Stars who are afraid of clowns: Russian, Hollywood, 2020, Reason, Phobia


There are about 300 phobias in the world, and one of them is a fear of clowns (coolerofobia). The roots of such an irrational fear lie in psychotraumatic experience in children's or adolescence, although the victims themselves may not even remember that unpleasant experience. Do not become an exception and celebrity, the spectrum of fear of which is great: from tripophobia to fear of time.

Stars who are afraid of clowns - in the editorial material 24cm.

1. Robert Pattinson

The cause of the fear of clowns of the British actor Robert Pattinson lies in a terrible tragedy, the eyewitness of which he became in childhood. On the eyes of the future star, the Twilight series during the first trip to the circus burned clown alive in the car. Since then, Robert is afraid of everything related to this type of leisure. However, fate presented him: In 2011, the film "Water Elephants!" Took place, the plot of which unfolds around the circus actors.

2. Sean Combs (Puff Daddy)

Coleroofobia was attributed to the American artist: "Veteran" of the Rap-Industry (in November 2020, Shona Combs will be 51 years old) in 2018 visited Ellen Degensheres. During the dialogue, the Rapper explained that the Edition The Guardian attributes to him the fear of deserted Circus workers, because "there is still a bunch of other things that I should be afraid, so the clown does not scare me." However, all doubts were dispelled when a person suddenly jumped out of the box in a Penniveza costume: the face of Sean Combs was perplexed, and the fear of Puff Daddy began to dance.

3. Sarah Paulson

Sean Combs became not the first "victim" of the cunning draws Ellen Degensheres: before that, at a party, Hollywood Comedan was actress Sarah Poleson, who replenished the list of stars who fear clowns. Ellie, Sarah's heroine in the "American Horror History", suffers from tripophobia, coolerofobia, claustrophobia and hemophobia. Following the logic of the series, Ellen Degensheres frightened Sarah three times, why the actress hid in horror under the table, saying that he was afraid of everything in the world.

4. Johnny Depp

The Hollywood actor admitted that he did not remember the reason for whom clowns and mimes were afraid, but found a logical explanation for his fear during a press conference dedicated to the premiere of Tim Berton's "Sleepy Hollow" film. Then Johnny Depp noted: "It seems to me that under the mask clown always hide darkness and evil." Fighting with a phobia Actor solved a unique way: collecting wigs and overhead noses of ambiguous circus workers. In addition, a man acquired a portrait of John Wayne Gais's serial killer, who wrapped in a clown costume.

5. Daniel Radcliffe

The performer of the legendary role of Harry Potter, oddly enough, the crowds and clowns are afraid. Its last terrifying that because of the grima it is impossible to guess what actions a person will make.

6. James McEvoy

In 2017, the director Andy Mussettatti provoked a new wave of people suffering from Colerofobia, having released a horror film called "It". Stars who are afraid of clowns are not always found with fear of childhood: it happened with James McEem. On the set of the second part of the screening of the novel of Stephen King of the same name, the actor avoided meetings with Bill Scarsgard in Grima Penniveza, as he experienced an irrational phobia.

7. Nikolay Valuev

Russian politics and former professional boxer, unlike McEvoy, was lucky: Nikolai Valuev never watched "it" and does not even imagine the image of Penniveza. On the question of fear, the man replied simply: "I fear clowns in life, but not cinema and not circus."

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