Djigan: 2020, Biography, Personal Life, Oksana Samoilova, Children


From childhood he was fond of music, but first and did not dreamed of the performer's career, preferring to pay time training. Family life with a model and designer Oksana Samoilova, who gave birth to a musician of 4 children, almost collapsed after the appearance of a son, but Reiper managed to save marriage. On August 2, 2020, Denis Ustimno-Weinstein, more famous as Jigan, celebrated the 35th anniversary.

On the entertaining moments from the creative biography and personal life of the artist - in the material 24cmi.

1. on all hands

It was seriously carried away by Rap Djigan at the age of 10, when his father-sailor, returned from the swim, gave his own son tag of his own son along with a dozen cassettes of foreign performers. Then the boy for the first time and met Hip-Hop, who later dedicated himself.

In addition to music, serious enthusiasm is a sport. The future rap performer has been engaged in physical self-improvement in school years - visited the section of struggle, kickboxing and Thai boxing. I tried my own strength in football, but I failed to achieve decent results in this direction. But it was raised in martial arts, having achieved not only the title of Master of Sports on kickboxing, but also the title of Ukraine champion in hand-to-hand combat.

A lot of attention is paid to the singer and bodybuilding - even the title of an absolute champion according to IFBB during the tournament in Moldova, which took place in 2014.

2. Beginning

Gygan recorded his first track in the 9th grade - the listeners were classmates of a novice hip-hop artist. Moreover, the first recording experience at Rapper turned out to be random: exploring the functions of a cassette presented by the parent, the future singer pressed the REC button on the tape recorder. And since the recording head was damaged, then Denis's voice "Lea" right over the music. Actually, on that bit Ice Cube a guy and wrote the first poems later.

3. beyond the limits

The musician has repeatedly spoke that in any endeavor seeks to seek a maximum, be the first. At the same time, the artist tries to extremely go beyond his own consciousness in order to fully disclose the inner potential. It is to learn to subjugate the dormant to the time before the time in every person of the force and there are, according to Rapper, its main task in life and work.

4. Loud name

The scenic pseudonym by Geegun was born from a peculiar alloy. Initially, the young Denis Ustimnko-Weinstein Oh Ji was originally encouraged - in their Odessa company only he had an album O.G. Original Gangster American Rapper ICE-T. Gradually, the nickname was transformed simply in Ji. He took him as the basis of jigan, coming up with a pseudonym for the scene. Well, Gun points to the love of a musician to the weapon and the presence of a gun for self-defense.

5. His way

According to the musician himself, his work cannot be called in a pure form hip-hop - the compositions created by them simply borrow some elements of this musical direction.

6. From a quarrel to business

Although in 2013, the rapper left Black Star without violating any conditions of the concluded before the label of the contract, an enmity broke out between him and Timati. Thus, the founder and owner of the company in which Istimenko-Weinstein began a career, blocked a number of clippers of the artist on YouTube.

However, the conflict did not prevent subsequently to establish former partners of relations. So, in 2020, Jigan with Timati recorded a clip for the song "Havchik", in which the young, but already extremely popular in the youth round of Tychtoker Dany Milochin.

7. Not rap one

I tried myself Jigan not only as a musician - rapper lit up on a movie screen, starring in the episode of the last film of the trilogy of Alexei Sidorov "Fight with the shadow" with Denis Nikiforov in the lead role.

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