Dimitri Pavlyuk - biography, personal life, photo, news, "last hero", "Instagram", former wife 2021



Dimitry Pavlyuk from an early age had to cope with difficulties, because he grew up in an incomplete family and was forced to take on male responsibilities. That is what eventually helped the guy to get to the show "The Last Hero" and become a favorite of the audience.

Childhood and youth

Dimitri Pavlyuk appeared on July 8, 1994 in Usinsk, on the sign of the zodiac - the twin. Mom gave birth to a boy at a young age (she was 16 years old) and she raised her son and her daughter without the support of their father. Male education Dima gave a grandfather, who from an early age I took a grandson with myself to hunt. Pavlyuk learned to navigate the forest area, gut the game and prepare field kitchen dishes.

Such a school of life hardly hardered a young man and prepared for the army. After returning from the service of Dimitri, I tried myself in different professions, worked at the real estate agency, in the delivery of food and in sales, but I could not stay anywhere for a long time.

Soon the guy moved to the village of Arkhangelsk, not far from Old Oskol. There he settled the milk, but he took part-time loader and a handyman. Lucion to the city, worked as a installer.

Personal life

At the age of 22, Pavlyuk became his father - his beloved Larisa gave birth to Daughter Sofia. Soon the couple got married, and for some time Dima published in the social networks of humane family photos, in the signatures to which he confessed in love for his wife and child.

In 2019, in the family there was a disorder: Laris became aware of the treason of Dimitria. After that, the spouse decided to leave the chosen one, and he tried to return it for a long time, devoting poems on the page in Vkontakte. Desperate to reconcile with the ex-wife, the man came to the casting of the famous TV show.

After participating in the project "Last Hero", Pavlyuk's personal life began to improve. The guy drew attention to the social network on one girl who left the likes of his like. Getting acquainted, which turned into a novel. Maria, originally from Ryazan, invited Dimitria to live together.

Beauty turned out to be a school teacher. Relationships continued until Mary is tired of the lifestyle of its chosen one. Dimitri began to abuse alcohol, siping hot drinks live on its Youtyub-channel "Dima Farmer".

Show "Last Hero"

At the beginning of 2020, the 2nd season of the program "The last hero was started on TV-3 TV channel. Spectators against the stars. " As part of the project, famous people fight for victory against immigrants from a simple people, including Pavlyuk.

In an interview with the editorial office, Dima shared the details of his biography and stated that he intends to win, because it moves strong motivation. He wants to buy his own home, which will be inherited for his beloved daughter.

Already in the 1st issue of sports physique, the guy (height - 175 cm, weight - 75 kg) was knocked out into the favorites of the viewers. Pavlyuk conquered the public with Harisma and endurance, the ability to find a way out of difficult situations. According to Dimitria, at the very beginning, he was seriously thinking over the departure, because it was difficult to get used to the atmosphere, where everything against a friend, but then tuned to the struggle.

In the subsequent ether, Dima repeatedly argued that it was not in vain received the support of the audience, because he demonstrated the courage and became the winner of the competition. The participant also honored immunity from the leading Yana Trojanova, which he had only positive impressions.

In the 5th issue, it was sent to the island to the stars in order to help the rival team. There he managed to acquire an ally in the face of Raper Ptakhi, who said he sees Pavlyuk the winner. But Yevgeny Papunaishvili Dimitri called hypocritical and weak.

In addition, Dima was caught in a romantic interest in actress Natalia Bardo. Other participants warmed rumors about their novel, telling that they have long noticed the sympathy between them. Natalia Hapuguina stated that the star wants to take advantage of the naivety of the village guy and with his help to come to victory.

In the 9th issue, after success in the contest, Dimitri invited Natalia to Spa. However, during the procedures, the participant felt uncomfortable, because he was not used to the massage of foreign people. Continue communication with Bardo also failed, because after another vote she left.

The guy reached the final, where Igor Zhuk and Nadezhda Angarsk were turned out to be His opponents. Nevertheless, Diard Dima had to leave the project on the results of the voting of the retired participants of the combined tribe of heroes. The winner of the show was determined by the participant of the "Comedy Woman". It was her who got the main prize of the program - the apartment in Moscow.

After the show, Dima continued to work with a loader, but his life changed: he became a star on the Internet. The number of subscribers in social networks increased with each release of the "last hero", and on the street the participant began to learn. To stay in touch with fans, now Pavlyuk regularly updates the pages in VKontakte and in "Instagram", where publishes photos and talks about news. He conducts live ether, which shares their impressions of participation in the show and about life after the project.

Dimitri Pavlyuk now

In September 2020, a set in the 9th season of an extreme television show was announced. This time he got the name "The last hero. Champions against newcomers. " Pavlyuk also sent his profile to producers of the project and again fell into the participants. Among the champions, in addition to Dimitri, Sergey Odintsov, Nadezhda Angarskaya, Elena Perov and others were noted. The newcomer tribe was formed from the applicants selected on the casting held in VKontakte. In January 2021 in Africa, in the archipelago of Zanzibar, the shooting began.

According to Pavlyuk, he again decided to participate in the "last hero" to get a new portion of adrenaline. The guy still supports the sports form, is pressed 60-70 times from the floor, which does not interfere with the extra kilograms. According to Dutyra, he passed the course of a special fat-band program to lose weight, but received the opposite effect.

Dimitri in the first days of filming was injured: during the hunting on maritime heroes, he was drilled by a long needle of one of them. Diare immediately felt bad, had to cause physicians to provide emergency care.

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