Nanny Vika (character) - photo, series, "My beautiful nanny", Anastasia Zavorotnyuk


Character History

Nanny Vika is the main heroine of the Russian comedy series "My beautiful nanny, broadcasting on the CTC television channel in 2004-2009. A charming uncertain girl made a cultural explosion in a millionaire family, not forgetting to steal his heart.

History of character creation

The television series who loved by Russian spectators is actually the film adaptation of the American Sitcoma 1993-1999. And only the last, the seventh season became original and demonstrated the life of Maxim Viktorovich and Victoria after the wedding.

The prototype of Vika in the American version was Fran Fine. The girl of Jewish nationality accidentally becomes a nanny in the house of the famous producer, brings up his three children, and after falling in his enviable bachelor.

At the role of the main heroine of the Russian series, such actresses were faced as Olga Rustle, Nonna Grishaeva, Amalia Mordvinova and Evelina Blonds. However, the ability to become the most charming nanny fell out Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. Her colleague Sergei Zhigunov commented on the choice of directories by the phrase: "Nastya is something extraordinary."

The comedy plot, sparkling quotes, the romantic line between the main characters, a difficult relationship with adolescents - all this had to taste to the Russian viewer. And if it was originally planned to squeeze 5 seasons, then due to high ratings, Sitkom prolonged to 7.

For 173 series, a rustic, but madly an attractive nurse managed to establish life in a millionaire family, as well as arrange a personal life. This picture cannot be compared with the history of Cinderella, although there are all signs of a fairy tale. But Vika acted as a savory, bringing family warmth and comfort to the fresh life of the producer.

This movie is difficult to highlight the main and secondary characters. An additional scene line between the butler Konstantin and the financial director of Jeanne Arkadevaya worried the viewers is no less than timid attempts to close Maxim Shatalin and Victoria.

These two throughout the painting were gladly released jokes. Zhanna specially humiliated butler, reminding a man about the social status of the servant. Constantine was witty shattered about the appearance and age of ambitious blonde. And I was still mocked on the attempts of Max's partner to take the place of lawful spouse.

Three children - Maria, Ksenia and Denis - loved by Vika and dream that Dad made a Nian offer. Such sudden attachment is explained by the fact that the girl found an approach to each of them, while a busy father preferred to solve adolescent problems from a psychotherapist.

The relationship between these heroes are comedy, although life puts quite serious tasks on their way. But with a slight hand of good and resourceful Victoria, everything falls into place.

Image and Biography Nannies Vicky

From the biography of the main character, it is known that she was born in Odessa. Up to 15 years lived in Mariupol, thanks to which the colorful Ukrainian language gained. After together with the family moved to Biryulyovo. Victoria loves to talk about his own adventures until the nanny entry. True, not losing hope of meeting a prince girl thoroughly hides. The formation of a hairdresser and study in a model school - this is the entire luggage of knowledge of this character.

Vika is a very bright, colorful personality. And it's not even in causing outfits, crazy heels and "battle" make-up. The manner of communicating the heroine is far from what is used to Maxim Shatalin and children. She does not hesitate to express emotions and says exactly what he thinks.

For such a frankness, the heroine instantly fell in love with the children of Max, while making the body of the blood enemy in the face of Jeanne. Financial director - assembled, exquisite woman who sleeps and sees how to witch widow. However, Victoria breaks into a measured life, making its own adjustments.

Before that, the girl worked in the wedding boutique, waiting for the wedding with his owner Anton. True, the man soon traded a dark-haired Odessa to another, and the former bride lost his job. In search of a new place, Vika spread cosmetics.

Spectator, one way or another, meets with all family members under the name Prukovsky. It turned out that they should not be counted, and the wiki is always kept about the stock of an instructive story based on the experience of a long-range relative. The regulators of the residence of the tental steel Mom and grandmother nanny.

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Victoria's mother, love Grigorievna, almost every day visits mansion with the good goal to spend a daughter. Although the true reason for the coming to visit is the treats of Constantine. The love of Grigorievna dreams that the daughter marry Max, so constantly climbs into the relationship of young people.

Baba Nadia suffers from sclerosis, believes that Vika is the wife of Shatalina. Surprised when granddaughter had time to give birth to three children whose names are not able to remember. Together with these characters, the life of the producer's family changed dramatically that he was not satisfied with Jeanne Arkadyevna and amusing Maxim Viktorovich.

Cherry on the cake becomes the best friend of Prukovsky - Galya Kopylov. Vika often invites her to visit, realizing that it looks profitable against the background of a not much clever girl.

In the descriptions of each series, one way or another, there is a romantic line. Maxim Viktorovich loved the new nanny from the first meeting. But after the death of the first wife, Olga, a man is afraid of a serious relationship. Nevertheless, as a true gentleman, puts signs of attention to the girl.

Victoria has such ways to show feelings of perplexity. The heroine herself is used to take active actions. Therefore, any attempts of Shatalina show interest regarding as "otkuk", not understanding the true poversion.

A rich producer demonstrates interest in its own way. For example, on the anniversary of the work of Nanny presents the Victoria ticket to the concert of the group "Tea together". Another time - an expensive bracelet with precious stones. Of course, the girl likes it. However, she herself dreams of macs to admit to love and made an offer.

And then Vika comes in female: the charter wait the first step from the man, uses a favorite reception - trying to call jealousy. Nanny appears the worsens that she, in essence, are not needed. Shatalin is nervous, but it is afraid to open his heart.

All attempts to destroy the wall between them turn the failure. So, for example, when the lovers went on a date, instead of the magical continuation of the evening of Vika, he spends the doctor all night due to allergies.

Of course, the viewers were expected by Happi-End. In the season 6, Maxim Viktorovich finally makes an offer to Vike. True, and here fate plays with the main characters. Hooligans attack a man and select a gorgeous wedding ring.

In the 7th season, the couple happily spends a honeymoon. At the end of the movie it becomes known that the Baby will soon have a child.

Interesting Facts

  • Father Vika, despite the constant presence in conversations, until the 7th season did not appear in the frame (the exception is the photo where the man can be seen from the back). The creators decided to show the audience of Senior Prutkovsky after the death of Lyubov Polishchuk.
  • Anastasia Zavorotnyuk for the role in the "My Beautiful Nana" received the "Teffi" award.
  • Actress, acting at the Moscow theater Oleg Tabakov, before filming the film worked for a long time over the speech. Ukrainian "Gucking" eventually turned out to be natural.


When you are 20, I will be 40. When you are 30, I will be 40. Well, and when you are 40, you will finally understand why I still have 40. In our house full of expensive dishes. I only interrupted bucks on a 300.De sho? Sho you look at me all? Sho did I do wrong again? Family for Prukovsky is holy.


  • 2004-2009 - "My beautiful nanny"

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