Nikolai successfully coped with the task, because he knew: in the process of treatment, it was not worth acting.

In 1863, wishing to establish himself in the field of medicine, Sklifosovsky in graduate school of the University of Kharkiv received a degree of doctor of science. Then there was an internship abroad in the hospitals of France and Germany, where the outstanding doctors of their time treated almost any alert.

In the society of Professors Rudolf Vihrova, Nalanton and Berngard St. Bergland, Langenbeck Nikolai felt interest in surgery, highlighting it from other industries. And practice on dressing points organized by the Prussian army approved the desire with the help of a scalpel to restore and treat people.

Personal life

In the personal life of Nikolai Vasilyevich was Sophia Alexandrovna's wife, who gave birth to eight children in a happy marriage. Together with the daughter of Tamara Nikolaevna, she was killed by Makhnovists because of the photo of her husband in general form in the society of military doctors.

Other descendants of Sklifosovsky also died or disappeared, with the exception of Olga Nikolaevna, who lived to advanced years. The granddaughters of the doctor who inhabited abroad after the route to the village of Santa became the owners and managers of outstanding scientific papers.

The medicine

In the late 1860s, Sklifosovsky returned to the Russian Empire and began his career as a department head and practicing surgeon. In Odessa, he published work related to advanced techniques and methods that only colleagues were understood in a narrow scientific circle.

This contributed to the rapid promotion and receipt of a place in Kiev University, and then the St. Petersburg Medical Academy and Red Cross Hospitals. Interesting is the fact that, despite the situation, Nikolai Vasilyevich often left and cared for patients in the territory where the war was in full swing.

In the areas of interests of the doctor and scientist, whom students called an aristocrat, were questions of the splicing of the limbs, called the "Russian Castle". At the same time, he invariably and carefully suggested order in operating rooms and insisted that the tools put in a special tray.

The authority received in the profession allowed the surgeon to develop rapid activities and with the help of solid donations to create a clinical town in Moscow. Having enlisted with the support of colleagues and like-minded people, Sklifosovsky stood up for the antiseptics and confirmed the safety of the hand and foot amputation procedure.

In parallel, summarizing the experience gained during the military campaigns, the famous doctor struck society, published a number of new works. They contained detailed instructions and recommendations for the care of the wounded, which were performed in the nursing real revolution.

In addition, Nikolai Vasilyevich first applied local anesthesia and thus made an invaluable contribution to medicine. The post of dean of the University Faculty and the leadership of the Academy of Great Princess Steel for Professor Honor of Possible Awards.


At the beginning of the 1900s, Sklifosovsky was fought in stroke and, devoid of ability to fully work, retired in the manor of Yakovsy. To maintain the moral spirit, he was engaged in a house and a garden, thinking that ordinary husbands and fathers do that.

The cause of a sharp deterioration in health was the suicide of the son of Vladimir, who became a member of a terrorist organization that destroyed family friends. Having received the task to deal with the person who was the former governor of Poltava, the young man did not compact with emotions.

In memory of the deceased heir, Sklifosovsky built a secondary school, where he was allowed to study the children of local and visiting peasants. Having survived the tragedy, but not healing, the surgeon wanted to return to science, but never found the strength to trigger new articles.

As a result, in December 1904, the cause of the death of Nikolai Vasilyevich was one more hemorrhage, finally destroyed the brain. Modest funerals took place near the place of Poltava battle, and Nikolai Vasilyevich was still in a quiet place among Berez.


  • Research Institute of Ambulance named after N. V. Sklifosovsky in Moscow
  • Monument N. V. Sklifosovsky on the territory of the hospital in Poltava
  • Monument N. V. Sklifosovsky on Pirogovskaya Street in Moscow
  • Postage stamp of the USSR, issued to the 125th anniversary of N. V. Sklifosovsky
  • Postage stamp Moldova

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