The film "In the area of ​​special attention" (1978): Actors, fate, roles, then and now


On October 29, 1978, the film "In the special attention zone" directed by Andrei Malyukov was released on Soviet screens. The adventure fighter then turned the idea of ​​romance in blue berets, showing the audience the Armed Forces Center in Gayjuna, where the film was filmed.

In the storyline - two days from the life of paratroopers that perform the tasks set by manuals and circumstances. The antines of the film is complemented by blue bakers, which at the insistence of General Vasily Marghelov were left in the frame. And the "Land of paratroopers", which sounded in the credits, became an unofficial anthem of the Airborne Forces, giving way to popularity only "blue".

About actors who have performed key roles and their creative fate - in material 24cm.

Boris Galkin (1947)

Actor Boris Galkin during filming in the film and now

Viktor Tarasova, who, contrary to the orders, heads to the town of Rackets, played Boris Galkin. The role of Guard Lieutenant Regiment "Southern" brought the performer folk love. Later, the actor starred in continuing the film "Returning". And in zero in the filmography of the stars, a project dedicated to the Airborne Forces, "the landing strike" appeared again.

Now in the role of the actor not only images of people in bulk. In 2020, the Ironic Detective "Old Frames" is preparing for display, where the performer will play a retired investigator.

Mihai Volontir (1934-2015)

Full Mihai Volontir during filming in the film and in recent years

The prignist of an arbitrariness, who did not like the leadership of Tarasov, performed Mihai Volontir. In the filmography of the actor more than 30 roles. But the famous artist woke up after the premiere of the series "Gypsy" (1979), and remaining in the memory of fans by Foul.

In the late 90s, the performer was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, which gave complication to the eyes. After numerous operations, Mihai Ermolaevich Oplex and died on September 15, 2015 in the hospital G. Chisinau.

Sergey Volkosh (1951)

Actor Sergey Volkosh during filming in the film and now

Urban Egorova in the Tarasova group performed Sergey Volkosh. The film "In the area of ​​special attention" debut in the career of the actor. The start in the role of the saboteur was secured by the executor of the role of the military. Later in the creative biography of the artist there were images of the military in such iconic film projects, as "battalions are asking for fire" and "try to stay alive."

In 2000, the amplua of the generals were supposed by opposite characters of bandits. Among the notable works, you can allocate participation in the series "Streets of broken lamps" and "Gangster Petersburg". Now the actor is concentrated on theatrical works in St. Petersburg.

Anatoly Kuznetsov (1930-2014)

Actor Anatoly Kuznetsov during filming in the film and in recent years

Major Moroshkina, Chief of Counterintelligence "Northern", performed Anatoly Kuznetsov. The legendary "comrade Sukhov" created in a movie more than 200 roles, among which work in the projects "My friend, Kolka! ..", "Give a plaintive book", "at the corner, in the Patriarch."

Family life, as well as creative fate, the artist has developed successfully. In 2012, the artist diagnosed an oncological disease that began to treat chemotherapy. A medical error was later recognized, but health turned out to be undermined. Life Anatoly Borisovich broke off on March 7, 2014. The widow a year after the funeral admitted that the spouse left his life in his own will, thoroughly, he did not want to live with disabilities.

Vladimir Zamansky (1926)

Actor Vladimir Zamansky during filming in the film and now

In the role of the commander of the shelf "South" - Vladimir Zamansky. Among the works of the artist remembered the films "Two Captain", "the only one", "Eternal Calls".

In the late 90s, the actor left the worldly fuss and moved to the city of Murom, where he lives near the temple. Near Vladimir Petrovich, who in 2020 turned 94 years old, Natalia Klimov's spouse.

Alexander Pyatkov (1950)

Actor Alexander heels during filming in the film and now

Assistant Major Moroshkina performed Alexander heels. Actor with non-standard appearance played more than 150 roles. Personal life and creative fate have developed safely.

Now the actor gives musical concerts, filming the cinema, works in the theater. And Alexander Alexandrovich, created the Foundation "Ilya Muromets", who removes children's films and fairy tales.

Anatoly Vedenkin (1942-2005)

Actor Anatoly Vedotankin during filming in the film and in recent years

Invorank "Northern", which opposes the group of Tarasov, performed Anatoly Vedenkin. The film "In a special attention zone" brought the popularity of the actor of the second plan. Later there were noticeable work in the film "Tavern on Pyatnitskaya", "Garage", "Ancor, still Ankor!", Love in Russian. "

Last work in the movie dated 1999. After the artist had a stroke. And a month later he planned to return to the shooting, but the mother persuaded to make a heart surgery. Intervention has complicated infection and re-stroke. A talented performer could not recover. Anatoly Anatolyevich was not December 7, 2005.

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