Mildred Pierce (character) - photo, film, actress, series, quotes, kate winslet, interesting facts


Character History

Mildred Pierce - the character of the novel of the American writer James Kane, as well as the two subsequent shields. A sample for imitation is a courageous woman who managed to achieve career heights exclusively thanks to the inner rod and an inflexible will.

History of character creation

James Kane along with such authors, as Dashil Hammet and Raymond Chandler, became famous for the creation of black detectives. A distinctive feature of Kane was the use of a fatal woman in the novels. More often in his books of the 30-40s, everything happens on the same type of scenario: a man meets the beauty that involves him in a crime, and then throws.

The last work of the writer in this genre is Mildred Pierce 1941. Subsequently, the screens came out two shields of the novel - in 1945 and 2011, the root differ from each other.

The story of the untrained life circumstances is impossible to be called real. However, Mildred has a prototype.

James Kane was distinguished by women's fellowship, which is difficult not to notice on the same type of plots. But acquaintance with one woman greatly influenced the views of the author. Her name is Kate Cummings. She, alone, who has elapsed daughter, did not regret the future of the child forces and money. And the result was worth - the girl grew, becoming a great actress, and even awarded the Order of the British Empire.

The heroine of the novel also raises two children, and in the times of the great economic crisis. The author combined several genres in one product - actually noir, for whom patriarchal installations, and a melodrama demonstrating an oppressed feminine state.

Image and biography Mildred Pier

The novel is a description of the times of the Great Depression. Mildred is a middle class housewife, raising daughters with her husband Berth. When the spouse loses its work, and after the intrigue starts, a woman understands that now she will have to count on himself.

It divorces and gets to work as a waitress. This sharply rises her older daughter Veda. Ambisci-a teenage girl, therefore, expresses his mother dissatisfaction with such a humiliating position. A woman seeking to provide children is ready for any work. Moreover, it is additionally baked pies to cover costs.

Experience in the urchopuit allows it to further implement a dream - Pierce can do business in this area. The skills obtained in the work of the waitress, talent in cooking and the desperate desire to get out of poverty - all this contributes to what things go to the mountain.

Veda enjoys financial successes, but its requests are only increasing. At this time, the family happens in misfortune - the youngest daughter of Ray Pierce from Pneumonia dies. For Vedas, this tragedy becomes fertile soil for even greater speculation by maternal feelings.

But not only Mildred becomes the facility of "profit" for the girl. Veda blackmailed false pregnancy for the former lover and his rich family, requiring an abortion a fabulous amount. When Pierce finds out about it, he drives his daughter from home.

Later, the owner of three restaurants is trying to return to the family. For this, it uses the former lover, Monty Beragon, more precisely, his social status. New marriage gives her a name, but does not bring happiness. And only leads to the fact that the woman is forced to spend all the big money on the generous lifestyle of the Vedas.

Pierces understands that the chance to get out of the debt pits will appear only on the condition that the daughter will reduce appetites. But an attempt to talk to the Singer, dreaming about the career of the singer, turns into another blow for the main character. She finds a girl in his own husband's bed. Monti reproaches the pier in the fact that it used it for reconciliation with his daughter, thereby justifying the connection with the stepdaughter.

Mildred does not stand up to the upheaval and put on the lead, trying to strangle. As a result, the daughter loses his voice, because of what is forced to stop singing. A woman after the terrifying truth is revealed for a divorce and moves to Reno, Nevada.

There it finds a former husband Bert. Mildred leaves a business and marries him again. In the meantime, the Veda wonderfully acquires a voice (later it becomes clear that the temporary loss of him was a reason to break the current contract) and marries the stepfather.

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History Mildred demonstrates an indicative violation of the patriarchal system. When her husband Bert lost his job, the woman immediately crossed out a man from life. Despite the courting of the business companion Walle Fai, Pierce strives for independence. In these actions, the character of the heroine is brightly traced. It is hardworking, selfless and energetic.

However, it was worth it only to retreat from this model and go with Monty Beragon, how the black stripe came - the youngest daughter Ray died, thereby freeing the place of the pedestal of maternal adoration for Vedas.

Thoughtful analysis of the personality and biography of the heroine shows that Mildred seems to delegate the vices of the eldest daughter. Those "joy" of life in which she is forced to refuse themselves. And the violation of the very patriarchal order, one way or another, punishes the former housewife.

Mildred Pier in films

4 years after the release of the novel comes out the film with Joan Crawford in the lead role. The film director - Michael Curtis took the story of a 30-year-old woman as a basis, adding one interesting fact to the story - murder.

As a result, it turned out a gloomy detective, in which the narrative is conducted from the first person. Mildred, sitting at the police station, recalls the events of the past years, which led to the fact that her second husband Monty was found killed. The film with delight adopted the public, and the actress, who played the main role, became the owner of Oscar.

In 2011, Remake came out - a series consisting of 5 episodes. If in the screening of 1945, the larger emphasis was made on a detective component, then the work of Todd Haynes revealed other questions of the novel.

Collisses in the painting are household, however, as the main riddles. However, for 5 series of relationships between characters turn into a detective game. Heroes have time to trust, deceive and reconcile, stupid hoping that people change.

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Despite the absence of any surprises, Todd Haynes's dramaturgy was embodied in a favorite reception - repetition. The film has signs of melodrama, but also this is the story of great success. Under the end of the 5-hour cellpeople, the voltage increases so much that the need to include murder in the plot is simply not.

Kate Winslet solorates in the picture while she is not started by Evan Rachel Wood as Vedas. And then the grazing daughter destroys the rival in all articles. Todd Haynes's film is about this - about the drama in the relationship between mother and daughter, which is invariably under hand with betrayal, envy and full collapse of hopes.

Interesting Facts

  • The difference in the age between the actresses, which played the mother and daughter - 12 years.
  • At the request of Haynes, Kate Winslet was filmed in every movie scene. According to the actress, this project has become the same heavy as "Titanic" for her.
  • Advertising Slogan Pictures of 1945 became a successful commercial quote. So, in the snack bar, Los Angeles wrote: "For 65 cents we will not only give you a blue plate with the inscription - we will tell you what Mildred Pierm did."


How will I come home and look into the eyes of children? They will know that I work for the tips all day, I remove the other plates, I wipe the crumbs, serving. How much does he pay for these pies? Quarter? If he is at least something pays for them, I am ready to make cakes with a nail program. I'll get that you will have everything, Veda!


  • 1941 - Mildred Pierce


  • 1945 - Mildred Pierce
  • 2011 - Mildred Pierce

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