Jesus Vorobiev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Detention on Patriarch Ponds 2021



Jesus Vorobyev is an outstanding Russian designer who creates bright and provocative collections of clothing. In early April 2020, a man became a popular person in the media - law enforcement agencies detained the Creator, who walked with a dog on the patriarch ponds in Moscow. The situation would not cause an agitate if not an unusual name of the violator.

Childhood and youth

About children's and youth years in the biography of Vorobyov little information in open access. In an interview with the meduza site, a man said that the idea of ​​choosing the name belonged to his mother. Also, the creative remembered that at the age of 2-3 years he was baptized in the Church of Ivan the Forerunner on three hospitals.

According to the artist, the original name delivered many difficulties in school years. Yes, and in general, in the Soviet Union, the boy, called as the Savior, caused the ambiguous attitude of the public. Some sources indicate the patronymic of a rapid personality - Adilevich. It is not known whether it is real: the designer does not tell the father.

In addition, the media appeared in the media that at the birth of Vorobyov was called Denis, so indicated in the address bar of his Facebook, and only as an adult, the man changed it through a passport table for more extravagant and memorable. In addition, the news it is reported that his age at the time of detention - 42 years. It can be assumed that he was born in 1978.

For hooliganism in youth, the designer tells himself on the page on the social network. Being a teenager, Jesus shot from a gun from a balcony of his own apartment, as well as in the entrance of a classmate, when he came to visit him. The rest of the young man was not disturbed, according to him, the neighbors and the police.

Personal life

About the personal life of the artist is also known little, only the fact that Vorobyeva has a wife named Marina Rymer and no children. The designer's spouse also works in the fashion world. Woman acts as the creator of the Fourth Floor cult show and stores of stores representing her Marina Rimer clothing brand.

The brand produces luxury things. In addition, the wife of Jesus won the International Designer Competition "Generation M". With the spouses now live cat Filim and dog named Plato.


In the world of Russian fashion, Jesus is known as a creative clothing designer. A man produces Hoody with funny inscriptions, mainly using abnormative vocabulary. Photo of clothing samples are posted in "Instagram" and "Facebook" on the Vorobyev brand page, which received a "modest" name Jesusdesign.

Among the products are women's and men's models made in a single amount. As a color palette, both bright and pastel colors are used. Among the most "chaste" slogans - "Keepings are not needed", "" to the hell is "," I do not like Roses - I love money "and others.

The designer loves to shock not only its own products, but also the delivery of advertising. So, April 1, 2020 in Facebook, a man published about the delivery of Hoody post, which began according to: "If you become infected and die - I will miss you." Next, the creative reports that he is not sick with coronavirus, did not attend China and Europe, and each order brings to the Customers-Muscovites personally.

Jesus assures that the products created by the brand jesusdesign are heat treatment with a steam generator, and he comes on a car in the respirator, protective glasses and gloves.

Jesus Sparrow Now

In early April 2020, a man found himself in the center of the scandal. In the afternoon of the 4th of Jesus, police officers were detained when he walked with a dog on the patriarching ponds. In connection with the Coronavirus mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, who flashed in the world, signed the Decree registering Muscovites on March 30, prescribing Muscovites.

In the text of the document it is reported that residents have the right to walk dogs at a distance not exceeding 100 meters from their home. Throughout April, parks do not work in the capital. Patriarch ponds in accordance with the decree of the mayor became a closed territory. However, this did not stop the designer, which was behind barrier tapes at the time of the arrest.

Police officers told Muscovite that he broke the rules of self-isolation. This caused a response - Vorobev began to insult representatives of the order. Then the patrol was forced to arrest the "hooligan" and pick up in a plot where the police disobedience was compiled.

Jesus himself in the current situation, the most prompted by the fact that he did not give the opportunity to take the dog home - they launched his hands behind his back and shook the police car. The violator compared the current situation with the cinema when the child suddenly remains without mother in the film "Ordinary Fascism." Fortunately, Plato, familiar with the walking route, returned home independently.

In the Department of Internal Affairs of the Presnensky district did not call his name for a long time and waited for a lawyer's arrival. When all the data were made to the protocols, he was released (due to the epidemic of COVID-19). On April 6, the court session was held in Presnensky court.

The accused participated in the process by video link (due to measures to combat the proliferation of coronavirus). It has previously been reported that the designer is arrested for 15 days or will oblige to pay a cash fine. By decision of the court, in the end, Vorobyeva fined the thousand rubles.

Later, in an interview with "Medusa", a man noted that the incident did not scare him, he was still going to walk with Plato on the Patriarch during Quarantine.

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