Series "Nagiyev on quarantine" (2020): Release date, actors, roles, STS


Selfolation is not only necessary to ensure the health of residents of the country. There is a quarantine event and comedy potential. In any case, it saw the director Sari Andreasyan director Sari Andreasyan in the Covid-19 chaos, who offered the audience a new series "Nagiyev on Quarantine", whose release of the CTC fell on August 10, 2020. On the plot of the show, actors and their roles, as well as on the entertaining facts associated with the project, in the material 24cm.


The irrepressible, affecting the imagination of energy and amazing performance, memorable appearance and twisting in all directions of charisma - exactly such a thing and love Dmitry Nagiyev millions of fans. The whole life of the famous artist is the endless running from one point to another, the continuous movement between the film versions, TV shows, all sorts of shows and advertisements. But you can't forget about the radio.

The star is accustomed to tense schedule and mad rhythm. And it is of interest that it will be if, by the will of insurmountable circumstances, all this non-stop bustle suddenly stops, leaving the famous artist alone with himself in conditions of forced self-insulation. This is what can happen in the life of a charming actor and a TV presenter in a similar case, and leads to the audience the series "Nagiyev on Quarantine".

Actors and roles

The main roles in the series performed the following actors:

Dmitry Nagiyev - Dmitry Nagiyev, the main character, a famous film acter and a TV presenter who is accustomed to work without rest for the sake of their goals. However, in one not too wonderful moment, the showman becomes obvious that the situation with the distribution of the already most of the globe in advance began to concern him.

Forced self-insulation, which is accomplished to be accustomed to the popularity and constant workload of the artist, causes the latter for the time to "measure". I look at my life in a new way, Dmitry understands that quarantine is an excellent chance to go to himself, and perhaps and establish relationships with others. It is worth only to cope with lubricating suddenly loneliness.

Nina Gogaeva is a capricious spouse of the main character who recently returned from Italy. I barely arrived from abroad and remaining in the context of widespread self-insulation alone with my spouse, immediately begins to bother him, facing expensive gifts. Nagiyev's decision appears instantly: in order to be a couple of weeks in silence and privacy, just one call to the hospital is enough, and the annoying talented 14 days will spend in the infectious compartment on quarantine.

Also in the series they starred: Alexey Karcushko, Grigory Sharikov, Igor Kim and Bakhtiyar Tashbulatov as Bahi.

Interesting Facts

1. The series "Nagiyev on quarantine" is not the first project in which Dmitry has to play himself. With such a necessity, the actor has already come across the set of the show "Kitchen". The artist himself notes that the image created by it on the screen is also not deprived of the characteristic features inherent in the prototype performer, and both negative and positive, but it still remains a parody of him with the grotesque eaten minuses.

According to the artist, such an image makes it more interested in the viewer, give the latter to enjoy the illusion generated by the Movie magic.

2. Before entering the CTC channel, the draft director Sarik Andreasyan, a familiar to the domestic viewer on the films "Service Roman. Our time, "" Man with a guarantee "and" Defenders ", managed to conquer the Internet. The premiere of the series in the online cinema OKKO took place on April 30, 2020. And to May the show broke into the leaders in viewing on the Internet playground.

3. By creating the series "Nagiyev on a quarantine", the film crew distinguished himself as striking "rapid fiction" - starting working on a project in the 20th of April, the filmmakers were ready to submit to the first series of shows at the Stringing Service OKKO.

The series "Nagiyev on quarantine" - Trailer:

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