TV series "Love in a non-working week" (2020): Release date, actors, roles, STS


A pandemic COVID-19, who fell on the world in the first half of 2020, not only became the cause for panic sentiment, but also gave rise to diverse jokes. The chance to wag the audience a coronavirus theme decided to take advantage of the director Leonid Margolin, who shot the series "Love in a non-working week", whose date was appointed on August 3 on August 3. On the plot of the humorous show, actors, their roles and related to the project entertaining facts - in the material 24cm.


Pandemic is not only a reason to stay at home, avoiding society of potential carriers of life-threatening and health infection. But the opportunity to understand the problems accumulated on the personal front, which sometimes do not give people to avoid cooling relations and save the family, is not one "wedding boat" split about the "reef of life."

So the main characters, whose stories tells from the position of humor the series "Love in the non-working week", to be in their free days from serving the usual labor service, days seriously deal with relationships with loved ones. And it turns out that terrible disease is able to somehow help save the family, to demonstrate their own advantages, or even determine how faithful was the solution to play a wedding with a long loved one.

Actors and roles

The following actors performed in the project:

  • Roman Popov - Igor, an entrepreneur who has long forgotten about the reasons forcing him to choose Irina's wife. Love, who has once been taking a man with a chosen, after 10 years of marriage barely tweet: a business requires a lot of strength, and the interest in his second half of Igor has long disappeared - the benefit has a replacement. But the sudden news about widespread self-insulation makes the hero to realize that now he will have to stay alone alone with his wife for a long time. Therefore, it is worth establishing contact.
  • Zoya Berber - Irina, a spouse Igor, a business woman, like her husband, paying more attention to worker troubles than the preservation of "Fire Family". Supports husband's proposal during self-insulation "to work" over mutual understanding. However, instead of conversations for souls between spouses, scandals flashed more often. Plus it becomes clear that Igor has someone on the side. However, in this regard, and the Irina itself is not at all an example for imitation.
  • Oleg Vereshchagin - Andrei, a young man who is preparing to the early wedding with his beloved Christina, the hands of which the hero sought from the 7th grade. The pandemic spread over the entire globe although it makes adjustments to the plans of the future of the newlywed, but it is not capable of making it to retreat. However, perhaps forced close communication with the bride will make Andrei abandon their matrimonial plans.
  • Elizabeth Sailor - Christina, Chosen by Andrei, followed by the last "ran" since the secondary school, seeking reciprocity. But, being with a potential spouse on self-insulation, the girl opens the groom from a negative side, forcing that thinking about the correctness of the choice of the second half. Yes, and the last past of Christina makes Andrei seriously strain.
  • Garik Petrosyan - Garik, young stand, happy in marriage with Sonya. The only threat to the pair turns out to be looking at the other self-insulation of the mother-in-law, which is confident: Garik is not a couple for her daughter. The hero will have to survive not one squall of attacks by the mother of his beloved to save the family.
  • Marusya Klimova - Sonya, wife Garika. Family idyll is under threat due to the visit of the mother of a girl who has their own idea of ​​the perfect husband for his beloved daughter. And although mom after a thorough study of the issue is ready to recognize the choice of Sony, made by a harmful relative to the life of a pair of breaking, will still have to be eliminated.

Also in the film was filmed: Sergey Abroskin, Andrei Moskvichov, Mikael Janibekyan, Ekaterina Vladimirov and Olga Khokhlova as a mother-in-law Garik.

Interesting Facts

1. The creators argue that although the series "Love is in a non-working week" and affects the subject of pandemic, it is based on interpersonal relations, which in conditions of forced self-insulation are gaining striking expressiveness. Especially - complicated by solving ordinary household difficulties.

2. The director of the show Leonid Margolin is known to televisers on the comedies "All about men" and "Women against Men: Crimean Vacations."

3. Even before the exit to the STS, many had the opportunity to watch the comedy project, because the original series "Love in the non-working week" was launched on the OKKO Internet service. The premiere in the online cinema took place on June 23, 2020.

The series "Love in a non-working week" - Trailer:

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