Mikhail Orlov - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, sailor



Mikhail Orlov from an early age was fond of the USSR culture, although it was born in the United States. He entered the story as a talented Soviet intelligence officer, who played an important role in the Russian-American conflict.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Orlov was born on January 30, 1957 in Hammond, USA. At birth, he received America's citizenship and the name Glenn Michael Sauter. After divorcing parents, the boy stayed with his mother, who brought up his son in the spirit of humanism, instilled his interest in literature.

Young Glenn quickly addicted to the verses of Vladimir Mayakovsky, and with age he discovered the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who changed his views on the world. The Sauter became interested in the ideas of equality, justice and collectivism, which dictated in the USSR.

After receiving the school education, the guy entered the university, but did not learn there for longer than six months. Being a passionate photo, Glenn came to the Academy of Military Photographers, and then was directed to the US fleet, which was based in the Mediterranean Sea.

Personal life

After the disclosure of information about the spyware of Orlov, American special services began to seek the reasons why the man moved to the Soviet of the USSR, looking for all the new information about the personal life of the major. Mikhail was married twice. During the service period at the US military fleet, his wife was Italian Patricia di Palma, who gave birth to a chosen chief. When an officer moved to Moscow, he played a wedding with a woman named Elena, who raised his daughter Alexander.

Military Career

Military career of the Souter began on the aircraft carrier "Nimets". At this time, the young man was more and more disappointed in the US policy, which denied the storage of nuclear weapons on the courts and often resorted to espionage towards the Union Countries. Because of this, in 1980, Glenn appealed to the Russian Embassy in Italy and asked for assistance in the design of the citizenship of the Soviet Union.

The profession of a young man interested in the representative of the KGB Boris Solomatina, who invited the Souther to conclude cooperation with the USSR. Under the terms of the contract, the military photographer could become the owner of the Soviet passport only in exchange for secret information produced at the place of service. To the surprise of Major General, the guy agreed to the transaction, but refused the monetary award, motivating this devotion to the ideals of the Soviet Union and the desire to serve for the benefit of his people. This case of ideological espionage is considered rare in the history of intelligence.

Then Glenn continued to serve in the American fleet and became the "sailor of the invisible front." He began to transfer the KGB photo of weapons, routes of movement of ships, the plans of the US military command. Soon the guy entered the university "Old Dominion" to get the rank of officer. In parallel, he processed the cosmic reconnaissance files by working on the Navy.

The young man enjoyed the confidence of American special services. Upon receipt of access to the secret documentation, he successfully passed a lie detector and did not cause suspicion of driving a double life. Souter got access to the materials of state importance, among which there was a list of USSR objects under the threat of a nuclear strike in the event of a conflict.

However, due to the detection among fleet officers, the whole group of spies Glenn attracted the attention of special services. During the year he was observed, the sailor was caused by ideological conversations, and then interrogations that were unsuccessful. Only when the threat of re-checking for a lie on the FBI protocols, the intelligence officer was rapidly sent to Moscow.

In the fall of 1986, a man received the USSR citizenship and the right to take a new name. So Glenn Souter became Mikhail Orlov and settled in the capital. He began to engage in science, worked on English learning program, supported communications with other employees of Soviet special services. For their merits, the spy received the title of Major KGB and the Order of Friendship.

During the period of life in the USSR, Mikhail began to lead an active public life. He was invited to an interview with radio and television, where the feat of the former US citizen was covered. In the life of Him, the film was filmed within the program "The camera looks into the world." And in 2019, 30 years after the death of Major, a documentary picture "Sailor of the Invisible Front" was removed.


The scout biography was cut on June 22, 1989, the cause of death was suicide. In his farewell letter, Mikhail wrote that it was pushed by fatigue and nervous overvoltage. He thanked his colleagues for cooperation and turned to his loved ones, asking them to take care of each other.

After the death of a man found his diary, where he recorded his impressions of Russia. Some events were saddown by Major, especially the restructuring, which he expressed negatively and wrote about the predominance of anxious mood.

Orlova buried in Moscow at the Kuntsevsky cemetery, the grave is located near the other Soviet spy of Kim Philby. The ceremony was attended by colleagues and the authorities of a man. According to the instruction of Mikhail, his buried in the form of a KGB officer.

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