Stars who are attributed to pregnancy: Russian, Hollywood, 2020


Being the center of attention, celebrities are often faced with fake news about themselves: divorces and parting, reunion and weddings, insults and flattery. Fans also carefully look for hidden meanings in comments, photographs and publications, which clearly pour oils into the fire. In the selection of editorial board 24cmi - Russian and Hollywood stars, which are attributed to pregnancy.

1. Ksenia Sobchak

On July 27, 2020, directed by Konstantin Bogomolov again provoked a wave of rumors about the alleged pregnancy of his spouse. In the personal Instagram account, a man published a photo Ksenia Sobchak in a dress with a smell and strap, emphasizing the rounded belly. This is not the first time when the journalist attributes an interesting position: such news regularly appear in the media, but the pair prefers not to comment on such statements.

2. Olga Buzova

Stars who are attributed to pregnancy, sometimes give a reason, just appearing in the frame in Oversiz's clothes. So constantly happens with Olga Buzova. One wave of rumors David Manukyan and his beloved launched themselves, posing photo Olga with a comic rounded belly. Fans are experiencing that the performer still does not have a husband or children.

However, Olga recently dispelled all doubts, responding in an interview with "Central Television" to the question of what the future family she sees: "If at 35 I am not a face from your beloved man, then I think that I will take a child from the orphanage, adolescence or Let's adopt. "

3. Tatyana Bruhunova

Tatiana Bruukhunova's relations and Evgenia Petrosyan gave rise to many myths and guessing: fans of the fact and the matter are suspected by a humorist's assistant in marriage in terms of settlement, but more often in the media appears the news of the possible pregnancy of the Mguych's pregnancy. Suspicions of the birth of children crumbled, firstly, after the wedding in early 2019 (no information confirmed information), then - after rest in Dubai (sources argued that Tatiana was going to give birth in a private medical center). None nor the other was true, and the spouses refused to enter the question of clarity.

4. Margo Robbie

In 2016, the star of the film "Self-suicide" was married Tom Aerley, and since then in the media, headlines about possible pregnancy actress appear in the media. This is promoted by the reluctance of Margot Robbie comment on rumors, and insiders regularly do it for it. The Hollywood celebrity only announced: "I am insanely angry with these social norms, according to which I am married, then it is obliged to have a child. No need to impose anything. I will become a mom then when I see it myself. "

5. Alexandra Bortich

The sparkling humor and unusual style of clothing allowed Russian actress to get into the list of stars, which are attributed to pregnancy. On December 12, 2019, Alexander Bortich took part in the COMMENT OUT show, after which fans and the media congratulated the star "Holop" with the imminent birth of a child. Interest is heated and ambiguous publications of Alexandra in the personal Instagram account: Actress laid out only Selfie for a long time, and the photo in full growth in baggy clothes only strengthen the opinion of suspicious fans about the soon replenishment.

6. Jennifer Aniston

Despite the fact that the star of the series "Friends" in February 2020 turned 51 years old, fans still wait for Jennifer Aniston to become a mother. In the youth, the actress dreamed of a big and friendly family, but the troubles in his personal life made a woman with a sequence of the movement of Chayldfrey. But due to unsuccessful angles, Jennifer became a real record holder to "attribute pregnancy".

7. Rihanna

A talented performer admits that he loves to nurse with children, and therefore Folloviers are looking forward to confirmation of rumors about pregnancy. In the meantime, Rihanna has to refute the loud headers with candid photos in underwear, emphasizing unique shapes of the artist, in the personal Instagram account.

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