Alexander Adabashyan: 2020, Biography, Personal Life, Filmography, In Youth, Women


Non-free acting ability he had a chance to demonstrate in a school drama, but the path of the artist did not seem attractive. It from the young age pulled to drawing, but the true calling, in which he managed to implement the artistic talent at the same time, became a movie. On August 10, 2020, the 75th anniversary of the Writer, the film industry and the director Alexander Adabashyan noted. On the curious details of the personal life and the creative biography of celebrities - in the material 24cmi.

1. Nuances of upbringing

Although, by nationality, Alexander Adabashyan Armenian, his native language does not know - parents since childhood brought up the Son exclusively in the spirit of Russian culture, without focusing on the ethnic aspect, as often happens in the families of representatives of certain diasporas.

2. "Shot!"

Because of the tricks of Adabashyan, parents often caused school. As a rule, a mother came, but sometimes "jerked" and the Father - the Big Chief in the Ministry of Mounting and Special Construction Works of the USSR.

So, after another call, Artem Karpovich is forced to "rounded" an important meeting. A harassment of an educational institution, found out that the reason for the "invitation" was a comic brand on mop. Then the head of the ministerial head proposed the director of the school to choose what to do: send young Sasha to the colony or immediately shoot in the courtyard - anything, if only it was no longer forced to appear on such minor reasons.

3. In pursuit of cartoon

The first success as an artist came to Adabashian in his youth. Thanks to stunningly expressive caricatures on school teachers. Moreover, the heroes of these humorous sketches themselves declared the works of the young talent of a real hunt - wanted to get creation and leave them for memory.

4. An old acquaintance

Nikita Mikhalkov, with whom Adabashian drove friendship since childhood, was the only one in their company who already at the age of 14 knew what she wanted, - to shoot a movie. But the young Sasha itself in those years with a future career was not decided - he wanted to become a car trap, he dreamed of trying himself as a clown.

Subsequently, it is thanks to cooperation with Mikhalkov, Adabashian will understand that his life path is firmly connected with cinema. And often in the pictures of the famous director, starting with "his among others, someone else's among their" to "Burnt by the Sun 2: the upcoming" and others, Alexander Adabasyan was present not only as an artist-director or a screenwriter, but also appeared in episodic roles.

5. Behind the console

The first in the primal filmography of the picture, which Alexander Adabashyan removed as a director, became the Mado, to demand melodrama, before the French cinematographers had already worked with the scenarios of the Russian filmmature. With this film, by the way, a funny story is connected, which the creator himself, if you believe the interview, considers the adventure rather.

The scenario for the novel Simon Ares "Mado", written by Adabashian at the request of the French, turned out to be unlike the original work. But Alexander convinced customers in justifying such a vision of the picture. The French waved their hand and offered the screenwriter for the film itself and remove. The prize of the Youth Jury of the International Film Festival in Ravenna and the nomination for the "Cesar" premium showed that the choice was true.

Alexander Adabashyan

6. "Oatmeal, sir!"

Playing in the film "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Dog Baskerville," Adabashyan, who performed the role of the butler Barrimor, and Screen Watson - Vitaly Solomin - could not refuse pranks. So, in the plate of the artist, the Polar Butler invariably "imposed" exactly one "slap" of oatmeal, while reading the inscription left by the actor on a lying nearby: "Barrymore - Fool."

Solomin with the Adabashian was turned out to be rotated, as it should be real English gentlemen in their classical representation - with an invariably stone face.

7. Tragedy and happiness

With the first wife, the filmmaker met for his friend - Pavel Lebeshev. Actually, the selection of the operator Marina was the elected elected Adabashian. The spouse died in three years from blood infection.

The second wife became Ekaterina Shadrin. This marriage was referred to the fast final - too did not fit two people to each other, too sudden to be a sentence. But with his wife Alexander Adabashyan and in 2020 lives together. Catherine gave her husband two children - daughters Alexander and Catherine.

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