Henri Cartier Bresson - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Photographer



French photographer Henri Cartier Bresson is considered a classic in his business. Reportage and street pictures of the masters have become a benchmark for photojournalists around the world. The ability to catch the thread of life, capture the piercing moment and the breath of time was based on the fact that the artist did not recognize falsehood, wanting to show only a clean, unaccusted truth of life.

Childhood and youth

Henri was born in the family of industrialists who were engaged in the production of cotton threads. "Cartier Bresson" was then the famous trademark that delivered goods to various continents. The boy was born on August 22, 1908 and became the firstborn in the family of Marta Le Relurre and Andre Cartier Bresson, who later were born four more children.

The child showed artistic gifts from an early age. The uncle Louis was influenced by his worldview, following which the boy was engaged in painting and graphics. The man died during the First World War, but Hesry's advice retained in the heart forever. The initial classical education is a future photographer in a Catholic school, and the work studied in the teacher's studio and the artist Andre Lota. The father hoped that the son would graduate from the university and would enter a family business, but the young men had other plans.

The first photoers of Henri took another 12 years, removing the Brownie Kodak to her parents presented by the parents, but it was originally photographer did not plan. He diligently engaged in graphics, started dating in creative circles, communicated with the representatives of Bohemia and was interested in the advanced flows of art. In the youth, Cartier Bresson went to Africa, where he traveled, hunted and eventually picked up with malaria, which almost died.

Personal life

The man was first married in 1937. His chosen was the dancer Ratna Mojni, with which Cartier Bresson lived in marriage for 30 years. 3 years after the divorce, the Frenchman arranged a personal life with the Englishman Martin Frank, who was also a photographer. The new spouse gave birth to a 64-year-old husband of the daughter of Melanie.


Returning from Africa in 1932, Henri first looked at the photo as art and profession. Watching a snapshot of three African boys jumping in Lake Tanganyiki, Cartier Bresson survived the real admiration. He was struck by magic, subject to the camera, - capture the process of life, take a brief moment in his trap. Since then, the guy fell ill with the idea and, having bought a leica camera, became stressful to hunt for valuable personnel.

He caught moments that would combine tensions, immediacy and truth of life. The fixation of infinity in one frame is an overlattice that the photo artist put in front of him. Improving skill, Henri began to publish reports in French magazines. In the 1930s, Cartier Bresson becomes a famous photographer, whose works are placed in foreign exhibitions, in particular, in the 1935th, the French shots are exhibited in the New York Gallery Julien Levi.

However, a man does not stop in the photo and decides to master the professioner's profession. He removes and mounts a couple of politically colored movies, and then again with his head goes into a favorite business. At the beginning of World War II, the Frenchman enters the German captivity, where he spends 3 years. Only with the third attempted sowing to escape, lives in his homeland by fake documents.

In 1945, Cartier Bresson makes a series of piercing pictures devoted to the return of prisoners of war home. In parallel, a man works in a surrealistic genre, and in 1947, together with European colleagues, it is based on the photojournalist association "Magnum Photo", designed to popularize reportage shooting. The group stated the loudest ambitions - show modern life in different parts of the planet through the camera lens. Under the auspices of the Commonwealth Henri attends many countries, including India, Pakistan, Burma, China, Mexico, Japan, Cuba, the USSR, where the artist manage to capture the epochemical moments and create portraits similar to masterpieces.

The Frenchman shoots on the streets of Moscow and New York, Shanghai and Rome. The heroes of his portraits are nameless people and world celebrities Marilyn Monroe, Jean-Paul Sartre, William Falkner.


In the last years of life, the Master rarely took the camera, preferring to devote free time drawing. He lived surrounded by family and favorite cats, being a recognized classic of photo art, whose works are stored in the museum collections of the world. In addition, Cartier Bresson has dozens of books ("Dialogues", "Imaginary Reality", etc.), where he revealed the secret of his method - to be in the process of shooting "invisible" and wait for the "decisive moment", which comes at the peak of emotional tension .

Henri lived to 95 years and died at the age, when it was no longer reached for the cause of death, because inexorable time takes his own. The biography of the photochomodnik broke off on August 3, 2004 in Alpine Mongenusten.


  • 1944 - "Henri Matisse, drawing from nature of pigeons"
  • 1944 - "Portrait of Albert Cami"
  • 1945 - "Child, freed from the concentration camp, Dessau - Germany"
  • 1949 - "The last day of the distribution of gold Komitang. Shanghai - China »
  • 1951 - "Children playing Cowboys, Rome - Italy"
  • 1952 - "Rue Mouffetard Street, Paris"
  • 1954 - "Working plant ZIL in the USSR"
  • 1960 - Marilyn Monroe
  • 1961 - "Negroes are not allowed to the theater"
  • 1965 - "Ahmadabad - India"
  • 1972 - "Armenia. Guests in the village on Lake Sevan »

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